Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 822

Looking at Liu Zhengqing in the bottom of nearly exhausted hiss, Li Feng smiles.

I have to say that Liu Zhengqing's acting skills are very online, and Huang Xin's acting skills are also good. If you have the same name with Li Feng, I'm afraid you really have to believe that your gambling is booming.

However, Li Feng knows that Huang Xin and Liu Zhengqing are acting together, and he Guan is also a part of the credit.

On the last card, if Liu Zhengqing didn't give up, Li Feng would get four A's and the second four Q's. who's lucky enough to win four in a row?

So Liu Zhengqing's purpose is very clear, is to play a first suppression and then Yang, arouse Li Feng's gambling nature, and then pit Li Feng a big one!

If Li Feng is right, as long as he agrees to bet with Liu Zhengqing again, his blind bet and bottom bet will be greatly improved. After that, Li Feng will get a good card, and Liu Zhengqing's card on the surface will be smaller than that of Li Feng.

When turning over the cards, Li Feng will find that the real winner is Liu Zhengqing.

"Why don't you talk? Are you afraid?"

See Li Feng smile language, Liu Zhengqing heart is a tight.

Nima, in order to catch Li Feng, he spent 1.6 million pounds before and after. If Li Feng stops, he will lose a lot!

"Liu Shao, it doesn't matter. He is the most useless man in Chinatown. He must be scared when you want to play big."

Zhu Sisi is worthy of being able to get along with Liu Zhengqing for a month without breaking up. Seeing Li Feng's hesitation, she quickly sent an auxiliary attack.

"You'll be sorry for what you said, Judith."

Li Feng took a look at Zhu Sisi and scoffed.

"It's as if you won." She couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengqing knew that there was a door, but on the surface he didn't care to wave his hand: "OK, you can bet if you want to bet, or you can go away if you don't want to bet. 1.3 million pounds is nothing to me, it's just like sending a beggar."

"Gambling, who said I didn't gamble?" Li Feng laughed a few times, sat back to the gambling table, playing with the chips and asked, "say, how big do you want to bet?"

Liu Zhengqing was ecstatic, but he pretended to be hesitant and said, "my card only has 20 million pounds..."

Li Feng hit the table: "then start with 20 million yuan!"

Huang Xin:


It's not What kind of thing starts with 20 million pounds. What Liu Zhengqing said clearly is that the card only has 20 million pounds!

Even Liu Zhengqing was stunned. The reason why he said that the card was only 20 million pounds was for fear of scaring Li Feng.

But now he found that he underestimated Li Feng's pride. He should have said more if he had known that.

At this time, Li Feng said: "blind bet one person 20 million, bottom bet 1 million, do you dare to bet?"

As soon as this was said, all the people on the scene took a breath of air-conditioning, and even the gamblers on the other tables stopped their movements and all looked at this side.

Nima, a blind bet of 20 million per person, the bottom pool is 40 million. There has never been such a big bet in this casino!

"Hoo" Liu Zhengqing vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and asked, "Li Feng, are you sure you want to bet so much?"

Originally he wanted to pit Li Feng 20 million pounds on the line, did not think Li Feng want more than 20 million, then don't blame him for his ruthlessness!

"Sure." Li Feng nodded, of course, said: "I bet so good tonight, you are willing to be the big head of injustice, I do not take advantage of the opportunity to earn more, is not the brain water?"

"Shit, you're a big loser. Wait. I'll see how you cry later."

Liu Zhengqing secretly scolded, then clapped his hands and said, "OK, it's a deal! But you don't have that much money. "

"Isn't that easy?" Li Feng amused a smile, red letter tick finger: "boss Huang, lend me 30 million chips, wait for me to win Liu Zhengqing, immediately return you."

Huang Xin's eyes flashed, but he didn't talk nonsense. He immediately asked people to write an IOU and send it to Li Feng.

Li Feng took a look, found that the interest has become a three-thirds monthly interest, not from doubt: "boss Huang, this interest is not right?"

"Cough." Huang Xin gave a dry cough and said with a smile, "Li Shao, you have borrowed too much money, so the interest rate should also be increased a little. Besides, you are likely to win this game. If you win, you can return the chips to me immediately, and there will be no interest. "

After hearing this, Liu Zhengqing was in a hurry. What if Li Feng was frightened? His 1.6 million pounds was not lost!

But at this time, Li Feng said with a smile: "although you are a rude man, you still have a good reason to speak. OK, I'll sign it!"

Huang Xin almost couldn't help swearing!

Shit, who's so rude? You're the boor. Your whole family is a jerk. I'm a high school diploma anyway!

However, Li Feng is now a big fat sheep. It's better not to fall out with him at this time.On the other hand, Liu Zhengqing borrowed 10 million chips from Huang Xin after swiping his card, and also signed an IOU with a monthly interest rate of 3%.

After that, a staff member gave each of them 30 million chips.

The two pushed their 20 million chips forward, and the table was full of chips.

Then the Dutch officer began to deal cards.

Li Feng got a heart a, Liu Zhengqing got a spade J.

Then Dutch officials began to issue public cards, Li Feng got a spade, Liu Zhengqing got spade 9.

"I speak above me." Li Feng complacent smile, put forward to a pile of chips: "2 million."

Liu Zhengqing's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'm with you!"

As a result, the chips in the bottom pool reached 44 million.

Next, Dutch officials continue to deal, Li Feng got a square a, Liu Zhengqing got a spade K.

Seeing this scene, people watching the war around can't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Lying trough, a pair of a, he won't catch four more?"

"Spade 9, spade K, same flower? That's not as big as four. Liu Shao is going to lose. "

"I'm still older." Li Feng was proud of a smile, and launched a pile of chips: "2 million!"

Liu Zhengqing's face was even worse: "I'll follow you again!"

He also pushed forward a pile of chips.

The chips in the bottom pool reached 48 million!

At this time, Li Liufeng got three cards, and he got one.

"Ha ha, this is my age!" Liu Zhengqing smiles triumphantly and pushes the chip forward: "2 million!"

"Well, I have a pair of aces, but you are a bunch of loose cards, afraid of you?" Li Feng sneered and pushed all the chips in front of him: "Soha!"

There was a sudden silence in the field!

Then there was a breath of cold air.

"Liu Shao is not fake, but this set of cards is likely to be the same flower."

"Li Feng really thinks that he is a bit arrogant because he gambles heavily."

Everyone with a clear eye can see that the situation on the stage is not a sure win for Li Feng. For a moment, people shake their heads and sigh, and there are still some sarcasm and pity in Li Feng's eyes.

Liu Zhengqing did not expect that Li summit would be held at this time, and then he was ecstatic.

Li Feng's Soha is a sure thing. When the cards are opened, all the 30 million pounds in front of Li Feng will be his!

"Well, I'll talk to you, Soha!" Liu Zhengqing suppressed his ecstasy and pushed all the chips in front of him.

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