Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 821

After hearing Huang Xin's words, Li Feng laughed: "I don't know if boss Huang's profit is daily interest, monthly interest or annual interest?"

One cent profit doesn't sound like much, but Huang Xin didn't say whether it refers to daily interest, monthly interest or annual interest.

If it is monthly interest rate or even annual interest rate, the interest rate is not high or even very low, but if it is daily interest rate, it will be terrible.

A fraction of the daily interest rate is equivalent to 360% of the annual interest rate! Borrow 1 million, pay back 4.6 million in a year!

Huang Xin didn't expect Li summit to ask this question. He was a little surprised for a moment: "of course, it's monthly interest."

"Oh, that's acceptable." Li Feng nodded and said: "OK, I'll borrow one million yuan from boss Huang."

Huang Xin's eyes flashed, and said to his subordinates, "come, take the note."

Soon a little brother took a note, and Huang Xin took it and handed it to Li Feng.

Li Feng took it to have a look, and immediately frowned slightly: "boss Huang, isn't it a million yuan? How does it say that it's 1.12 million yuan, isn't it?"

"Yes, why not? When we borrow money, we usually deduct the interest first. If the principal is 1 million yuan, if calculated according to one cent of interest, the annual interest is 120000 yuan, which adds up to 1.12 million yuan." Huang Xin said with a smile.

"But I didn't want to keep it for so long." Li Feng frowned slightly and said in a cold voice, "I just borrow the principal. After winning, I will immediately return it to boss Huang."

On hearing this, Liu Zhengqing was angry: "shit, you mean to win me tonight, right?"

"Otherwise?" Li Feng sneered at him and said with a sneer, "you are my ATM. I want to win as much as I want from you."

"Shit, I think I'm going to win, don't you?" Liu Zhengqing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "boss Huang, change it to one million yuan. I'd like to see if he can win me tonight!"

Huang Xin frowned slightly and said with a painful face: "well, since Liu Shao has spoken, I must give this face to Liu Shao!"

Voice landing, Huang Xin asked his younger brother to open a new IOU and handed it to Li Feng.

Li Feng took the note and looked at it for a while. After confirming that there was no problem, he signed his name in accordance with the handwriting of the brother with the same name.

Then they sat down at the table with a million pounds each.

"Blind injection of 100000, bottom injection of 50000, the amount must be a multiple of the bottom injection, how about?" Liu Zhengqing played with the chips and sneered.

Li Feng can not hesitate at all

After the speech, Li Feng first threw 100000 chips into the bottom pool. His movements were natural and unrestrained, and his expression was domineering.

Liu Zhengqing uttered a cold hum and threw 100000 chips in the same way.

Dutch officer in place, two people check the playing cards, the game begins.

The rules of the game of Soha are simpler than that of Texas poker. The Dutch officer first gives a card to each player who participates in the game. After the second card is distributed, the bet amount is determined by the one with the better face, and others choose to "follow" or "raise".

When the five cards are distributed, the player opens all the cards to compare and the winner takes all.

As for the rules of the size of the card, that is, flush > four > Red > same flower > shunzi > three > two pairs > single pair > loose card.

Soon, Li Feng got the first card, he turned up and found it was a spade a, and then he used the perspective to see Liu Zhengqing's bottom card - heart 10.

Soon, the Dutch official began to issue the second card, Li Feng's heart a, Liu Zhengqing's spade 7, this moment, Liu Zhengqing's face became a little ugly.

"200000." Li Feng is big. Speak first.

"Follow." Liu Zhengqing bit his teeth and threw 200000 chips.

As a result, the chips in the bottom pool have reached 600000 pounds.

Next Dutch officer continues to deal cards, Li Feng and get a diamond a, and Liu Zhengqing's square piece 6.

"Shit, what a bad card!" Liu Zhengqing angrily scolded and threw the card: "abandoned!"

Li Feng laughs: "this is called gambling boom!"

Voice landing, Li Feng will bottom pool of chips all rowed in front of himself.

In less than a minute, Li Feng won 300000 pounds from Liu Zhengqing!

"Shit, don't be too arrogant, the game has just begun!" Liu Zhengqing flashed a cold light in his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, I'm just beginning to win your money." Li Feng shrugged and threw 100000 chips into the pool.

"Deal the cards!" Liu Zhengqing threw 100000 chips into the bottom pool and yelled in a low voice.

The Dutch official dealt again. This time, Liu Zhengqing got the bottom card first, which was a square K, while Li Feng got a heart Q.

Li Feng frowned slightly and whispered to himself, "eh? Is it time to turn defeat into victory? Is Liu Zhengqing's handwriting too small? "

Next, Dutch officials began to issue the second card, Liu Zhengqing got plum 8, and Li Feng got square Q.

"Ha ha, I'm bigger than myself." Li Feng complacent smile, directly pushed the chips in front of him: "Soha!""Hiss!"

The gamblers watching the battle around were scared by Li Feng's behavior.

This just issued a base card, a public card, Soha, NIMA, do you want to be so cruel?!

On the other hand, Liu Zhengqing didn't expect Li summit to direct Soha. For a while, his face was a little ugly.

"Don't be dazzled. Give up the card. I'm sure to win." Li Feng said confidently.

Liu Zhengqing's blue veins on his forehead burst out: "shit, I don't believe it! Boss Huang, give me another 600000 chips

Huang Xin raised his eyebrows and waved to his younger brother. Soon, someone gave Liu Zhengqing 600000 chips.

Then, Liu Zhengqing pushed all the chips forward: "follow!"

The atmosphere around the table became a little frozen.

"You're a little bold." Li Feng looked at Liu Zhengqing for a while, then shook his head and said with a smile: "deal!"

Because they were both Soha, the Dutch officer did not stop when he dealt cards, and soon the remaining three cards were dealt out.

Liu Zhengqing's card face is two 8, one J and one 3, while Li Feng's card face is three Q and one 6. No matter what the bottom card of Liu Zhengqing is, this has lost him to Li Feng.

"Ha ha, gambling is booming, gambling is booming!"

Li Feng ha ha a smile, turn over the bottom card, 4 Q!

"Ho, four Q's, this is a good card!"

"Wipe, this brother's gambling is really bad, can't be provoked or provoked!"

"Two cards won 1.3 million pounds, lying trough, this man is rich

The crowd exclaimed.

Li Zhengfeng, you dare not bet on the other side of Liufeng's face, but Li Zhengshui is not willing to make a bet

"Well?" Li Feng Mei pointed out and said with a smile: "I'm a big gambler tonight. I advise you to take it as soon as you like, or you'll lose more."

"Lying trough, I am so angry!" Liu Zhengqing was so angry that he could not help beating Li Feng.

"Oh, Liu Shao, don't be impulsive." Huang Xin pulled him up and said, "in fact, what Li Shao said is not unreasonable. You have lost twice in Li Shao's hand. Otherwise, Liu Shao will not gamble tonight."

"Even you think I'm going to lose?" Liu Zhengqing glared at Huang Xin.

"This It's not that Liu Shao is bound to lose, but Li Shao's gambling is the most explosive among the people I have ever seen... "

Although Huang Xin didn't finish speaking, the meaning he wanted to express was also obvious.

"Shit, I don't believe anyone can win all the time!" Liu Zhengqing said: "Li Feng, do you dare to bet bigger?"

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