Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 820

"Hum, it's so easy to get hooked. This Chinese man is not brain damaged?"

Isania murmured to herself.

After receiving the order to kill Li Feng, aishaniya drove to the Tang family residence and happened to meet Li Feng who came out of the Tang family residence. Then she followed Li Feng quietly all the way.

After that, she watched the confrontation between Li Feng and Liu Zhengqing.

Although aishaniya and Li Feng were nearly 100 meters away, Li Feng did not set up a real gas barrier. With the ear power of aishaniya, she could easily hear the conversation between them.

At this time, Li Feng got on Wang zi'an's super run. Wang Zian's female companion and Qian Ruida's female companion took a taxi and left after the three super runners.

Aishania showed her eyebrows and quickly drove up.

Half an hour later, Liu Zhengqing led Zhu Sisi's hand into a Chinese style teahouse.

On the outside, this is a teahouse. After entering, you can also see the customers drinking tea and the guys walking back and forth.

Not only that, but also a stage was set up. On the stage, there were people who sang Peking Opera. After singing Peking Opera, there were people who talked about cross talk and storytelling.

After Liu Zhengqing and Li Feng came in, a man in a Mandarin coat came up and asked, "Liu Shao, have you brought your friends to tea again?"

"Well." Liu Zhengqing nodded haughtily and asked, "are there any seats available?"

"Yes, there are. Others may not come. Liu Shao must have come here." With a smile, he asked, "is Liu Shao in the lobby or in the elegant room?"

"What kind of identity am I? I went to the elegant room, of course!" Liu Zhengqing said coldly.

Behind him, Li Feng sneered.

What kind of lobby and elegant room is not the secret language of gambling? It's like underground work. It's quite a set.

"Well, please follow me."

The man tossed the towel and turned to walk in.

Liu Zhengqing and his party followed the man around the stage and came to a wooden door. After the man opened the wooden door, a corridor hidden behind it was revealed.

At the end of the corridor is a staircase, which leads to the elegant room on the second floor, which is a real tea room.

But the teahouse clerk did not take Liu Zhengqing and others upstairs. Instead, he went to the bottom of the stairs and kicked a few times with his feet. It was very rhythmic, just like a Morse code.

A few seconds later, the wooden floor was pushed up from below, revealing the hidden underground passage. Then a bald man appeared from the ground: "who?"

"Liu Shao and his friends are going to Yajian." Said the man with a smile.

The bald man looked at Liu Zhengqing and said with a laugh, "it's Liu Shao. Welcome, please come in quickly."

Liu Zhengqing nodded haughtily, and went down the dark road.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "in order to avoid tax, so the gambling house is set underground. The boss of this casino is really a talent."

Gambling is a legal industry in country y, but operators have to get through many relationships and pay heavy taxes.

The owner of this gambling house is a Chinese. It is very difficult to open a gambling house through the formal procedures. Even if it is opened, it still needs to pay taxes. So he just got an underground gambling house.

After shaking his head and smiling, Li Feng followed Liu Zhengqing into the dark road.

This dark passage is very narrow. The light inside is dim and only one person can pass through it. After walking through the long dark road, it is a steel door.

When he came to the iron gate, the bald man knocked on the iron door rhythmically. Then the small window on the iron door was opened, and a pair of eyes appeared behind it.

After seeing the bald man, the talent will open the iron door, and suddenly the noise and noise come.

After Li Feng walked through the iron gate, he found that it was an underground hall with thousands of square meters. The lights were bright and the decoration was not comparable to that of world-class casinos. However, it was not simple and crude. It should have all kinds of things.

Especially gambling equipment, such as slot machines, roulettes, card tables, mahjong tables goods are available in all varieties.

In front of every gambling equipment, there were crowds of people. Almost everyone had cigarettes or cigars in their hands. The air over the hall was filled with thick smoke, which was very choking.

To Li Feng's surprise, all the guests here are yellow people, and there are no white or black people. All kinds of Chinese local dialects are spoken from these people.

So these people should be Chinese.

"Oh, Liu Shao is here. He is a rare visitor."

On the occasion of Li Feng's observation, a middle-aged man in a red Tang suit was met by two bodyguards in black.

He is the owner of this casino, Huang Xin.

Huang Xin is very powerful in Chinatown. Besides this casino, there is also a restaurant, bar and KTV.

In terms of financial resources, they may not compare with the Tang family and the Liu family, but their influence in Chinatown is no worse than these two families.

"Boss Huang, you are here, too." Liu Zhengqing didn't dare to make it big. He walked quickly and shook hands with Huang Xin.

"Well, it happens to be here to see what's going on." Huang Xin smiles and then looks at Li Feng and says, "Oh, Li Shao is here too. How come Li Shao wants to gamble with Liu Shao today?"Li Feng nodded and said with a slightly haughty manner: "well, it's just a little tight in hand. Today, Liu Zhengqing wins some pocket money."

Huang Xin raised his eyebrows and then said with a laugh, "you are the son-in-law of the Tang family. Li Shao's courage is indeed heroic! I don't know what Li Shao is going to play and how big it is. I'll let someone arrange it. "

"What else can I play? Of course, it's Soha. I'm good at playing Soha." Li Feng Li said of course.

Hearing this, Huang Xin and Liu Zhengqing flashed a look of disdain in their eyes.

SHENTE? You are the best at playing Soha. Obviously, you can only play Soha, OK!

"Good, Soha, good. It's intense and stimulating. It tests eyesight and psychological quality. It's very in line with Li Shao's identity."

Huang Xin flattered his subordinates and said, "go, spare a card table and get some chips. By the way, Li Shao and Liu Shao, how many chips are you going to take? "

"One million first."

With that, Liu Zhengqing took out his bank card, and then a staff member of the casino took the POS machine and directly brushed away 1 million pounds.

"How about you, Li Shao?" Huang Xin looks at Li Feng.

"I..." Li Feng was tongue tied for a moment.

He can spend a million dollars, but he needs to use his own bank card, which will reveal the truth.

If you use the same name as your friend Although he won 300000 pounds from Liu Zhengqing, he bought several luxury goods and spent less than 100000 pounds on his card.

Seeing this, Huang Xin said with a smile: "it seems that Li Shao didn't take his card when he went out. It doesn't matter. I'll lend Li Shao and give him a million pound chips first."

When the voice came to the ground, the staff of the casino gave each of them a million chips.

"This Not so good. " Li Feng hesitated.

"Li Shao, don't you see me? You are the son-in-law of the Tang family. How can I be afraid that Li Shao can't afford it? " Huang Xin laughed, and then he pondered: "but the rules still need to be said. In this way, Li Shao can sign an IOU for me, and one cent of interest can be used. How about it?"

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