Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 814


Tang Fei and others couldn't believe their ears.

Li Feng, who was submissive in front of them, dare to scold them? You think you can straighten up in the Tang family after saving the old man, right? Give him a face!

Tang Qiong was surprised to see Li Feng, the heart set off a lot of waves.

Is this still the Li Feng who is humble in the Tang family? How did he suddenly become so rigid?

"Shit, Li Feng, who are you talking to?"

Tang Long stands up with a slap on the table and walks quickly to Li Feng. He looks at Li Feng and says.

Facing the aggressive Tang long, Li Feng didn't even blink his eyelids: "just now who asked me to pour tea for him, I was talking to whom."

Tang Long was stunned. He had practiced fighting for five years, and he was a big man. He was a circle bigger than Li Feng. So every time he threatened Li Feng, Li Feng always showed a look of fear.

But now Li Feng is not only not afraid, even his eyes do not have any dodge meaning.

How can a person suddenly change so much?

Tang Fei knocked on the table and said, "Li Feng, don't forget that you didn't take much dowry when you married Tang Qiong."

"Not only that, but you also get 20000 pounds of pocket money from our Tang family every month."

"You came to our Tang family for half a year, and not only did not create any value for our Tang family, but also took away 120000 pounds and asked you to pour a cup of tea. What's the matter?"

Qiu Rong echoed: "yes, just eat soft food and don't work, and have pocket money. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Who said it was not? I am a woman who envies him. " Tang Fei said mockingly.

Tang Fei's family sang a song and heard Tang Jian's husband and wife's face red and white for a while, and their eyes toward Li Feng became more and more disgusted.

"Who says I only take money and do nothing?" Li Feng raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth. He scanned the faces of four people in Tang Fei's family one by one. Then he said, "does the little huandan I gave to master Tang create value for the Tang family?"

As soon as this was said, Tang Fei's tone was stagnant, and then they said in defiance: "you are the son-in-law of the Tang family. It's reasonable to use xiaohuandan for the old man. It's called filial piety!"

"It's good to take xiaohuandan as an example. Since you have xiaohuandan, why don't you give it to the old man earlier, so that the old man will suffer less?"

"Yes, your behavior is equal to merits and demerits. Do you understand?"

Li Feng:

It's not These people's brain path is strange enough, even such shameless words can be said, cowhide, admiration!

"Well, it's my filial piety. Have you ever thought about how much money I saved for the Tang family?"

Li Feng took a deep breath and sneered.

"What?" Tang Fei and others are puzzled.

Li Feng pondered over a smile, broke his fingers and calculated: "if I didn't take out that small return pill, you must buy life medicine for the old man, right?"

Hearing this, Tang Fei and others knew what Li Feng was up to. At the moment, they denied: "how can it be? You all said that life potions have huge side effects. How can we harm the old man?"

Li Feng couldn't help sneering: "you also said that I said it. If I didn't say it, could you know these with your ability?"

Tang Fei et al

It's not What does it mean to look down on us with our ability, right?

At this time, Li Feng said with a smile: "so, without me, you will definitely buy life potion for the old man, because you are all big filial sons."

Tang Fei et al

Nima Big filial son, they can't even wear it if they want to. The old man is still sitting here!

So knowing that Li Feng is digging a hole for them, Tang Fei and others still nodded and admitted.

Li Feng continued: "and my xiaohuandan gave the old man a forced life extension of half a year. If it is to buy life potions, you need to buy 4320 pieces, and the cost is 430 million pounds, right?"

Tang Fei and others can only nod. It is impossible for them to refute such a simple mathematical problem!

"So my actions have saved the Tang family 430 million pounds, and I only get 20000 pounds of pocket money from the Tang family every month, not even enough interest of 430 million pounds, right?"

Li Feng with a pair of "you quickly praise me" expression said.

Tang Fei and others stopped talking.

Nima, Li Feng when the brain is so good, the mouth is also very sharp, with the special Mo changed a person like!

Tang Qiong did not expect Li summit to make such a sharp counterattack, for a moment the whole person was stunned on the spot.

I don't know how long after that, Tang Long snorted: "so from the beginning, you are going to ask for credit from us, right?"

Li Feng shrugged: "it's not that I want to ask for credit, but that you always ignore my pay, so I say it to remind you.""Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days. You've become arrogant, have you?" Tang Long couldn't stand Li Feng's appearance of holding a bamboo in his hand, and his fire gradually gathered in his heart.

Li Feng's mouth a hook, mocked: "you made a mistake again, I used to give you face, since you do not know good or bad, then I will not give you face again."

"Lying trough!"

Tang Long roared and raised his hand with a blow to Li Feng's chin.

Tang Fei and others didn't have any surprise on their faces. On the contrary, their mouths were full of ironic smile, waiting for Li Feng to be beaten to the ground by Tang long.

Only Tang Qiong's face changed slightly and exclaimed, "brother long, don't!"

But her reminder was too late. Before her voice fell to the ground, Tang Long's fist came to Li Feng's chin.

Just as Tang Long's face grinned grimly, and a cold light flashed in Tang Fei's eyes, a slap suddenly appeared from Tang Long's right side, and the next moment it was slapped on his face.


with a crisp sound, Tang Long's body flew horizontally two or three meters away. Then he fell to the ground with a "pop" sound and rolled for two circles before stopping.

Tang Fei and others directly fell into a muddled state!

Lying trough, what happened just now? Why did Tang Long fly out, but Li Feng, who was beaten, stood in the same place as if nothing had happened?

This can not blame Tang Fei and other people's eyesight is not good, it is Li Feng's speed is too fast, completely beyond their line of sight capture ability!

Only Tang Qiong looked at Li Feng's left hand thoughtfully. Just now Li Feng's left shoulder seemed to move, and the position of his left hand also changed. It was he who shot off his cousin Tang Long?

After a short silence, there was a cry of surprise in the living room: "dragon! How are you doing? "

"Brother! Are you ok? Don't scare me

Tang Fei and others rushed to Tang long to check his condition.

When they got closer, they found that Tang long had a clear palm print on his right cheek, and his cheek was swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This discovery surprised Tang Fei and others, and then turned to Li Feng in horror.

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