Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 813

Half an hour later, several luxury cars slowly drove into the gate of Tang family mansion, No. 15, Chinatown.

Tang family mansion used to be the real estate of a marquis in Y country. After he started from scratch, Tang Xiong bought it from the other party at a high price. From then on, he became the old house of the Tang family.

The Tang family residence has three floors, covering an area of nearly 1000 square meters. It is a well deserved mansion.

After the vehicle stops, Tang Fei and Tang Jian get off the bus in a hurry and want to help Tang Xiong out of the car.

However, Tang Xiong waved his hand and said, "I can do it myself!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Tang Xiong walked out of the car neatly.

Seeing this scene, all the people of the Tang family fell into a sluggish state.

We should know that Tang Xiong was very difficult to walk when he was sent to the hospital. As a result, he has become vigorous and vigorous in less than one day. Is this a miracle?

Think of here, Tang people look complex to Li Feng.

They all know that Tang Xiong recovered so quickly because he took the xiaohuandan provided by Li Feng. If Li Feng could produce this xiaohuandan in mass production What cosmetics does the Tang family sell? They can sell medicine directly!

With the magic effect of xiaohuandan, you will definitely earn a lot of money at that time.

However, they must find a way to control the dominant power in their own hands. It is best for Li Feng to hand over the Dan side. Only in this way can they maximize their interests!

Tang Fei and others, with their hearts in mind, walked into the living room behind Tang Xiong.

After sitting down, they sighed about Tang Xiong's fate for a while, and then talked about the topic to Xiao Huan Dan.

"Li Feng, since you are carrying a small returning pill with you, you should have a lot of stock there?" Tang Long asked with a smile.

All the Tang family shut their mouths and looked at Li Feng curiously.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, shook his head and said, "no, this one is left."

The faces of the Tang family changed slightly.

Then, Tang Long said discontentedly: "Li Feng, we are all a family, you lie to us a bit can't say?"

Tang Fei couldn't help nodding, and whispered, "it's stingy!"

At this time, Tang Fei patted the table and said unhappily, "Xiao Long, how can you talk to your brother-in-law? Maybe Li Feng has only one small return pill left?"

"Dad?" Tang Long was a little surprised.

In the past, they could make fun of and ridicule Li Feng at home. No one helped Li Feng speak. How come my father helped Li Feng speak today? What's the situation?

"Li Feng just saved your grandfather with xiaohuandan. We should be polite to Li Feng

Tang Fei put down his teacup and said in a deep voice.

Tang Xiong nodded: "yes, before you had misunderstandings about Li Feng. Today we will take this opportunity to talk about it. Later, Li Feng will be our family. You are not allowed to be rude to Li Feng. Have you heard it clearly?"

Although Tang Long and others did not understand, they could only nod to respond to the old man's words. As for how to treat Li Feng in the future, they all had a saying in their hearts, and they would not change too much because of his opinion.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and he cursed "old fox".

Before that, Tang Xiong or Tang Fei looked down on Li Feng, so he had to take Li Feng as his servant.

Now their attitude towards Li Feng suddenly turns 180 degrees. It's not only because Li Feng gave Tang Xiong half a year's life with xiaohuandan, but also for deeper reasons, such as Dan Fang of xiaohuandan!

At the same time, Tang Xiong said: "Li Feng, the Dan prescription of Xiao Huan Dan is very valuable. You should take it well and don't be taken by others."

Tang Xiong said this very skillfully. As soon as he came up, he unilaterally confirmed the existence of Dan Fang. It seemed to be a good intention to remind Li Feng, but actually he was trying to test Li Feng.

According to Tang Xiong's understanding of Li Feng, if Li Feng really had an elixir, he would not deny it, but would show off with pride.

Li Feng was stunned at first and then asked, "Dan Fang? What Dan Fang? I don't have Dan Fang. Xiao Huan Dan is handed down from my ancestors. My grandfather gave me one. "

Hearing this, Tang Xiong's face changed.

After a long time, Tang Xiong said with a gloomy face: "Li Feng, are you still angry with your uncle and aunt?"

As far as he knows, Tang Jian and his wife often reprimand Li Feng at home and ask him to do housework. Even Wu Lin even let Li Feng pass foot washing water.

If this is the case, a man will be angry.

"How can I? I really don't have Dan Fang." Li Feng gave a bitter smile and explained, "if I had Dan Fang, I would have been unable to restrain myself from producing. How could I get pocket money from home every month?"

Hearing this, Tang Xiong and others believed most of them.

Indeed, Li Feng has a high vision, but he can only get 20000 pounds of pocket money from the Tang family every month. If he can produce xiaohuandan by himself, how can he wait until now?

After confirming that Li Feng had no elixir, the attitude of Tang family to Li Feng changed again."Oh, hey, don't you sit there all the time. Don't you see that there is no water in the old man's teacup? Pour the water quickly. I don't have any eyesight." Tang Long ordered to say.

"And I, who have been busy in the hospital for a long time, really don't want to move." Qiu Rong pointed to the empty teacup beside her and said lazily.

Other members of the Tang family also motioned to Li Feng to pour water for them.

Tang Qiong frowned slightly, no matter how to say that Li Feng also saved his grandfather. It's unreasonable for them to treat his benefactor like this.

But She didn't want to be nosy.

Li Feng is full of pride in front of outsiders, but he is humble in the Tang family, which is a pool of mud that can't be supported on the wall. He has no backbone, so don't expect others to help him.

Li Feng is ready to lift the table with these people.

Clay Bodhisattva still has three points of fire, not to mention him? Anyway, the system didn't release any further tasks. After lifting the table, I went back to China, and I was not angry with these birdmen.

When Li Feng was ready to fight back, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

Li Feng's heart moved, temporarily pressed down the impulse to lift the table, murmured: "check!"

"Task: build prestige"

"mission objective: to frighten Tang Fei and others through practical actions, and change Li Feng's weak position in the Tang family."

"Task reward: 1 million experience points, 5 million system points."

Li Feng laughed. He was so sleepy that the system came to deliver pillows.

Seeing that Li Feng was not only sitting there, but also smiling hard, Tang Fei said coldly, "what are you laughing at there? Don't you hurry to pour tea?"

"Tang Qiong, isn't your husband stupid? It's no use. If you're stupid again Tut Tut, how can you spend the rest of your life? " Tang Fei said sarcastically.

Tang qiongxiu eyebrows slightly wrinkled, to help himself fight back a few words.

But just then


Li Feng stood up with a slap on the table and yelled: "shut up

Sound on the roof!


Just as the Tang family were shocked, Li Feng sneered and said, "I'll give you face one by one, right? You all have hands and feet. If you want to drink tea by yourself, do you want me to serve you? Do your spring and autumn dream

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