Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 815

Li Feng has always been weak in the hearts of Tang Fei and others. Don't even dare to fight back.

But today, Li Feng not only said that they were speechless, but also shot and wounded Tang long, which directly subverted his image in people's hearts!

What makes Tang Fei and others can't accept is that Li Feng's strength is so strong. Tang Long is 185 tall. He often goes to the gym to keep fit and weighs 200 Jin.

Don't say a slap to him to fly, ordinary people push him is very difficult, but Li Feng slapped him to fly out two or three meters away!

Key people have not seen clearly how Li Feng's hand, this is too terrible!

Tang long, who directly suffered from Li Feng's attack, was too scared to speak. The slap just now made him realize the crisis of death. Why did Li Feng suddenly become so strong?

Or is he strong at the beginning, but he was disguised well before?

After the panic, Tang Fei said: "Li Feng, how can you hit people?"

"Who gave you the courage to fight Xiaolong? The Tang family can't accommodate you, can you?" Qiu Rong was eager to protect her son and yelled loudly.

"I've never seen such a jerk like you Tang Fei also said indignantly.

Above the theme, Tang Xiong put down his tea cup and his face was very gloomy.

Tang Long is his only grandson. Li Feng slapped him in the face!

In the face of Tang Fei and others' questions, Li Feng's expression was extremely relaxed: "it was Tang Longxian who started it on me. I was just defending myself."

Tang Fei and other people's tone is sluggish. It was Tang Long's hand just now, but

"Did he hit you?"

Tang Fei asked coldly.

Li Feng:

It's not The feeling young master must be hit by Tang long before he can fight back, right? Then Tang long will die a ball!

"My brother, he's just bluffing you. He doesn't want to do it!" Tang Fei one face indignant said.

"Hum, I'm angry with you for taking a small return pill. The Tang family can't hold you anymore, right? I don't think you can get pocket money from the Tang family in the future. You can live and die on your own! " Qiu Rong said fiercely.

"Shut up Li Feng burst a drink, the sound of the roof, scared Tang Fei and others really closed their mouths.

Then, Li Feng said in a cold voice: "don't say that he really wanted to do something to me just now. Even if he just wanted to scare me, I would slap him."

"Don't think I can't live without you Tang family. On the contrary, I can only live better without you Tang family. If you don't believe me, we'll see!"

At this moment, Li Feng's arrogance showed no doubt.

Tang Fei and others were immediately shocked by Li Feng on the spot.

Tang Xiong's face became more gloomy.

Even Tang Qiong had a flash of beauty and changed her view of Li Feng.

Although she thinks Li Feng is bragging, at least he is not as humble as before in front of Tang Fei and others. He has lived out the backbone of a man!

After a long time, Qiu Rong looked at Wu Lin and said, "sister-in-law, you have a good son-in-law."

Wu Lin looked at Tang Xiong and then snorted: "Li Feng, don't you want to stay in the Tang family? Well, I'll help you. You divorce Xiaoqiong now and get out of our Tang family

If you want to say who is most dissatisfied with Li Feng in the Tang family, it is Wu Lin who is the most dissatisfied.

It has always been Wu Lin's greatest pride to have such an excellent daughter as Tang Qiong. She wants to let Tang Qiong marry into a rich family.

But the old man insisted that Tang Qiong marry the useless Li Feng. It was just as hard as letting Wu Lin eat a bite of hot Xiang!

Now, the whole family is not satisfied with Li Feng. Even the old man's face has changed. If she doesn't take the opportunity to drive Li Feng out of the Tang family, when will she wait?

As soon as Wu Lin spoke, others were waiting to see Li Feng's jokes.

It is not said that he left the Tang family better, now the opportunity to you, do you dare to?

Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly. Although she wanted to divorce Li Feng, Li Feng had just rescued his grandfather today, so he drove him away, which is suspected of having broken the bridge.

"That's what you mean, master?" Li Feng looked at Tang Xiong and asked in a deep voice.

Tang Xiong didn't expect Li summit to ask himself directly. He was a bit stunned for a moment, which was unimaginable in the past.

But then Tang Xiong said in a deep voice, "Li Feng, what you just did is a little too much."

Li Feng frowned slightly: "don't you see that Tang Longgang really wants to hit me?"

Tang Xiong's pupils shrank and he said in a cold voice, "no, I think Bruce Lee is just playing a joke with you. You shouldn't hit him. In addition You and Joan's performance after marriage really let us down

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile: "so?"

"You're not bad, you're just not contributing as much as you deserve." Tang Xiong sighed and said slowly, "if you can come up with a valuable prescription, I think you can still stay in the Tang family, and even Xiaoqiong will gradually accept you.""Oh?" Li Feng was stunned at first, then said with a smile: "so from the beginning, your goal is our Li family's Dan Fang, right?"

He had long thought that Tang Xiong's performance was very strange. The businessman was in charge of profit. At the beginning, the engagement he made with grandfather Li Feng was an oral agreement. There were no written documents, and few people knew about it.

Li Feng's grandfather died for many years, and Li Feng is useless. Tang Xiong can turn his face and refuse to recognize people. However, Tang Xiong does not care about the opposition of his whole family to let Tang Qiong marry Li Feng.

Is there really a man like Tang Xiong who sticks to his promise?

Maybe he believed Li Feng's name, but Li Feng was skeptical, especially after he had seen Tang Xiong.

Tang Xiong's eyes flashed: "if you can't believe our Tang family, you don't need to stay here to delay Xiaoqiong's happiness."

As Li Feng guessed, Tang Xiong is really for Li family's Dan Fang, because he knows Li family really has Dan Fang!

After he was rescued by grandfather Li Feng, the two had a conversation. At that time, grandfather Li Feng accidentally revealed that there were several precious pills in the Li family.

These precious prescriptions were not written on paper, but were handed down by mouth and kept in the Li family's lineage.

The fundamental purpose of Tang xiongli's decision to let Tang Qiong marry Li Feng is to let Li Feng take out the prescription and hand it over to the Tang family for mass production. With the magic of Li family pills, it is only a matter of time before the Tang family becomes the richest man in the world.

However, after their marriage, Tang Xiong tried Li Feng many times. Li Feng either avoided talking about it or said there was no Dan Fang, which gradually exhausted Tang Xiong's patience.

However, Tang Xiong can see Li Feng's desire for Tang Qiong and takes leaving Tang Qiong as a threat. Should Li Feng always take out Dan Fang?

Li Feng looked at Tang Xiong for a while. After a while, he said with a smile: "is there no need to talk about it? OK, I'll divorce Tang Qiong now. From now on, you'll follow your Yangguan Road, I'll walk my log bridge, and I'll have nothing to do with your Tang family! "

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