Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 812

Under everyone's intense gaze, Tang Xiong takes xiaohuandan by himself.

After a long time, Tang Xiong's eyes lit up and said, "I feel a warm current I feel comfortable all over! I feel like I'm ten years younger than I am

All the people said:

It's not How long have you just taken pills? You have such obvious feelings and psychological effects?

"Mr. Tang, I must remind you that your life is because the life potion has been extended. If the effective time of the life potion is over and you don't add a new life potion, your life will disappear immediately."

Just then, said George, with a heavy face.

Hearing this, all the people of the Tang family were a little worried.

"Dad, do you want another life potion?" Tang Fei was the first to say.

"Li Feng, after all, has no evidence to prove that the life potion has side effects. If his pills do not work, it will be too late to regret it!" Tang Jian tried to persuade him.

"You don't have to say, I feel good now." Tang Xiong felt his physical condition carefully and said with a laugh: "I am willing to gamble once. If I win, I will have more than half a year's life. If I lose, I will go to heaven, and I will never worry again."



"Old man!"

Tang Fei and others want to persuade again, but they are interrupted by Tang Xiong with gestures.

Seeing that the old man was so stubborn, they could only stop persuading him.

"Li Feng, come with me."

Then Tang Qiong said.

Li Feng took a look at her and said with a half smile: "it's OK to say what's wrong here. We are all a family, and there's nothing to avoid."

He knew what Tang Qiong wanted to ask. It was a good opportunity to prove his ability. Of course, he had to let all the Tang family hear him.

Tang Qiong's face was stagnant, and then she said in a cold voice, "I ask you, this small return pill How sure are you? "

Li Feng thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure, only 100%."

Tang Qiong:

Others:.... "

Is SHENTE not sure? Dutchman is 100%. This is not sure. Are you teasing SEI here?!

"What a 100%!" Then, Mr. George, I'll see what happens

"If Mr. Tang had an accident, you should all testify to me. It was he who took unknown drugs to Mr. Tang that led to his death!"

Tang Fei and others nodded in agreement.

"How unpopular this guy is in the Tang family. These people would rather believe an outsider than believe you..."

Li Feng murmured to himself.

The next time is like passing the day like a year for everyone. I feel that the time is going very slowly.

Finally, only 30 seconds left from the effective time of the life potion, the people began to count down silently in their hearts.


When the countdown was over, Tang Xiong was still half seated in his bed, with no sign of his life coming to an end.

"How can Mr. Tang be ok? He shouldn't! Wait a minute, maybe the life potion's effect hasn't disappeared yet

Said George, looking a little ugly.

Tang Fei and others look at each other. NIMA, is this bastard cursing the old man to die?

After waiting for another 10 minutes, Tang Xiong was still full of red light and had no sign of driving the crane to the West.

At this time, George knew that he had lost, and that pill really gave Tang Xiong his life!

"Ha ha, I'm ok. I can leave the hospital, ha ha ha."

Tang Xiong also knew that he had escaped a robbery, and was particularly excited.

Although Tang Fei and others are not happy that Li Feng is famous in front of the family, they can not sweep the old man's interest at this time. At the same time, they are saying auspicious words and packing things to take Tang Xiong out of hospital.

In the crowd, Tang Qiong looked at Li Feng with a complicated look.

I don't know why, after the car accident yesterday, Li Feng seemed to be a different person. He not only helped her win the opportunity to meet and talk with Su Tong, but also used xiaohuandan to force his grandfather to continue his life.

However, Li Feng's previous impression on her is too bad. It is impossible for Li Feng to change Tang Qiong's impression on him through these two things.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of salvation Tang Qiong (1) mission completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 100000 experience points, 500000 system points and 10 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Li daitaojian's task has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 1 million experience points, 5 million system points and 10 conquest points."

After hearing the system prompt, Li Feng murmured to himself: "in this case, it means that I have concealed all the people of the Tang family?"Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 15.025 million

system points: 188 million

conquest points: 1267

skills: divine power, empty spirit, seven steps on the sky, Sky Sword technique, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud finder ……

Tasks to be completed: none

after looking at the personal attributes of the eyes, Li Feng quits the system and follows the Tang family out of the ward.

In the process, Tang Xiong didn't even say hello to George.

You know, over the years, George has been the attending doctor of Tang Xiong. Before Tang Xiong met George, he would be very polite. From this, we can see that Tang Xiong really believed what Li Feng said before.

As soon as the Tang family left, George's face became extremely gloomy. He first waved back Mary and others, then closed the door of the sick room, took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call: "master, Tang Xiong did not order life potion, the plan failed."

"Why?" There was an old voice on the phone.

"Because of a Chinese named Li Feng, he accurately described the side effects of life potion, and also took out a magic medicine that can last for half a year." Said George, taking a deep breath.

"What?" There was a exclamation on the phone. Then, a slightly old voice said, "tell me all the information you know about Li Feng!"

"Yes, his name is Li Feng. Yes, it's the Tang family..."

An old man in a tuxedo sits on a white chair and talks on the phone with people in a slightly gloomy old castle in the city of LD, state y.

After a close look, the chair is actually made up of countless skeletons. From a distance, the chair looks like a skull with a big mouth. It looks terrible!

After a long time, the old man talked on the phone and murmured: "Huaxia, son-in-law of Tang family, Li Feng No matter who you are, since you know the secret of life potion, you will not be allowed to stay! "


With an old man's low roar, a tall woman in a tight red leather dress walked into the hall.

The woman has blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, beautiful face and delicate features. Wearing red high heels, she is nearly 180 in height and extremely graceful.

Just standing here, she exudes an irresistible charm from top to bottom.

"Isania has seen the master!" The beauty in red went to the old man in tuxedo and knelt on one knee.

The old man in the tuxedo looked cold and said in a cold voice, "my most loyal servant, there is a Chinese man named Li Feng who has broken my plan. Now I order you to cut off his head and bring it to me!"

Isaniah buried her head and said, "yes, master!"

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