Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 811

After the brief silence, there was a higher decibel laughter in the ward.

He can give the old man a life, and it's free? What an international joke!

You are Li Feng, who has a high opinion and a humble hand. If you really want to have this ability, you would have gone out and made a lot of money. Do you still need to stay here and suffer from this cowardice?

Lie can't say, Li Feng is really too useless!

Tang Qiong shook his head and became more and more disappointed with Li Feng. He still wanted to be tough at this time. Didn't he know that lies would be exposed one day?

Besides, how could she let Li Feng try such a thing?

"Mr. Li, I'd like to know what you want to give Mr. Tang his life? Is there any medicine in the world that works better than life potions? "

At this moment, George quipped.

Li Feng shrugged: "is this medicine the best medicine for life?"

George was surprised, and then he said with a deep look, "what great side effects do you have? What evidence do you have that life potions have great side effects?"

"Li Feng, what are you talking about here?" Tang Fei couldn't help but jump out and blame him. Then he turned to George and said apologetically, "Dr. George, this man is a madman. What he said does not represent our Tang family. Please don't be angry with Dr. George."

George nodded: "you can make a decision quickly. There is not much life medicine in stock. If other patients order first, there won't be many life potions left for Mr. Tang to use."

Hearing this, Tang Xiong was the first to get nervous: "Dr. George, how many life potions are there in your hospital now?"

"720 pieces, enough for Mr. Tang to use for a month." George looked at the list and laughed.

"Then I.." Tang Xiong is going to book it all right now.

Although 720 life potions are worth 72 million pounds, his life is more important than money.

Tang Fei and Tang Jian heard that there was a pain in the flesh, 72 million pounds. In the case of the stock price of Youlan group falling sharply, this is to cut a large piece of meat from them!

It's just that they dare not say a word of "no". If they say it is unfilial, it will be embarrassing for them to separate their families and produce

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng took a step forward and came to Tang Xiong and said, "master, life potion can really stimulate one's life potential, but this kind of medicine can't be used continuously. If you use it too many times, you will have unpredictable changes in your body."

Tang Xiong's face sank: "what changes?"

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and his face was strange: "some strange things may grow up."

Just now he used mind reading to George, and that's what George thought.

George's heart thumped.

Damn it, this matter is top secret. There are no more than ten people in Y country who know this matter. How did Li Feng know it?!

"What strange thing?" Tang Xiong's face became more gloomy.

"I ask you." Li Feng turned his head and looked at George.

"What's asking me? It's clearly asking you!" George became angry with shame.

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "wings, fangs, curved sharp nails?"

George's heart trembled like a lightning strike, and he almost stood unsteadily!

Damn it, why does Li Feng even know this? It's not scientific!

Seeing George like this, Tang Xiong, an old fox, knew that Li Feng was not wrong. If he continued to use life potion, it would have such terrible consequences.

For a man of high status like Tang Xiong, he would rather die in dignity than grow wings, fangs and sharp fingernails!

Tang Fei and others looked at each other. What's the meaning? Li Feng really said what it was. Otherwise, how could Dr. George's face suddenly become so ugly?

Tang Qiong covered her mouth with her hand and almost exclaimed.

Why do these things grow out of life potions? What's the principle?

After the shock, George was ashamed and angry: "you are bloody! Damn, what evidence do you have for all this? "

Li Feng shrugged: "you are right. I really can't provide any effective evidence now, but I know that it has such side effects, so I won't let master Tang use life potion any more."

Tang Xiong:

Tang Qiong:


It's not You don't have any evidence for your feelings. Why are you so serious?

Although Li Feng can not provide evidence, but George's reaction just now has explained everything. At this moment, no one dares to let master Tang use life potion.


He thought that Li Feng knew so much about life medicine that he must have mastered the actual evidence. He never thought that he would get such an answer. He was a bit confused at the moment.After being confused, George laughed and said, "Mr. Tang, you have heard that. He has no evidence. All this is his nonsense! Now you don't have to order the life potion, or you will have no life potion available if you are ordered by other patients. "

Tang Xiong looked at George strangely.

You say that your medical skills are so good, how can you do so poorly in the expression management? If you have all that expression, I will be a fool if I dare to use life potion?

"Doctor George, it's not urgent at first." Tang Xiong coughed and then looked at Li Feng: "you just said you could give me a life. Is this really true?"

"Nature." Li Feng nodded confidently.

"Dad, do you really believe him?" Tang Fei couldn't believe it.

"Grandfather, who is he? You should be very clear. What he said has no credibility at all!" Tang Fei also said in a hurry.

Tang Xiong looked at them and said in a deep voice, "don't forget that my life was picked up by Li Feng's grandfather. I would like to believe him once in this matter."

"Li Feng, tell me, how do you want to renew my life? Is there a miracle medicine handed down by the Li family?"

Hearing this, Tang Fei and others stopped talking.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he took out a red pill from his arms: "yes, this pill is called xiaohuandan. No matter how serious the injury is, you can immediately extend your life for half a year."

"Really?" Tang Yiliang's eyes are short of breath.

On the other side, George burst out laughing: "can a pill last half a year? Ha ha, is this the so-called traditional Chinese medicine? Sure enough, Chinese medicine is deceptive, ha ha ha. "

George's assistant scoffed and thought Li Feng must be crazy.

"Is it a lie? You'll know later?" Li Feng ridiculed a smile, playing with the pill said: "according to your previous statement, a life potion can last for 60 minutes."

"If Mr. Tang takes this pill, it will be OK after 60 minutes. Do you think it is because of the effect of this pill?"

"This..." George was tongue tied.

"Li Feng, what do you mean, take my grandfather as a mouse?" Tang Long said angrily.

"Li Feng, you are too vicious. You are gambling on my grandfather's life!" Tang Fei also hate voice to say.

"Enough!" Tang Xiong patted the bed and said in a cold voice, "I believe him!"

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