Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 810

After a brief shock, Tang Fei and others rushed into the ward and came to the bed of the old man Tang.

Tang Xiong was lying flat on the bed with all kinds of tubes in his body. His eyes were closed, and he looked as if he had no breath.

"Dad, wake up, Dad!"

Tang Fei and Tang Jian came to the bed and cried bitterly.

"Master, why did you go like this?"

Wu Lin sat down on the ground and wailed.

Tang Qiong's nose turned red and her tears welled up.

At this time, Tang Xiong suddenly opened his eyes: "I haven't left yet."

Tang Fei et al

It's not If there were not many people here, they would have been scared to death!

I go, a man who thought he had passed away suddenly opened his eyes and spoke This feeling, has not experienced the person really does not realize how terrible!

Then, Tang Fei and others said in surprise, "Dad, are you ok? That's wonderful! "

"Dad, you're scaring us to death!"

"Dr. George, what's going on here? Are you trying to scare us?"

"Dr. George, this joke is not funny at all. You have to apologize to us!"

Tang Long and Tang Fei turn their heads to Dr. George and complain.

George shrugged. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. Mr. Tang is dying, but I gave him a life potion, and he has 60 minutes, oh no, 59 minutes and a half to be exact."


"Life potion?"

"What is that?"

"Why only 59 and a half minutes, Dr. George, what are you talking about?"

Tang Fei and others are confused.

"Dr. George, let me explain to them."

Mary, George's assistant, stood up and said, "life medicine is a new life enhancing drug developed by the Life Science Research Institute of Y country. When the patient's life is at the end of its life, injecting a life potion can make the patient's life last for 60 minutes."

"At present, this batch of drugs has been approved, and our Santa Maria hospital is the first batch of pilot hospitals."

"So amazing?" Tang Fei's eyes brightened and then asked, "how much does this medicine cost?"

One can last for 60 minutes, and the 24 can last for a day. If it's cheap, it's OK to use life potion every day for the old man.

"Because of the large investment in early research and development, the initial price of life medicine is 100000 pounds per piece. With the popularization and use of life medicine, this price will definitely drop."

"In addition, I would like to remind you that the early production of life potions is very small. If you want Mr. Tang to have enough life potions to use every day, you'd better not disclose this information to others."

Said Dr. George, taking it.

Tang Fei:

Tang Jian:

Others:.... "

I'm NIMA 100000 pounds a piece is not too expensive, but 24 pieces a day, that is 2.4 million pounds!

It's 2.4 million pounds a day, 240 million pounds in 100 days, which is really money to buy life.

With the economic strength of the Tang family, they can only bear it for a period of time. As time goes on, the Tang family's property will be exhausted.

Li Feng's eyebrows were sharp and his face was stunned.

Has the life science and technology of country y been so developed that it can even develop the medicament for life extension?

It's not right. If there was such a powerful medicine, the major media in the world would have reported it. There is a precedent for this kind of thing. It is not Li Feng's random speculation.

What's more, Dr. George's behavior of keeping tangfei and others secret is also suspicious. Is there anything fishy in this?

"Anyway, it's the most important thing that the old man can survive. Even if it's a million pounds a piece, we'll sell iron to him for life!"

At this time, Tang Fei made a decision.

Tang Xiong's eyes brightened and his face showed a gratifying look.

Wu Lin quickly twisted Tang Jian's arm. Tang Jian responded and said, "yes, we should give the old man another life anyway. This is our responsibility as children."

Now I don't know if the old man has made a will. They must perform well and share more property.

Dr. George gave them a thumbs up: "I've heard that Chinese people pay attention to filial piety first. The filial piety of the two Mr. Tang is moving! How many life potions are you going to order first

As he spoke, he took out his pocket book and prepared to record it.

"This..." Tang Fei and his brothers looked at each other and hesitated.

At this time, Li Feng, who has been ignored, stood up and said, "Dr. George, drugs generally have side effects. What are the side effects of life medicine?"As he spoke, he read George's mind.

As soon as this word comes out, Tang Fei and others are stunned.

Yes, Dr. George just talked about the life potion, but didn't say it had any side effects!

George had expected this question for a long time, and then he answered, "no side effects of life medicine have been found for the time being."

"I haven't found it for the time being. It's not necessarily true, is it?" Li Feng smiles.

"This is George looked displeased and looked at Tang Fei and others.

"He is my niece Tang Qiong's husband, Li Feng." Tang Fei replied.

"Oh." George nodded and then said to Li Feng, "Mr. Li, the life potion works very well. If Mr. Tang didn't use the life potion, he would be dead now, wouldn't he?"

"So you're going to avoid the side effects of life potions, right?" Li Feng asked step by step.

George frowned slightly, and his face was more unhappy: "Hey, man, are you trying to pick fault and then take the opportunity to bargain? Don't dream. The price of life potion is like this. If you don't like it, you can't buy it. I won't force you, understand

On hearing this, Tang Fei and others were anxious: "Li Feng, what's up with you here? Get out of here

"Li Feng, why do you interfere with the affairs of our Tang family as an outsider? You are not welcome here. Please go!"

Even Tang Qiong showed her eyebrows and frowned: "Li Feng, you go out first."

"Aren't you afraid that life potions have bad side effects?" Li Feng glanced around the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

Tang Fei snorted coldly: "even if it has side effects, at least it can make the old man live for a long time! It's you who are looking for the life potion. What's your heart? Do you think you can save the money and share more? "

As soon as this word came out, people of Tang family couldn't help but move in their hearts, and their eyes to Li Feng became sharper.

On the hospital bed, Tang Xiong also looked a little disappointed at Li Feng.

Although he tried his best to let Tang Qiong marry Li Feng, he also had some regrets after that. Li Feng was not worthy of Tang Qiong.

All these things he could bear, but Tang Fei's words made him completely disappointed with Li Feng!

"It's my fault. When I get out of the hospital, I'll let Xiaoqiong divorce him!" Tang Xiong whispered to himself.

Under the sharp eyes of the people, Li Feng suddenly laughed: "did you forget that our Li family is a family of famous doctors?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Fei and others looked at each other.

"Don't tell us you can keep the old man alive." Tang Fei couldn't help laughing.

Tang Fei and others all laughed. If Li Feng had this ability, they would look down on him so much? Stop it!

Just as the crowd laughed, Li Feng nodded and said, "yes, I can give Mr. Tang a life extension, and it's free."

As soon as the words came out, there was silence in the ward!

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