Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 809

Li Feng's mouth is slightly open, a bit muddled.

It's not She wants to see Li Feng? Li Feng is standing here, talking to you all the time!

It's impossible to see Li Feng, at least not at present. He can't separate himself from Li Feng!

"OK, I'll call my friend and ask him to ask."

While talking, Li Feng took out his bloody mobile phone and pretended to make a phone call: "Hello, Lao Wang, my wife wants to meet with your college classmates and have a talk. Can you help me again?"

"OK, OK. I'll wait for your call. When it's done, I'll invite you to dinner."

After hanging up, Li Feng said with a smile, "he promised to help."

Tang Qiong light way thanks, and then hesitated: "I will give you 10000 pounds, as your PR fee."

Li Feng took a puff of his mouth and said with a bitter smile: "there's no need to distinguish between husband and wife so clearly?"

Tang Qiong's complexion was stagnant, and then coldly hummed: "in name."

Li Feng touched his nose and did not speak again.

The next three people took a taxi and went to the hotel.

On their way to the hotel, Tang Qiong received a call from the traffic police team asking about Li Feng.

Tang Qiong also did not conceal, directly said Li Feng nothing.

People in a foreign country, more things than less. Although the truck driver's behavior after some strange, but Tang Qiong did not have the energy to pursue.

Besides, Li Feng has always been in country y. no one believes that he has enemies in China.

After hanging up the phone, Tang qionggang wanted to keep his eyes closed, and another call came in.

"What OK, I'm going to the airport now! "

Tang Qiong look flustered put down the phone, said in a hurry: "master, can you take us to the Pearl International Airport, there is something urgent."

Of course, the taxi driver is willing to. He can make a lot of money this time. But before he goes there, he has to explain the fare clearly: "dial a watch?"

"What?" Although Tang Qiong is proficient in Chinese, she can't understand the driver's meaning like the local people.

Xu Shuang is also confused.

Just then, Li Feng, the co pilot, said, "it's too expensive to make a watch. If you say the number, you can take your car if it's suitable. If it's not, we won't go."

The driver saw that Li Feng was a sensible person and didn't ask for a price. He directly said a figure slightly higher than the normal price.

Li Feng didn't make a counter-offer. He just didn't want Tang Qiong to be a big loser. As long as the price was in a reasonable range, Tang Qiong was rich anyway.

Xu Shuang and Tang Qiong are a little surprised, Li Feng can understand, but also bargain with the driver? I never found that he had such a talent!

However, in front of the driver's master, the two women are not easy to ask too much, so they can only press doubt in the bottom of their heart.

Two and a half hours later, the taxi stopped in front of the Pearl International Airport terminal.

After paying to get off the bus, Li Feng couldn't help but ask, "why do you want to go back to country y all of a sudden? Is something wrong with my family?"

Xu Shuang glared at Li Feng discontentedly and gave you 50 cents. You take this sentence back and let me say hello!

"Grandfather is not well and is in hospital."

Tang Qiong did not explain too much and turned to the terminal.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, know that things are not as simple as Tang Qiong said, otherwise she will not rush back to Y country, it must be that master Tang's illness is getting worse, and time is running out!

After 15 hours of sailing, the plane landed at LD International Airport.

After they got out of the airport, they got on the special car sent by the Tang family. After all the way, the special car came to the front of a hospital - Santa Maria hospital, the best hospital in LD.

After they got off the car, they went straight to the fourth floor of the intensive care unit. They followed Tang Qiong out of the elevator. Li Feng heard a sad cry.

"Oh, little Joan, you are back at last. Your grandfather is dying."

Li Feng followed his voice and saw a middle-aged woman in elegant dress standing at the door of a special care unit, wiping tears.

Beside him, a middle-aged man with golden glasses snorted: "my father hasn't left yet. What are you shouting about here? It's not shameful."

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, through the memory of the same name friends recognize the identity of these two people.

The woman's name is Wu Lin, Tang Qiong's mother, and the man's name is Tang Jian. She is the second in the Tang family and her father.

There are also four men and women at the gate. They are Tang Fei, Tang Jian's eldest brother; Qiu Rong, Tang Fei's wife; and Tang Long and Tang Fei, Tang Fei's sons and daughters.

Tang Qiong's heart cluttered and rushed forward to ask, "Mom, how's my grandfather?"

Wu Lin looked at Tang Jian and whispered, "the old man stopped breathing two minutes ago, and the doctor is rescuing him."

"Ah Tang Qiong covered her mouth with her hand, and her tears burst out of her eyes.

"Don't be sad, little Joan. Dr. George is very skillful. Your grandfather will be safe and sound." Tang Jian sighed and comforted.Hearing this, Tang Qiong was more or less calm.

Just then, Tang Fei suddenly said, "Don Qiong, you can't do anything in a hurry about your grandfather. Let's talk about how you talked with osville first."

Tang Fei is Tang Qiong's cousin, but for some reasons, she never calls her sister Tang Qiong by her first name.

Tang Qiong looked at her without saying a word.

"Hum, it seems that the talk is not very good, Tang Qiong, you are really useless." Tang Fei sneered and sneered.

"Don Fei, how can you talk to our little Joan?" Wu Lin couldn't look down and yelled.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? If it wasn't for Tang Qiong, kessley would terminate the cooperation with Youlan group? If it wasn't for the sharp drop in the stock price of Youlan group, which affected his mood, his condition would have deteriorated to this point? "

As people get older, they will inevitably suffer from cardiovascular diseases, including master Tang.

And emotion has a great influence on this disease, so what Tang Fei said is not unreasonable.

It's just

"Do you think little Joan would like to? It's the old man who wants Xiaoqiong to marry Li Feng! Otherwise, little Joan would marry such a useless man? "

Even if Li Feng is here, Wu Lin has no taboo to say.

In fact, since Li Feng came here, the Tang family did not even give him a straight eye. He was like a mass of air.

Tang Fei couldn't help but sneer: "hum, in the end, you still don't have your own principles. I think my grandfather is going to die. After his death, Tang Qiong and Li Feng will divorce quickly, and then marry master Gullit as soon as possible to recover the loss of Youlan group."

"Don Fei!" Tang Qiong is angry. Tang Fei ignores Li Feng. She curses her grandfather and tells her private affairs. What qualifications does she have?!

"What's the matter? You want to quarrel with me?" Tang Qiong is not afraid of Tang Fei.

Just as the situation was about to explode, the door of the ward opened and the doctor in white coat walked out.

"Dr. George, old man, how is he?" Tang Fei asked anxiously.

George shook his head. "We did our best. You go in and have a last look at him."

People of Tang family are struck by lightning!

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