Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 808

Osville, in front of the president's office.

Assistant Su Tong leads Tang Qiong to the door and stands.

Tang Qiong took a deep breath and took off her sunglasses, revealing her beautiful face which had been covered by sunglasses.

On one side, Li Feng's mouth opened slightly. Even though he had already seen Tang Qiong through the memory of his well-known friends, his eyes were still full of amazement.

This is how a beautiful face ah, skin if coagulate fat, eyes like star eyes, Qiong nose white teeth, facial features exquisite to the extreme.

In terms of face, Tang Qiong is even better than Wei Bingqing and Shen Zixuan!

At this time, Tang Qiong took off her coat and handed it to Xu Shuang again, showing her beautiful figure.

Among the women Li Feng knows, the figures of song Wanjun and Shen Zixuan are among the top ranks in terms of body shape, and the figure of other women can be called fouls.

But compared with Tang Qiong, they were all half inferior in stature.

Although Tang Qiong is a Chinese, she can compete with European and American women in her figure. With her height of about 175, she stands in front of top models.

His beautiful face, perfect figure and cold temperament make Li Feng's heart beat faster.


At this time, Xu Shuang was dissatisfied with a cold hum.

What do you mean to be a new man? What's the cannibal look like? Li Feng just talks about it!

With Xu Shuang's warning, Tang qiongcai noticed Li Feng's look at himself. At the moment, her face sank and she gave Li Feng an unhappy look.

Before she warned Li Feng not to look at her with this kind of eyes. Li Feng's performance is good during this period. I didn't expect to make this kind of mistake again today. It's true that she never corrects after repeated education!

Li Feng coughed and turned his head.

At this time, assistant Su Tong has already knocked on the door, and soon there is a "please come in".

"Don't talk nonsense later."

Tang Qiong also whispered to Li Feng, which followed Su Tong's assistant and walked into the office.

Seeing Su Tong's moment, Tang Qiong's face showed a touch of amazing color.

Although she had seen Su Tong's videos and photos on the Internet and knew that she was a rare beauty, she couldn't help sighing after seeing a real person.

Su Tong's reaction is particularly strong, not to say in front of Tang Qiong feel inferiority bar, at least in the bottom of my heart was Tang Qiong to shock.

For a moment, they looked at each other but said nothing.

"General manager Su, it's time for Mr. Tang." Su Tong's assistant whispered.

Su Tong came back to herself and shook hands with Tang Qiong: "Hello, Mr. Tang. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Mr. Su."

Although she is seeking from Su Tong, Tang Qiong's performance is neither humble nor arrogant.

After the two sides met, Su Tong went straight to the main topic and said, "I heard Li Feng say that president Tang wants to cooperate with us oswelli. Do you know if Mr. Tang has a specific cooperation plan?"

Tang Qiong looks at Li Feng in surprise.

Li Feng shrugged: "it should not be me."

"What?" Su Tong does not understand to look at Li Feng, until then she found that this strange man in front of her gives her a very familiar feeling, but the specific where familiar but can not say.

"Mr. Su, you don't know. His name is Li Feng, too." Tang Qiong knew that Su Tong was talking about Li Feng, the boss of osville, not this Li Feng.

"What a coincidence?" Su Tong looked at Li Feng's eyes more surprised, inexplicable sense of familiarity, plus also known as Li Feng, a bold idea popped out of her mind in an instant.

But then Su Tong shook his head and said, "well, I must be possessed by cultivation. How could he be Li Feng?"

At this time, Xu Shuang took out the cooperation plan, and Tang Qiong handed it to Su Tong: "Su Tong, this is our cooperation plan. Please have a look."

Su Tong took over and turned over. After looking at it for a while, he said, "I have investigated before. The blue group is regarded as a cosmetics agent on the second line in Y country. The principal agent brand is Cathy Lai, right?"

Before refusing to meet Tang Qiong, Su Tong checked the information of Youlan group online.

"Yes." Tang Qiong smiles and nods.

"However, recently, it has been reported that kessley has terminated the cooperation with Youlan group. Is this information accurate?" Su Tong put down the cooperation plan and asked.

Tang Qiong's face changed slightly: "yes."

Because of its back to the big tree of kessley, Youlan group can develop into a scale of 2 billion pounds a year.

With the termination of Casley's cooperation with Youlan group, Youlan group's share price fell sharply, its revenue decreased sharply, and even faced the risk of bankruptcy.

Because of this, Tang qiongcai wants to cooperate with oswelli. As long as he obtains the agency right of Tongyan, Runyan and Hongyan, Youlan group can be rejuvenated with new vitality.

"After so many years of cooperation, why did Casley suddenly cancel the cooperation with Youlan group? What are the specific reasons?" Su Tong walked back to the boss's chair and sat down, and then said, "of course, if it's not convenient for Tang to answer this question, it's OK."Tang Qiong's face changed several times, and finally said with a bitter smile: "because of a little personal reason."

"Personal reasons?" Su Tong became more and more curious.

"Mr. Tang, would you like me to introduce Mr. Su?" At this time, Xu Shuang said.

Tang Qiong pondered a little bit and nodded: "good."

"The general manager Su did not know that Casley's largest shareholder was the gulit family of state y. there was a young successor of the gulit family who liked our president Tang."

"Half a year ago, president Tang married Mr. Li Feng. The heir was very angry, and then let Casley terminate the cooperation with Youlan group."

"So it's not because of the business ability of Youlan group, but because of personal resentment..."

Xu Shuang said slowly.

"How could such a thing happen?" Su Tong was a little surprised, but also a little unimportant.

As a woman, Su Tong hates to use threats to interfere with other people's marriage.

"Yes." Tang Qiong, with a bitter smile, said: "general manager Su, we come here with great sincerity. As long as general manager Su agrees to sell oswelli products in country y, we can discuss the conditions."

Su Tong reopened the cooperation plan and read it for a while. Finally, he nodded and said, "I will seriously consider it, and then give a report to Mr. Li."

Naturally, this answer is not what Tang Qiong wants. At present, she uses various negotiation means to try to make greater progress.

But Su Tong kept Li Feng's advice in mind and kept saying that he would consider it.

Finally, after work, Su Tong declined Tang Qiong's invitation to dinner and sent them out of the office.

After leaving osville, Xu Shuang said, "Mr. Tang, what shall we do next?"

"First find a hotel to stay, and then wait for general manager Su's news." Tang Qiong rubbed her temple and then looked at Li Feng behind her: "Li Feng, can you let your friend introduce Mr. Li to me?"

Li Feng is the real person in charge of oswelli. If you talk to him directly, things will be easier to handle.

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