Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 796

"What's the fun?"

Before Li Feng could speak, Ren Xiaolei asked excitedly.

Li Feng:

Well, his plan to go back to the Pearl at once may fail again.

"There will be an underground fighting competition in Yuantai city tonight. The scene will be very hot. Would you like to have a look?"

Said Lin Yunpeng, spitting out a cigarette ring.

Although he stood face to face with Li Feng, he deliberately vomited to one side when he puffed the smoke ring. From this aspect, we can see his respect for Li Feng.

Even so, under the influence of the wind, part of the smoke still blows to Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei. However, as soon as the smoke is about to blow in front of the two people, the cloud of smoke suddenly changes its direction, as if touching an invisible wall!

Lin Yunpeng did not notice this scene, but Zhu Hao and Jia Fei saw it. At the moment, their pupils shrank and their faces looked surprised.

Why does this happen? Is it Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei doing it, or is it just a coincidence?

It should be just a coincidence that Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei didn't do anything. Maybe there was a gust of wind blowing from there?

At this time, Lin Yunpeng throws away the cigarette end and stampedes it out. Zhu Hao and Zhu Hao lose the possibility of further verification.

"Underground fighting competition Is it fun? "

Ren Xiaolei is somewhat disappointed.

In recent days, she has seen two battles between demigods. Compared with them, the fight between ordinary people is not attractive.

"Fun, of course." Lin Yunpeng excitedly said: "to be honest, this fighting match has something to do with our family."

As soon as this word came out, Ren Xiaolei was more or less interested.

"You should have heard that there are many coal owners in Xishan province. My family happens to be in the business of coal mines."

"My father had a rival named Zheng, who was also a coal boss. Once upon a time, our two families fought very hard in private in order to compete for the mining rights of the three official large mines in Yuantai city."

"Later, the authorities couldn't look down and gave a stern warning to the two families, but they still had to fight for the mining rights, so the two families made a rule."

Speaking of this, Lin Yunpeng stopped and deliberately sold a pass.

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "who owns the mining right through fighting competition?"

"Li Shao is a sensible man!" Lin Yunpeng gave Li Feng a thumbs up and said with a smile, "tonight is the annual battle for mining rights. There are three contests."

"If you win one game, you will get a mining right for a big mine for one year. If you win all three games, you will have all the mining rights of the three big mines in the coming year."

"In order to fight this evening, my father directly smashed 100 million Chinese dollars and invited a super expert!"

"Is it three stories high?" Ren Xiaolei said with a smile.

Lin Yunpeng, who was just talking about spitting and flying around, was immediately blocked.

It's not Are you paying attention to the wrong point, and the focus should not be on the 100 million yuan spent by experts?

After muddled, Lin Yunpeng continued: "if ordinary people are as high as one floor, then the invited master should be the height of skyscrapers?"

"Well, you can go and have a look." Ren Xiaolei nodded, then turned to look at Li Feng and said, "how about going together?"

She could see that Li Feng wanted to return to the Pearl as soon as possible, but Li Feng returned to the Pearl. She was so bored that she might as well take this opportunity to stay with Li Feng for a long time.

Li Feng opened his mouth and didn't speak. Ren Xiaolei said, "don't say no, don't go."

Li Feng:

Lin Yunpeng:

Zhu Hao et al

Ten minutes later, Lin Yunpeng and others packed up their things and drove to Yuantai city.

Gufeng town is about three hours' drive from Yuantai city. When they arrived in Yuantai City, it was almost evening.

In the hospitality of Lin Yunpeng, they had dinner in an upscale Chinese restaurant in Yuantai City, and then drove to a private club.

This clubhouse was built by Zheng Yutai, the dead enemy of Lin Yunpeng's father, 10 years ago. At the beginning, Zheng Yutai spent 1 billion yuan to build this club alone.

After coming here, Lin Yunpeng walked into the backyard of the club with Li Feng and others.

The backyard was built with the Royal back garden as a template, and of course the area was reduced many times.

In the backyard, there are many rockeries, pavilions, bridges and flowing water.

At the moment, a 10 meter long and 10 meter wide all metal platform has been temporarily built in the open space of the backyard. The high platform is full of lights and empty.

Two groups of people have gathered around the platform. After observing for a while, Lin Yunpeng leads Li Feng and others to the position of one group of people.

"Stinky boy, do you know how to come?"

As soon as Lin Yunpeng got to the group of people, the middle-aged man's face sank and he began to scold him.Lin Yunpeng touched his head and said with a smile, "Dad, I've come here in a hurry."

This middle-aged man is Lin Yunpeng's father - Lin Hai!

Lin Hai snorted coldly, then swept from Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei's face, and immediately frowned and said, "who are they?"

Lin Yunpeng quickly introduced: "his name is Li Feng, is a gun master, her name is Ren Xiaolei, is Li Feng's girlfriend."

Li Feng:

Shit, he never said Ren Xiaolei was his girlfriend. What did Lin Yunpeng introduce here.

On one side, Ren Xiaolei burst out laughing.

Lin Yunpeng is not good at shooting, but his mouth is very sweet!

"Good at shooting?" Lin Hai looks at Li Feng with a puzzled look.

Li Feng Chong Lin Hai nodded: "Mr. Lin good."

Lin Hai nodded indifferently and then turned his head.

In his opinion, even if Li Feng is a good marksmanship as Lin Yunpeng said, he has no value in making friends with him.

He is not a gun enthusiast. Even if he looks for a bodyguard, he doesn't need Li Feng. How many bodyguards of a rich merchant can match a gun? At least he's not qualified.

For Lin Hai's desolation, Li Feng didn't care much about it. Instead, he was relaxed.

Lin Yunpeng didn't expect that his father was so indifferent to Li Feng. He was embarrassed for a moment, so he could only forcibly change the topic and say, "Dad, Shangguan Yunhai hasn't arrived yet?"

Lin Hai glared at him fiercely again, rebuked a way: "you want to call Shangguan big little, do not call its name directly!"

Lin Yunpeng curled his mouth and said nothing.

On one side, Li Feng Mei pointed out and whispered to himself, "is Shangguan Yunhai the super expert that Lin Hai threw out a hundred million yuan?"

Just at this time, a man in white Shi Shi ran came from a distance.

He had short hair, a handsome face and a long body. His white suit was spotless, and he walked with a certain aura.

If you want to use a word to describe this person, it can only be "a good young master in a turbid world."

The moment that the man in white appeared, Chen Rou San's daughter started a flower mania.

Lin Hai's body shook and whispered, "Yunpeng, Shangguan is coming. You must pay attention to your attitude. Do you hear me?"

Lin Yunpeng flashed a look of humiliation in his eyes, and nodded with his fists clenched.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, in the heart of doubt.

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