Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 797

After listening to Lin Hai's meaning and Lin Yunpeng's expression, Lin Yunpeng had a problem with Shangguan Yunhai before. Did they have a conflict?

At this time, Lin Hai sorted out his clothes and raised his feet to meet him: "Shangguan is little. It's been hard all the way."

"Well." Shangguan cloud sea light nodded: "Zheng Yutai invited people to it?"

Lin Hai turned his head and looked at the other group of people and shook his head: "not yet."

"Hum, what a big shelf!" Shangguan cloud sea surface appears shame anger color.

He wanted to end the show, so deliberately delayed a period of time to come here, did not think of Zheng Yutai people have not arrived, hateful!

Seeing this, Lin Hai said with a smile: "don't be angry with Shangguan. If you want to put on airs and let them put on airs. Later on, as long as Shangguan Dashao beats the experts invited by Zheng Yutai and beat them hard in the face, all the anger will be eliminated."

"Yes, anger hurts. Shangguan doesn't have to be angry about such people."

"When Shangguan wins the contest, let's find a place to celebrate and bleed general manager Lin

"Ha ha, that's a good idea!"

The crowd behind Lin Hai laughed.

Some of these people are Lin Hai's business partners, and some are Lin Hai's friends and classmates. They come here to cheer Linhai.

Of course, many of these people brought their colorful female companions, who all looked at Shangguan's sea of clouds with shame on their faces and looked at them with a look of flower mania in their eyes.

Shangguan Yunhai's appearance and temperament are too destructive to these women.

Similarly, another group of people are Zheng Yutai's people, but Zheng Yutai has not been there yet.

All the compliments let Shangguan Yunhai's anger dissipate. At the moment, he glanced at the crowd, and his eyes swept over the female companions one by one.

After seeing the crazy look in their eyes, Shangguan Yunhai's mouth was full of fun, but his eyes didn't stay on these female companions.

Some mediocre and vulgar powder are just not qualified to get his pendant

"Huh?" At this time, Shangguan Yunhai saw Ren Xiaolei behind the crowd, and his eyes burst into a burst of amazement.

Originally, Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei were in front of the crowd. Later, Lin Hai took people to meet Shangguan Yunhai. Lin Yunpeng and others stood still, but they fell behind.

At the same time, Ren Xiaolei is also looking at Shangguan Yunhai with curious eyes.

Four eyes to each other

A few seconds later, Ren Xiaolei looked shy and lowered her head.

At this moment, Shangguan Yunhai felt his heart beat for a while!

Compared with these vulgar powder, Ren Xiaolei is a fairy like existence!

"Who is she?" Shangguan Yunhai pointed to Ren Xiaolei and asked.

Lin Haishun Shangguan Yunhai pointed to the direction of a look, then a strange face: "he is the new friend of Yunpeng's girlfriend, called Ren Xiaolei."

He can see Shangguan Yunhai's interest in Ren Xiaolei, but Ren Xiaolei is Li Feng's girlfriend, and Li Feng is a new friend of Yunpeng.

With Yunpeng's extremely generous personality to his friends, once Shangguan Yunhai shows his intention to Ren Xiaolei, Yunpeng is afraid to fall out with Shangguan Yunhai.

"No, I have to tell Yun Peng."

Lin Hai had a decision in his heart.

One is a master of marksmanship, and the other is a martial arts expert. Who is light and who is heavy does not need to be considered too much.

What's more, Lin Hai now wants Shangguan Yunhai, but Li Feng has no interest in him. Shangguan Yunhai is really interested in Ren Xiaolei, and he will definitely let Lin Yunpeng give up Li Feng as a friend.

"Oh?" Shangguan cloud sea eyebrow tip a pick, then play taste: "but I think she likes now is me."

Ren Xiaolei's coquettish appearance just now is obviously interesting to him. As for her boyfriend Oh, is this important?

If her boyfriend dares to stop him, he will give her boyfriend some color to see!

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yunhai strides to Ren Xiaolei.

"Auntie, don't you want to do something again?" Li Feng said bitterly.

Sister, just now he happened to see Ren Xiaolei's small eyes. Although he didn't use mind reading skills to Ren Xiaolei, his intuition told him that Ren Xiaolei wanted to do things with Shangguan Yunhai.

"What, they don't have it." Ren Xiaolei said a little guilty.

Depend on, if Lin Yunpeng didn't change her position so quickly, would she need to make the idea of official Yunhai again?

I just hope Shangguan Yunhai can be more tough, so that there is a possibility of further development between her and Li Feng.

By the way Li Feng should not return to the Pearl tonight, so he should stay in a hotel?

Well Ma Shaji's bet has not been fulfilled. She has to sum up her actions in the evening

Li Feng sighed and didn't tear Ren Xiaolei apart.

In fact, he had already seen Ren Xiaolei's purpose. Li Feng resisted it on the surface, but he had some expectations in his heart. After all, Ren Xiaolei's beauty was irresistible."Take a step and see a step." Li Feng comforted himself in his heart.

Just at this time, Shangguan Yunhai came to Ren Xiaolei and stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, beauty, I'm Shangguan Yunhai."

Ren Xiaolei took a look at Shangguan Yunhai and Li Feng. Then she lowered her head and said, "sorry, Mr. Shangguan. My boyfriend doesn't like me shaking hands with other men."

Shangguan Yunhai frowned slightly, then looked at Li Feng: "don't you know, this will only show you are not confident."

Li Feng shrugged: "don't you think there is another possibility?"

"What?" Shangguan Yunhai is a little puzzled.

"She doesn't want to shake hands with you. It's just an excuse." Li Feng pondered.

Shangguan cloud sea is a Leng first, then a cold voice: "impossible, I am Shangguan cloud sea!"

A sentence of "I am Shangguan cloud sea" shows the confidence and domineering spirit of Shangguan cloud sea thoroughly.

"Wow, Shangguan is very domineering."

"Oh, my God, he's just a bully chief executive from the TV series!"

"What's the bully President? He's a prince charming coming out of animation!"

A group of female partners have already ignored the feelings of their male partners, and have expressed their love for Shangguan Yunhai.

In this regard, although a number of men in the heart eat taste, but also dare not speak out, because scold is not to give Shangguan Yunhai face.

, opposite Lin Yunpeng, curls her lips and make complaints about herself. These women do not have the sights or exaggerations.

Shit, isn't there a good leather bag? What's sweet!

Shangguan cloud sea showed a satisfied look: "see, this is my woman fate."

"Frankly speaking, when it comes to women's fate, no one should have more say than me." Li Feng sighed and said with some pity.

As soon as the words were said, the faces of all the people were still.

Even Lin Yunpeng and Zhu Hao looked at each other.

Although Li Feng's appearance is also very good at fighting, but he's dressed up to reduce a lot of points, compared with Shangguan Yunhai is much inferior.

This can be seen from the attention of the female partner present, so where is Li Feng's courage to say this because he has Ren Xiaolei as a girlfriend?

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