Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 795

If Li Feng said this sentence before he hit the last two shots, then Lin Yunpeng and others must think he was pretending to be forced.

But Li Feng performance so strong, Lin Yunpeng has to weigh the weight of this sentence.

"Li Feng, don't play such a big game. Just follow the routine. Be careful to sail for thousands of years."

At this time, Ren Xiaolei walked to Li Feng's side and reminded him in a low voice.

"What you say is the water thrown out. You can't take it back." Li Feng shook his head and then played with the taste: "how, auntie, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid Fart Ren Xiaolei bit her silver teeth and said bitterly, "if you dare to lose, I will dare to sacrifice. Then I will see how Lingfei will deal with you."

Li Feng's mouth a smoke: "if I win, Lingfei will clean up my right?"

"Ah? Is that so? " Ren Xiaolei's face was stagnant, and then he said coldly, "I don't care. Anyway, you can't lose. If you lose, I'll tear up the ticket!"

With that, Ren Xiaolei went to one side.

Because Ren Xiaolei's last sentence was a little loud, Lin Yunpeng on the side also heard it. At this time, he was thinking, what kind of tearing method is Ren Xiaolei's tearing ticket?

"Do you want to do what I say? If you don't agree, you can continue to throw them one by one. "

Li Feng looked at Lin Yunpeng and said in a deep voice.

Lin Yunpeng's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "this is what you asked for on your own initiative. Don't blame us for losing later!"

Even if both sides lose, Lin Yunpeng will have a try!

Soon, Lin Yunpeng went to Zhu Hao and leaned over to pick up a wine bottle.

"Lin Shao, Haozi, let's throw it like this later."

Jia Fei picked up the bottle and went to the two people and murmured in a low voice.

Zhu Hao and Lin Yunpeng kept changing their faces, and finally they all showed a happy smile.

At the end of the discussion, the three stood face to face in a corner. After making a gesture to Li Feng, the three suddenly turned around and threw the bottle in different directions.

Not only that, the three people are all thrown to the ground, the highest point is the hand!

Ren Xiaolei was furious: "mean!"

How to hit the ground even if the world shooting champion is here!

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "time hourglass Open it

In an instant, an invisible light wave spread around Li Feng, and the speed of the three bottles falling to the ground dropped ten times!

Then, Li Feng took aim and fired three shots in a row!

"Bang", "bang", "bang"

"pa", "pa", "pa"

the three bottles were all broken before landing!

Lin Yunpeng three people directly on the mouth big open, fell into the ignorant state!

Chen Rou San also covered her mouth with her hands, and her face was full of amazement!

God, what did they see? Three bottles smashed to the ground were hit in succession in less than a second?

They must have witnessed a miracle!

"Sleeping trough! Horizontal trough, horizontal trough! What do I see? " Ren Xiaolei can't help but burst a rude sentence.

Can you hit all of this? She's not dazzled!

At the time of everyone's shock, Li Feng put down the air gun and said in a steady tone: "do you want to continue to compare?"

Lin Yunpeng three people this just return to God, the eyes complex look to Li Feng.

Nima, this can hit, they also compare a fart ah, directly admit defeat, or have to continue to be beaten by Li Feng.

"You are this." Lin Yunpeng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and gave Li Feng a thumbs up: "I admit defeat. I'm convinced of losing!"

Lin Yunpeng is such a temper. If you are stronger than me, I will obey you and be willing to make friends with you. If you are weak and still pretend to be forced in front of me, I will kill you!

But then again Although he did not lose anything to Li Feng, Lin Yunpeng always felt that he had missed 100 million yuan after he lost the opportunity to let Ren Xiaolei kill chickens.

Li Feng's mouth a hook: "yield!"

At this moment, a sound system prompts: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the task of" Bi gun technique "has been completed, and the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 100000 experience points, 500000 system points and 10 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 13.925 million

system points: 182.5 million

conquest points: 1147

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, Sky Sword technique, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, exploration Cloud Hands

Tasks to be completed: none

after reading his personal attributes, Li Feng quits the system.

Ren Yunpeng, did you return the gun to Lin YunfengRen Xiaolei's beautiful eyes flow: "so you know from the beginning that you can win, is deliberately frightening me, right?"

"I think so." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, playing with the flavor: "if you don't do this, what can you do if you come up with such a thing in the future?"

"You don't like it?" Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows.

Li Feng sighed: "I also have something I'm not good at. What if next time you really choose a field I've never set foot in and let me compare with others, what should I do?"

Ren Xiaolei looked at him for a while, then said with a smile: "so You don't want me to kill people, do you? "

Li Feng:

It's not How do you feel that after talking for a long time, I've got myself involved? This NIMA is embarrassed!

When Li Feng didn't know how to answer Ren Xiaolei, Lin Yunpeng took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Feng. He said politely, "brother, you are too strong. I don't know what to say. Come and smoke."

Li Feng waved his hand and laughed: "quit."

In the past, he smoked to clear his mind. Now he doesn't have any worries, so he doesn't have to smoke.

As for whether it is difficult to quit smoking Does it matter to the demigods?

Lin Yunpeng laughed, lit a cigarette and said, "I didn't wait for an expert in the world, but I got a master of gunshot. It's a worthwhile trip."

Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and asked curiously, "what kind of outsider?"

"Well..." Lin Yunpeng's eyes flashed, and he said mysteriously, "don't you know? There's a legend here, and it's very divine. "

"Legend? What legend? " Li Feng also came to be interested.

Lin Yunpeng's face was even more mysterious: "this legend is spread from the residents of Gufeng town. It is said that there is a time and space gate here, and occasionally some experts from the outside world will walk out of the gate of time and space."

Ren Xiaolei and Li Feng looked at each other, and then said with surprise, "is there such a thing?"

"Yes, so let's have a look." Lin Yunpeng nodded and then sighed: "it's a pity that we have been waiting here for half a day and a night, but we haven't found anything."

Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei did not speak again.

They guessed that it was Luo Tianzheng and others who had been discovered when they brought people out, so there was such a legend.

"Oh! I almost forgot about it! "

All of a sudden, Lin Yunpeng patted the forehead, and then said with bright eyes: "Li Shao, I'll take you to a fun place later?"

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