Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 794

At this time, Ren Xiaolei got close to Li Feng and whispered, "Li Feng, can you do it? If you can't, you can shine your gold watch again

Lin Yunpeng's performance is not amazing, but let Ren Xiaolei have a sense of crisis.

5 out of 10 shooting has been very good, Li Feng is not a professional after all, can he hit a higher percentage than this?

If it doesn't work, it's better to erase the memory of Lin Yunpeng and others. She doesn't want to kill chickens for Lin Yunpeng when the gamble hasn't happened.

Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "scared?"

"Hi What are you afraid of? I'm just worried that you will lose face. " Ren Xiaolei said.

"Oh, it's OK. I don't care about losing face." Li Feng shrugged and held up his air gun.

Ren Xiaolei's tone was sluggish. After a while, she stamped her feet and walked to one side in a rage.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, then signals Zhu Hao to start throwing wine bottles.

On one side, Lin Yunpeng winked at Zhu Hao. Zhu Hao nodded knowingly, then took a deep breath and threw the bottle out.


the wine bottle flies into the air at a very fast speed!

If compared with the previous several times, Zhu Hao's throwing speed is nearly double, but the height is much lower!

In this way, the parabola drawn by the bottle will be smoother, it is difficult to judge when the bottle reaches the highest point, which increases the difficulty of hitting.

"Shit, mean!"

Ren Xiaolei made a rude remark.

In order to prevent Li Feng from hitting the target, he deliberately increased the initial speed of the bottle and lowered the height of the bottle. What's the difference between this behavior and cheating?

Just then



The bottle fell to the ground after crossing a parabola.

Li Feng missed his first shot!

Ren Xiaolei:

"Yes! He missed it

"Wow, Lin Shao has won, ah ~"

"little forest, little forest, little forest!"

Then, a familiar melody came out in Jia Fei's mobile phone.

We are the champion friend ~

and we'll keep configuring the end ~

"shit! Li Feng, did you mean it? "

Ren Xiaolei walks to Li Feng, grabs his arm and shakes.

Li Feng took a puff of his mouth and said with a bitter smile, "I really didn't mean to do it, it was because of my skill."

He didn't mean to do this kind of thing. He just wanted to try his familiarity with the air gun.

It turned out to be a bit cruel

"Handyman So you're going to lose this time? " Ren Xiaolei's face is not very good-looking.

"Maybe." Li Feng shrugged.

Ren Xiaolei:

Want to cry without tears!

At this time, Lin Yunpeng came by and said, "Li Feng, you should not admit defeat directly, or you will shoot ten empty guns. How embarrassing?"

"Yes, Li Feng, let's face it. It will only waste everyone's time to fight again."

"Not only a waste of time, but also a waste of wine bottles, a 30 cents, ha ha."

Zhu Hao and others also made a mockery in the distance.

Li Feng shook his head: "I don't have the word" admit defeat "in my dictionary

"Hey?" Lin Yunpeng raised his eyebrows and gave out a sneer: "don't admit defeat, right? OK, then you'll continue to fight. I'll see if you can hit one of the next nine shots!"

"Don't look, you can't hit it!"

"It's only when he can hit the primary school students' level that there is a ghost!"

Zhu Hao and others taunted again.

"You all shut up Ren Xiaolei gave a cold drink. With one hand on his hips and one finger at Zhu Hao, he cursed: "you, when you throw it, you should throw it slowly to my mother. At least you should throw it as hard as you did when you threw a bottle to Lin Yunpeng."

"If you don't do what I say, I'll blow your head off!"

With that, Ren Xiaolei turned his fist and made a "click" and "click" sound from his knuckles.

Lin Yunpeng's eyes were bright and he murmured in a low voice: "it's hot, I like it!"

Zhu Hao was scared, subconsciously will nod to agree to come down.

Who knows Li Feng suddenly said: "no, you throw as fast as you can later."

Speaking of this, Li Feng Click to learn just spent 10000 system points to buy the "research shooting skills.".

"Top level shooting skills": this skill is the ultimate shooting skill developed by the system developer to study the posture, habits and anticipation of the world's top special forces shooters and Olympic shooting champions, which integrates all firearms such as air guns, pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper guns, etc

"By learning this skill, the host will have the best shooting skills in the world.""Note: this skill is sold for 10000 system points."

A white light flashed in Li Feng's mind, and then Li Feng's cells seemed to have a sense of familiarity and closeness to the air gun in his hand.

The feeling of man gun integration!

"How fast can I throw it?" Lin Yunpeng raised his eyebrows and said with a slight sarcasm: "brother, you are a bit forced to say so?"

"You'll find out later if you pretend to be forced." Li Feng held up his air gun and made a gesture to Zhu Hao.

"Hiroko, don't let this guy down, throw it quickly!" Lin Yunpeng turned his head and roared at Zhu Hao.

Zhu Hao nodded, took a deep breath and threw the bottle out with all his strength.


this time, the bottle flew faster and lower. It was almost a parallel straight line, so it was impossible to judge when it would fall!

All of a sudden, Lin Yunpeng, Jia Fei and others raised their lips with pride.

Haozi's strength is OK. Li Feng can't hit the cliff at this speed. I guess he's afraid to shoot, right?

But just then!


a shot!


the wine bottle explodes in the air!

Lin Yunpeng:

Zhu Hao and Jia Fei:

Sleeping trough! What happened just now? Li Feng really shot the bottle? WTF!

Ren Xiaolei was also stunned, and then she raised her hands and jumped up in the same place: "Yeah, hit me, Li Feng is great!"

However, Li Feng didn't have any excited color on his face. He waved to Zhu Hao and said, "come again!"

Zhu Hao looks at Lin Yunpeng. Lin Yunpeng nods at him with an ugly face. Then Zhu Hao takes a deep breath again and throws the bottle out.


the wine bottle flies out only one meter, the gun rings, and the bottle explodes in the air!

Even a few pieces of broken glass slag splashed on Zhu Hao's hands.

Zhu Hao took back his hand like an electric shock, shook his hands and yelled "lying trough!"

Lin Yunpeng and Jia Fei also burst out a sentence "lying trough!"

Nima, when the bottle just flew out, it was the fastest time and the most difficult time to master the flight trajectory. Li Feng actually chose this time to shoot?

You got it! He's on the target, isn't he?!

Ren Xiaolei's a pair of beautiful eyes lit up, looking at Li Feng in the eyes of a little more worship, there is a bit of the color of flower mania.

Oh, my son-in-law is too fierce. Not only is the force worth a lot of force, but also the shooting skill is accurate. What else can he not do?

In the silence, Li Feng put down his gun and said, "Lin Yunpeng and Jia Fei, you two can throw bottles with Zhu Hao at the same time. It doesn't matter if the direction is different. If you miss one, I'll lose."

Lin Yunpeng and his three people said:

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