Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 791

"You may not believe it. In fact, I have a lot of money. I have more money than all of you, so let's not talk about money with me."

"Besides I don't know how to live forever. I'm not an expert. I'm from the global village like you. "

"Then don't you think you've seen us. Let's walk on each side of the road, OK?"

In view of the good attitude of Lin Yunpeng and others, Li Feng did not want to use thunder and thunder against them. He said in a consultative tone at the moment.

Lin Yunpeng and others shook their heads again.

Depend on it, they finally come to the world's experts. How can they not learn some skills from them?

"Master, this watch is worth 20 million yuan. I'll give it to you as my tuition fee. How about it?"

Lin Yunpeng took the Patek Philippe on his wrist and said.

For Lin Yunpeng, there is nothing in the world that money can't solve. If there is, he will double his money!

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth, then sighed: "it seems that I can only use unconventional means."

As soon as this was said, Lin Yunpeng and others became nervous.

What does unconventional means, force?

Ren Xiaolei also showed her eyebrows, wondering what unconventional means Li Feng intended to use.

"Come on, look here." Li Feng took Da Jin's expression down and said in his hand.

Lin Yunpeng and others subconsciously look at the big gold watch.

"System, erase their memory of this time." Li Feng said silently.

a white light flashed and 10000 system points were deducted. The memory of Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei walking out of the vortex gate in Lin Yunpeng's mind was erased.

Then they fell into a brief absence.

At this time, Li fengchong and Ren Xiaolei winked and walked out.

After they went out for more than ten meters, Lin Yunpeng and other talents came back to their senses. Then Lin Yunpeng looked at his wristwatch and said, "why did I take off my watch?"

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei and other people are also confused, they have no impression at all!

At this time, the white skirt woman Chen Rou saw Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei in the distance, and was surprised: "ah, when did they appear?"

Lin Yunpeng and others turned their heads to see Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei's back and were stunned.

Damn it, what happened just now? Why are they like collective amnesia? They don't know when those two people appeared there?

"Now, you two, stop for me."

Lin Yunpeng let out a shout.

Ren Xiaolei at the foot of a meal, smile rather than smile: "son-in-law, you do not seem to be how to use this move?"

She thought that Li Feng had used hypnosis on Lin Yunpeng and others. As a result, they only went out for more than ten meters. Lin Yunpeng and others woke up. Her son-in-law's hypnotism was a little useless.

"Don't worry about them." Li Feng shook his head and didn't want to waste time here.

"Don't, if they spread the news about this place, it will be a disaster for Shenzong." Ren Xiaolei said solemnly.

Li Feng:

It's not How do I think you have a big heart to play, so I want to continue to break with Lin Yunpeng and others?

As for future troubles Jiuyouzong has become one-sided in his hands. The four top-level ancient martial arts families can't beat jiuyouzong together. Is there any future trouble with wool?

"Well, what are you two whispering about there? Turn around!"

Lin Yunpeng saw Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei whispering and shouting again.

Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and turned to doubt: "are you calling us?"

Li Feng shook his head helplessly and then turned around.

From the last time in the bar, Li Feng knew that Ren Xiaolei was a woman who liked to make things big.

According to the law, such a woman is quite annoying to Li Feng, but he can't have any disgusting feelings towards Ren Xiaolei, which is also quite strange

At the moment of seeing Ren Xiaolei's face, Lin Yunpeng's breath was stagnant, and his eyes burst out with amazing light.

Zhu Hao and Jia Fei are also surprised by Ren Xiaolei, and they are stunned.

Chen Rou's three girls are all beautiful women of Western art school. Chen Rou has also made several advertisements, but compared with Ren Xiaolei, the three of them are inferior.

Not only is the appearance, the figure, the most important is the temperament.

Ren Xiaolei has both mature y elder sister fan and a bit naive and lovely. With her angel face and devil figure, her attraction to men can be said to be a big show.

After being stupefied, Lin Yunpeng coughed and said, "yes, I'm calling you. When did you come here? Why didn't we see you here?"

Ren Xiaolei eyebrows a pick, a face of doubt to look at Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged, indicating that his move was very effective.

Ren Xiaolei was surprised at first, then gave Li Feng a thumbs up.The son-in-law is so powerful that he showed them the gold watch, and they lost their memory collectively. Ah, how fierce!

Then Ren Xiaolei hooked Li Feng again, suggesting that he taught him this move. She really wanted to learn it.

Li Feng said he could do nothing.

Ren Xiaolei wrinkled her eyebrows and shook Li Feng's arm in a coquettish way.

Li Feng, with a wry smile on his face, shook his head and refused.

On the other side, Lin Yunpeng looks at Ren Xiaolei on the left and Li Feng on the right. He looks confused!

It's not What are these two people doing? What pantomime are they playing here!

"I said What are you two doing? "

Lin Yunpeng can't look down. You can say that the two men don't seem to have much difference in age and looks. But the man's dress is a little too spicy.

How to look at this small Zhongshan suit? How funny!

Li Feng turned his head and said, "we heard that the scenery here is good, so come here and have a look. Is there a problem?"

"But why didn't we see you passing by?" Lin Yunpeng did not understand.

Is it not surprising that these two people have gone away with their backs to them, that is to say, they are likely to pass near them, but they are not aware of it?

"Oh, we came from that side. When we saw someone here, we turned back." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Why turn around and turn back, afraid of us? Or What do you two want to do in a place like this Zhu Hao frowned and said.

"Poof, Hiroko, you're driving again." One side of Jia Fei laughs.

Once Li Feng's face sank, he was going to reprimand him.

However, Ren Xiaolei suddenly took his arm and said with a shy face: "Oh, they can see it. It's so shy ~"

Li Feng:

It's not What do you see? Shyness dog egg, you so let others misunderstand really good?

On the other side, Lin Yunpeng and others are confused.

It's not Love, are they really a couple? This NIMA, a flower on the cow dung!

"Hoo." Lin Yunpeng spit out a bad breath, and then play the taste: "acquaintance is predestined, since we met, the two will come to sit down to eat and chat?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, will refuse, but Ren Xiaolei has already nodded and said: "good, good, just I am hungry."

With that, Ren Xiaolei took a look at Li Feng and murmured in her heart: "shit, I've worked hard for you to create a hero's chance to save beauty..."

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