Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 790

"Lin Shao, we have been in this ghost place for half a day and a night. We haven't even a ghost. I think we'd better go back."

"Yes, Lin Shao, what is the gate of time and space, and what kind of expert in the world, I think it's a lie made up by the mountain fool. It can't be true."

"We're going to watch a fight in the evening. If we don't leave, we won't be able to catch up."

Ten miles south of Gufeng mountain, there are three luxury cars, a black Mercedes Benz big G, a camouflage Lexus LX, and a champagne golden Lincoln Navigator.

In front of the front of the three luxury cars, six fashionable young men and women sat on the ground in a circle with legs crossed. In front of them, a blue tablecloth was spread, on which were placed red wine, drinks, snacks, etc.

Next to the tablecloth, there was a barbecue rack with sliced meat and charcoal.

Three tents were set up around the vehicles, with a pile of burnt out campfires next to the tents.

"All right, don't compare. Wait another half an hour. If we don't find anything, we will withdraw."

Said a handsome young man with blonde hair and off white co branded AJ in his super vest.

He is Lin Shao of other population, Lin Yunpeng.

Lin Yunpeng's father is a rich man in Xishan province. There are really mines in his family, and there are more than one, with assets of tens of billions.

A few days ago, he heard people say that there had been a gate of time and space, and there were also high-ranking people riding on the clouds. Under his curiosity, he took his friends with him to stay here.

As a result, I stayed for a night and half a day, but I didn't even see a personal shadow.

"It doesn't matter if you don't find anything. I'm going to camp here."

"Yes, we are tired of going to all kinds of high-end places. It's good to come out and get close to nature once in a while."

Two other young men echoed.

The two men, Zhu Hao and Jia Fei, are rich children of Xishan Province, just like Lin Yunpeng. However, their family assets are worse than that of Lin Yunpeng's, so they are both headed by Lin Yunpeng.

Lin Yunpeng sat beside each of them a beautiful, fashionable looking beauty, or pure or seductive, appropriate school flower level.

Among the three beauties, Lin Yunpeng's beauty in a white dress is the most eye-catching.

The girl looks about 20, with 85 points for her appearance and 90 points for her figure. However, her temperament is very pure, which makes people daydream.

Once in a while, she turned over the meat slices, and when she saw it was cooked, she sprinkled pepper and cumin, and then picked up a bunch and handed it to Lin Yunpeng and said, "Yunpeng, here you are."

"Well." Lin Yunpeng light should a, took a barbecue bite, nodded: "the taste is OK."

Seeing this, Zhu Hao and Jia Fei's female companions also have a similar style, each picked up a string of barbecue and handed it to them.

Zhu Hao and Jia Fei met each other with a smile, took the meat kebab in one hand, and put the girl companion building beside him into his arms.

Delicious food in hand, accompanied by beauties, enjoying the beauty of nature, this feel times cool!

Zhu Hao shook his head and said, "what is life? This is life! At this moment, I just want to say Horizontal trough

Lin Yunpeng and others who want to hear Zhu Hao sigh are stunned.

Then Lin Yunpeng said with a smile: "shit, I hate you uneducated. I can't even find a suitable adjective at the critical moment. I can only say that I'm sleeping."

Zhu Hao raised his hand and pointed to the front, his mouth was wide open, and he shook his head wildly.

"Shit, is it wrong for you to shake your poor head and say you are uneducated?" Lin Yunpeng continued to laugh and scold.

Just at this time, Jia Fei also came to a "lying trough", and then his mouth was wide open, and he also reached for the front.

Lin Yunpeng's brow slightly frowned: "shit, you two special have no problem, beautiful woman said beside what lie trough ah!"

"Yunpeng, you Look at it At this time, the white beauty beside Lin Yunpeng pulled him for a while, and then pointed to the direction of the stone tablet.

Lin Yunpeng found that it was wrong and turned his head.

And then

"Lying trough!"

Lin Yunpeng's mouth was wide open, and his face was full of amazement.

In his line of sight, a whirlpool portal appears above the stone tablet, and the vortex slowly rotates, which seems to have a kind of inexplicable rhythm.

In this situation, Lin Yunpeng can not think of a second way of expression except "lying trough"!

Just then, two figures suddenly came out of the whirlpool door.

Lin Yunpeng and others couldn't help but shout out "lying trough!"

"Lying trough?" Li Feng, who walked out of the whirlpool gate, didn't expect to see so many people as soon as he came out. He couldn't help but make a rude remark.

Ren Xiaolei looked at Lin Yunpeng and others, and Li Feng. Finally, she nodded and said, "lying trough, Chinese culture is really broad and profound. A simple sentence of lying trough can express different meanings, Niu PI!"

I don't know how long, the two sides of the mutual explosion trough have come back to God."You You are passing on The legendary worldly high Are you an expert? " Lin Yunpeng stammered.

"This..." Li Feng lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally grinned: "No. Don't you think you've seen us, Eugene? "

Lin Yunpeng and others shook their heads.

Nima, they have been here for a long time just to see the world's great men. Now they see them, but they don't see them? What a fuss!

"So there's no need to talk about it?" Li Feng spread both hands, some helpless.

"No Master, don't get me wrong. We don't want to threaten you, but we want to learn from you the ability of immortality. " Lin Yunpeng quickly got up, learning from the ancients on TV, gave Li Feng a gift and said politely.

Although Lin Yunpeng is usually arrogant, he knows that Li Feng who appears here in this way is not something he can afford.

However, this expert looks a little strange. He has a big back, a big gold watch, a big gold chain, and big leather shoes. In addition, he looks like a very unsuitable Zhongshan suit

The life of the master must be very hard, isn't it?

"Yes, master, as long as you are willing to teach us the skill of immortality, we will give you as much money as possible!" Zhu Hao also clasped his fist and said.

Li Feng shook his head: "it's not about money."

What does SHENTE teach others that he can't live forever?

Lin Yunpeng said: "master, you don't know something. Now this society can't do anything without money, and we can give you a lot of money. With this money, you can enjoy the glory and wealth."

Li Feng turned to look at Ren Xiaolei: "do I look like I don't have money?"

Ren Xiaolei nodded to him. If he didn't say anything else, he said that the Zhongshan suit, which was a few sizes smaller, could explain the problem. The clothes of the rich people would not fit.

It's no wonder Li Feng, who asked him to dress up as Wei bin and wear a Zhongshan suit a few sizes smaller than his actual size? Let him never find a chance to change clothes.

This is so embarrassing!

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