Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 792

Li Feng is helpless.

When he entered jiuyouzong, he should be at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. in Jiuyou sect, he stayed for no more than 5 hours.

If the time velocity on both sides is the same, it should still be two or three o'clock in the morning, but the sun is just empty after it comes out.

It can be seen that the time velocity in this two-dimensional space is also different from that of the earth, so Li Feng does not know how long he has been away, and would like to go back to the Pearl as soon as possible.

However, Ren Xiaolei seems to be having a good time

"Forget it, I can only call my mother and Bingqing later to report their safety."

Li Feng shook his head and followed Ren Xiaolei to Lin Yunpeng and others.

"Handsome boy, beautiful woman, what's your name? Where are you from?"

Lin Yunpeng touched two bottles of drinks, handed them to them and said.

Li Feng took it and said with a smile, "Li Feng, Huacheng people."

"Ren Xiaolei, a mountain city man." Ren Xiaolei opened the drink and took a sip.

"Not from Xishan? Do you go to school or work in Xishan province Lin Yunpeng raised his eyebrows and asked in doubt.

"Do you think we are like students?" Ren Xiaolei asked.

Lin Yunpeng shook his head. Instead of asking questions, he introduced himself and introduced Zhu Hao and others to each other.

After knowing each other, Ren Xiaolei asked curiously, "you are all rich children. How can you come here? Are you afraid of danger?"

Although it's not in the mountains and forests, it's hard to find people there. Once a villain passes by, it's hard to avoid meeting with the three Lin Yunpeng.

"Hey, all three of us have practiced, and we've got guys. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Lin Yunpeng brightened his fist and said carelessly.

"With the guy?" Ren Xiaolei show eyebrow a pick, to interest: "what guy, let us see Bai."

Lin Yunpeng and Zhu Hao and Jia Fei looked at each other, and then gave them a sign with their eyes. Then they got up and went to the luxury car.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Yunpeng asked, "you only have two people. If you still come here, you are not afraid to meet bad people?"

"We're not rich." Ren Xiaolei said with self mockery.

"But you are a beautiful woman." Lin Yunpeng said with a smile, his eyes burning: "to be honest, I was surprised to see Miss Ren at the first sight. If there are bad people who meet you here, you are afraid to suffer."

Ren Xiaolei's eyes flashed and said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Li Feng can protect me."

She took Li Feng's arm and put her head on Li Feng's shoulder.

For Ren Xiaolei's behavior of taking advantage of Li Feng has long been used to, for which he can only sigh helplessly, and then try his best to suppress the thought in his mind that silk should not have.

"By him?" Lin Yunpeng was stunned and then laughed.

Chen Rou San also shakes her head and smiles, and her eyes are a little contemptuous.

At this time, Zhu Hao and Jia Fei have taken two air guns from the luxury car and turned back.

Lin Yunpeng stopped laughing, took the air gun, and said triumphantly, "this thing can hit a rabbit a hundred meters away. It's very harmful. If you encounter a bad person, you can subdue him with one shot. It's very powerful. Do you want to have a try?"

Ren Xiaolei: Forget it. I don't like to play with guns. "

For ordinary people, air guns do have a great deterrent power, but for those with strong martial arts This is a toy. It doesn't have any eggs.

Besides, not many girls like to play with guns, at least Ren Xiaolei doesn't like it.

"What about you, man, you look like you've never played with this before?" Lin Yunpeng looked at Li Feng and said scornfully.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile: "this thing I was tired of when I was in high school."

He is really not bragging. I think he was also a ten billion young master when he was in high school in Huacheng. Let alone air guns, real guns were fired.

Of course, in a regular shooting range, a bullet needs dozens of pieces. He would not do such things as hiding guns.

Lin Yunpeng was stunned at first, then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei and others shook their heads and laughed, and their faces were mocked.

This is an air gun used for hunting. People who have no strength can't touch it. When they are still in high school, they are tired of playing with it. They can't afford to pay taxes by boasting?

It's not that Lin Yunpeng deliberately looks down on Li Feng. It's because Li Feng's dress is too old-fashioned. In their opinion, Li Feng's gold chain and watch are all fake. It's estimated that if he takes a bath, he can float up.

He should be a man who deliberately disguises himself as a nouveau riche in order to make a beauty. If such a person says something, he will be mentally disabled.

"Since you were tired of air guns when you were in high school, you must be very good at shooting?"

Lin Yunpeng played with the air gun and said with a smile.

"Not so much." Li Feng shrugged."Hey, are you dishonest?" Lin Yunpeng's sword eyebrows were inverted and he pretended to be angry and said, "the shooting technique is either good or bad. You are too perfunctory."

"Yunpeng, when you are idle, you should compare your shooting skills with him?" Zhu Hao said.

"That's not necessary." Li Feng sighed. Why do these people have to compare with him when they see him? Is it not good for us to sit together and talk about it?

"Necessary, very necessary!" Ren Xiaolei raised her hand and said excitedly: "compare the shooting skills, I will follow the one who wins..."

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and quickly covered Ren Xiaolei's mouth: "that I don't want to compare. "

Damn, Ren Xiaolei wants to drink with him again? What a mess!

On the other side, Lin Yunpeng's eyes are bright. She will follow whoever wins what?

This is too much room for reverie!

"No, you want to!" Ren Xiaolei pushed Li Feng's hand away and said categorically.

Li Feng:

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

Just then, a system tone suddenly sounded.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "check it out!"

"Task: compare shooting method"

"task objective: To compare the shooting skills with Lin Yunpeng and win the competition. If the task fails, the host's 1 million system points will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 100000 exp, 500000 system points, 10 conquest points."

"Shit, I knew it!"

Li Feng is really too familiar with the system. Since Ren Xiaolei has put forward the requirements, the system will most likely release the corresponding tasks, and he guessed it!

After sighing, Li Feng said, "OK, I think, but you don't have to sacrifice?"

"No, I have to make a sacrifice to have the motivation to win." Ren Xiaolei said excitedly.

Lin Yunpeng repeatedly nodded: "yes, yes, I am also very motivated, so what are you going to do with the winner?"

Ren Xiaolei looked at Lin Yunpeng and Li Feng. Finally, she said with a shy smile, "I I can kill chickens by horse, and I will kill chickens for whoever wins. How about that? "

Li Feng:

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