Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 789

Tens of thousands of yellow mud horses galloped past the white snow lotus three people's hearts.

My NIMA, Li Feng, is the Lord of the God sect? It's not scientific!

Wait Before Li Feng also asked them about the nine you order, was it that Li Feng had already got the nine you order?

Then in the period before they returned to Shenzong, Li Feng broke the secret of Jiuyou order and became the leader of Shenzong?

Bai Xuelian is not stupid, and she quickly came to this conclusion in her mind.

"White snow lotus, the ninth elder of Shenzong, has seen the Lord!"

Bai Xuelian, without hesitation, kneels down to Li Feng and calls for the Lord.

Bai Luofeng, Qin'an also had a similar style, Chong Li Feng kneeling.

"Well, since you know that I am the Lord, you should listen to me in the future."

Li Feng ponders a smile, takes out nine you whip from carry on knapsack to give white snow lotus.

Bai Xuelian can't believe her eyes!

When she took over the nine you whip, she believed it all. For a while, she was grateful to Li Feng and even said thanks.

But then Bai Xuelian thinks that her storage ring is still there. So she looks at Li Feng eagerly, hoping that Li Feng can return the ring to her.

Perhaps guessing the idea of Bai Xuelian, Li Feng takes out the storage ring from his arms.

When she saw this ring, Bai Xuelian's breath was a little short, but the next moment Li Feng took out two storage rings from his arms.

Bai Xuelian:

Luo Tianzheng et al

It's not Take out three storage rings. Li Feng robbed Wei bin, Qiu Biao and Bai Xuelian, right?

Shit, during this time, the Shenzong went out to three elders. As a result, they all met Li Feng and were robbed by Li Feng

Must be a special fate?

"Wei bin and Qiu Biao are both good people. It's a pity that they are no longer alive. Otherwise, I will promote them to be left and right Dharma protectors."

Li Feng was playing with the ring and sighed repeatedly.

Luo Tianzheng et al

It's not What do you mean, Lord, because you robbed their storage ring, so they are good people?

This is similar to the famous line "is a good driver a good man?"!

At this time, only listen to Li Feng continue to say: "fortunately, Bai Changlao is still alive. In order to thank him for giving me the storage, I announced that I would promote him to the right Dharma protector of Shenzong, ranking above the other elders."

"I am not in the divine religion later, that is the law of white protection has the final say."

Bai Xuelian was stunned at first, then ecstatic: "thank you for your grace!"

Although there are most of her belongings in the storage ring, they are all external belongings. If there is no more, you can do it from the Shenzong. Anyway, there are many Tiancai Dibao planted in Shenzong.

With this status, she can not be separated from the right one!

Luo Tianzheng and others are also stunned. I, NIMA, are you suggesting that they bribe?

"Lord, this is my storage ring. There are many good things in it. I hope you like it."

At this time, Wang Yuanliang was the first to take off his storage ring and handed it to Li Feng.

"Oh, elder Wang, this is your lifelong effort. How can I ask for it?" I'm sorry, but Li Feng picked it up.

Wang Yuanliang was stunned at first, and then said with a smile: "what the LORD said is something out of his body. As long as he can make the Lord happy, he will be happy to be his subordinate."

Luo Tianzheng and others took a puff of their mouths and wished to scold them for being shameless.

Not only Li Feng is shameless, but also Wang Yuanliang.

The mouth says no, but the hands are honest. What about the most basic trust between people?

And Wang Yuanliang, in order to seek the upper position is also shameless to the extreme! It's disgusting!

On one side, Ren Xiaolei gives Li Feng a thumbs up.

How much is face worth compared with specific interests?

"Since Mr. Wang understands my heart so much, I'll make you the left protector of Shenzong, ranking above the white Dharma protector. After I'm not in Shenzong, you and Bai HUFA will lead all the elders and disciples."

Li Feng put the storage ring into the system backpack and said with a dry cough.

For Li Feng, it doesn't matter whether there is a Dharma protector or not, and it doesn't matter who is going to be the Dharma protector. Anyway, no matter what happens, the devil sect is all his talk. It's impossible for Wang Yuanliang and Bai Xuelian to do Dharma protectors, and the devil sect will have any trouble.

It's just that Luo Tianzheng and others can't accept it. Damn, Wang Yuanliang and Bai Xuelian were under them before, but now they are flying over their heads. In the future, will they not want to see their faces? Can't bear it!

"Lord, this is my treasure ring. There are many crystal stones, natural materials and earth treasures in it, as well as the gold, jewelry and antiques I have collected over the years. Please accept it.""Lord, this is mine..."


After a brief silence, Luo Tianzheng and others have taken out their own storage rings to be loyal to Li Feng.

"This Not very good. I've arranged for the left and right Dharma protectors. I'll take your things I don't have an official to seal. "

Li Feng said with some embarrassment.

However, his mouth is not very good, his hands or the first time the storage ring are received, stuffed into the system backpack.

What a fool he would have to do if he didn't pick up or throw away any good things?


Luo Tianzheng and others want to cry without tears.

It's not Love, they hand in the storage ring, but no benefit? That's not how we play, right?

At this time, Li naofeng said: "shoot! I'll change the position of the left and right Dharma protectors to the rotation system, right

"Wang Yuanliang, Bai Xuelian, you two do one, four, seven, Wan Zidao, Huang Weizhong, you two do two, five, eight, Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, you two do three, six, nine, perfect!"

Luo Tianzheng et al

Nima We have been fighting for love for a long time. We haven't changed much from before.

Oh, Lord, you are too cunning!

Li Feng did not know they knew their own problems, but they did not make complaints about them.

In the following time, Li Feng visited here under the guidance of Luo Tianzheng and others. During the visit, Li Feng knew that this space of different dimensions was the place where Ren Jiuyou founded Jiuyou sect.

There are a lot of natural materials and gemstones planted here.

Fifty years ago, jiuyouzong was almost destroyed in the first World War. At the last moment, Ren Yuan told Luo Tianzheng and other masters about this place. Under his leadership, a group of disabled soldiers returned here.

Later, the master of Luo Tianzheng and others died because of his injuries. Luo Tianzheng and others quickly recovered their vitality with the help of Tiancai Dibao here, and developed and expanded.

After the visit, Li Feng told them to take good care of the Tiancai Dibao and Jingshi mines here, and then took Ren Xiaolei out of the demon sect and returned to the secular world.

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