Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 788

"Oh, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Ren Xiaolei hurriedly came to hold Li Feng and asked with a worried face.

"It's nothing. I hurt a little, and then I'm exhausted. It's just a little empty. There's nothing else."

Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and said with a bitter smile.

Fortunately, he managed to hold on. If he suddenly fainted just now, it would be embarrassing

Ren Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief, raised her small hand, patted Li Feng on the shoulder, and said angrily: "hoo, I scared you to death. I thought you You... "

"What?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Nothing." Ren Xiaolei blushed and whispered.

Li Feng's pale face just now really seemed to be dying, but she couldn't say it out. Saying it was cursing Li Feng to die

"Think I'm dying?" Li Feng laughingly said.

Ren Xiaolei, who was said to be in the middle of his mind, was stunned at first and then played with the taste: "a man can't say he can't do it."

Li Feng:

At the same time, she teased him once, and Ren Xiaolei was really playing!

"Well, this Yes, it's not just a matter of words. "

Li Feng is also in the mood to fight with Ren Xiaolei after he survives the disaster.

"Well?" Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows: "so, you are going to Well? "

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and he said with a smile: "the moon is so round tonight ~"


Ren Xiaolei raised his hand to reward him with a chestnut. Dissatisfied, he said, "is it so terrible for me to change the topic at the critical moment?"

Li Feng did not dare to continue this topic.

"Coward." Ren Xiaolei looked at him angrily, then sighed: "forget it, you can recover your true Qi first. I will protect your Dharma."

"OK, thanks a lot, auntie." Li Feng smiles, and then takes out a crystal stone from the system backpack and begins to recover his true Qi.

This is the first time that Li Feng uses spar to recover his true Qi. The effect is not so good. He only absorbs the energy in a piece of crystal, and Li Feng replenishes half of the real Qi consumed by him.

After absorbing the energy from the two crystals, Li Feng's true Qi returned to its peak state.

"If you can also use spar to recover Qi in battle."

Li Feng is playing with three crystal stones with empty shells, and says thoughtfully.

"Er It seems that the crystal can be absorbed in the battle? " Ren Xiaolei said with uncertainty: "I don't know, because I haven't used it, but you can try it next time."

Li Feng was speechless at the corner of his mouth.

It's not Ren Xiaolei, can you take some responsibility when you talk? If you don't make any conclusions, you will kill people!

However, he can really try. If he can use spar to recover his true Qi in battle, his endurance combat ability will be greatly improved.

"Well, I have to knock out more good things from Luo Tianzheng and others before I leave the demon sect."

Li Feng touched his chin and whispered to himself.

Just when Li Feng hit Luo Tianzheng and others, a system prompt suddenly rang out: "Ding, congratulations to the host," the goddess Ren Xiaolei's wish "task has been completed, and the task reward is being given..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 10 million experience points, 50 million system points and 100 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The mission of" rescuing goddess Ren Xiaolei (2) "has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 10 million experience points, 50 million system points and 100 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The level has been upgraded. The current level is in the middle of demigod level."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess Ren Xiaolei's progress has been improved, and the current progress is 49% (getting better)"

"I wipe, the task has been completed, but also upgraded?"

Li Feng heart a joy, quickly point into the personal attributes interface to view the next.

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 138250000000

System score: 18200000

conquest points: 1137

skills: divine power, empty spirit, stepping on the sky seven steps, Sky Sword technique, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, exploration Cloud Hands

Tasks to be completed: none

"I wipe 50 million system points are needed from mid to late period of demigod

After reading his personal attributes, Li Feng couldn't help being tongue tied.

But then again Is Ren Xiaolei's progress improved?

Shit, I don't want to increase the progress to 100%!

"No, you want to."

Said a voice deep in his heart.Li Feng:

He still has this idea? No, no, it's too evil. No way!

After some ideological struggle, Li Feng got up and said, "I'm recovered. Let's go and take advantage of Luo Tianzheng."

Ren Xiaolei's eyes brightened: "this is a good idea. Let's talk about it first. Half of the meeting will be divided. Later, you must give me some good things."

"No problem." Li Feng agreed very happily.

It's impossible for Luo Lei to break the truth behind his success.

"It's so nice to have a son-in-law ~"

after taking advantage of Li Feng, Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm and went to the conference hall with three jumps.

Just as the two of them were about to arrive at the assembly hall, three figures suddenly came from the distance.

See these three people's moment, Li Feng on the foot of a meal, the corner of his mouth hook up a touch of fun arc.

"Do you know them?" Ren Xiaolei said suspiciously.

"Well, the loser." Li Feng said with a smile.

These three people are not others. They are Bai Xuelian, Bai Luofeng and Qin'an who have met with him in Feiya resort.

At this time, white snow lotus three people also saw Li Feng, ghost general Scream: "Damn, how are you here?"

Nima, after they escaped from Li Feng's hand, were all worried all the way for Li Feng to pursue him.

Finally, they returned to Shenzong. They just breathed a sigh of relief, but they ran into Li Feng face-to-face?

This special What the hell?

"I'm the leader of Jiuyou sect now. Don't you three come here to see me?"

Li Feng two hands back behind, playfully said.

Where can Bai Xuelian believe? At the moment, they said angrily, "Li Feng, don't think I can do what I want if you win. Here is Shenzong, and there are many people who can subdue you!"

"Big elder, second elder, there is an enemy coming in. Come out and meet the enemy quickly!"

Li Feng didn't stop him, so he let them shout.

Soon, Luo Tianzheng and others rushed out of the meeting hall: "shit, today is a big day for the patriarch's high position. Which one is not open-minded to make trouble here?"

"If anyone comes in, I won't kill him!"

Bai Xuelian's face was happy. She pointed to Li Feng and said, "it's him! His name is Li Feng. He broke my good deeds outside and robbed my nine you whip. Senior brothers, please help me revenge quickly

At this time, Luo Tianzheng and other talents saw Li Feng standing with his back to them. He was stunned on the spot.

Then, Luo Tianzheng and others knelt down on Li Feng's knees and yelled at the patriarch. Then they rushed to Bai Xuelian and said, "Damn, Lao Jiu, are you tired of living? This is our Lord. Don't you kneel down and admit your mistake to the Lord?"

Bai Xuelian:

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