Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 787

The battle between Luo Tianzheng and Li Feng caused a lot of noise, which attracted the attention of other members of the demon sect.

At the moment, most members of the demon sect are looking at this side from a distance.

When Feng Dehai was blown to pieces, these members of the demon sect were pale.

When Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, wanzidao, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang knelt down to Li Feng and called for the patriarch, these members of the demon sect took a breath of cold air.

Then, all of them knelt down on Li Feng's knees and cried out for the Lord.

"My God His son-in-law really broke the secret of jiuyouling. How did he do it? " Ren Xiaolei covers her mouth in amazement.

In the past few decades, Ren Xiaolei has studied Jiuyou Ling countless times. She even tried to recognize the LORD by dripping blood. She even bit her fingertip and dropped it on it. However, it was useless.

In the end, she was so frustrated that she put Jiuyou Ling to eat ashes.

How long did she give Jiuyou Ling to Li Feng? Li Feng broke the secret of Jiuyou Ling?

Very angry!

However, Ren Xiaolei turned to think about it. Li Feng is her son-in-law. The son-in-law should be happy. Otherwise, Li Feng looks like a pig and she will die of anger!

What's more, their crisis is over. Li Feng doesn't need to crush Luo Tianzheng and others on his personal combat strength, so he can make his clothes fit and they can walk horizontally in the Jiuyou sect.

How happy ~

"Oh? You are quite able to take the helm when you see me kill Feng Dehai with Jiuyou order. Do you kneel down and call my lord? You should take revenge on Feng Dehai, who is your brother in law

Looking at Luo Tianzheng and others kneeling on the ground, Li Feng's corners of the mouth rise, some ridicule.

Luo Tianzheng raised his head and said with righteous words: "master, you are joking. Since you have thoroughly mastered the order of nine you, it is our Lord. It is proper for the patriarch to kill his subordinates. How can we avenge this traitor?"

"Yes, patriarch, Feng Dehai is totally responsible for his own fault. How can we have the idea of revenge for him?" Liang Yuxin squeezed out a smile that she thought was very attractive.

"That's right..."

Wan Zidao, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang were also loyal to Li Feng.

Wqtmlgbd, this is the master of Jiuyou order. Do they have any other choice but to bow down and submit to the throne?

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "maybe it was just a coincidence just now? You should try again, and maybe you can kill me? "

Luo Tianzheng and others changed slightly.

Coincidence? Nima, it's not a coincidence that the golden light on the jiuyouling is!

But Is it really a coincidence? After all, Feng Dehai was seriously injured. Maybe it was Li Feng who buried something in Feng Dehai that detonated it just now?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Tianzheng and others have some vivid thoughts.

"Poof, do you believe it?"

Li Feng chuckled and pointed to Luo Tianzheng: "Zhen Jiu you!"


a golden light gathered on the Jiuyou order, and then rushed into Luo Tianzheng's body in his frightened eyes.

A tearing pain rose in Luo Tian's body, and then he cried out: "ah! Please forgive me

Li Feng is not moved, just looking at him.

Soon, Luo Tianzheng's body will be like the Feng Dehai before, rapid rise, as long as a few seconds, Luo Tianzheng will be like Feng Dehai, fried all over the ground.

Liang Yuxin and others turned pale and quickly lowered their heads. There were big drops of cold sweat on their forehead.

Lying trough, Li Fengtai is so ferocious. If you don't agree, you will kill. The key is that they have no chance to resist!

"Master, spare your life, Lord! I was wrong. I must be loyal to the Lord from now on, and I dare not have any second heart! "

Unwilling to be so suffocating, Luo Tianzheng roars again.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smilingly said: "I let you hit who you hit who?"

"Yes, I will fight whoever the Lord wants me to fight!" Luo Tianzheng did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.

"Good, loose!" Li Feng nodded and took the Jiuyou order back. A golden light flew out of Luo Tianzheng and returned to Jiuyou order.

Then, Luo Tianzheng's body quickly returned to the original size, and at this time his clothes were already wet by cold sweat.

"Wow, son-in-law, can you still use it like this? How amazing

Ren Xiaolei is like a little girl who sees a novel toy. She can't help but cry out.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "yes, Jiuyou is very magical. It can not only make people explode like a balloon directly, but also make people stay in the balloon state for a long time without exploding. That kind of feeling It must be quite sour. "

Although the mental formula is simple, there are several ways to punish members of the demon sect. One way is to become a balloon to explode, another is to turn it into a balloon. There are also several means of minor punishment and severe punishment that can be tried one by one in the future.Luo Tianzheng et al

I wipe? In a balloon state for a long time without exploding? Do you want to be so cruel!

Others don't know, Luo Tianzheng has a say in this. The feeling that the body is almost torn apart is really worse than life!

Even more terrible than death is that life is not equal to death. Knowing that Li Feng can make them a balloon, Luo Tianzheng and others dare not have any intention of betrayal.

And this is the most fundamental reason why Ren Xiaolei put forward the problem just now!

"Well, since you recognize me as the patriarch, I can stop investigating the rude things you have done to me, but I will make some rules here. Would you like to listen?"

Li Feng is playing with nine you Ling.

How dare Luo Tianzheng and others say no? Then they all said yes.

"First, you can't go to the world without my permission."

"Second, even if you go to the secular world with my permission, you can't do evil in the secular world. You must abide by the relevant laws of the secular world. Of course If you are not open-minded, you can report to me, and I will teach you how to do it. "

"Third I have some family members in the world. Seeing them is like meeting me. I will introduce them to you. "

"Fourth, those people you plundered from the outside world can report to me if they want to return to the secular world to visit their parents. With my permission, they can be accompanied by the elders to visit their relatives. Those who want to stay in the secular world can stay in the secular world for a long time after they have abandoned all their armed forces, but they are not allowed to talk about the existence of Jiuyou sect."

"I think of so many rules for the moment. Can you understand all the other rules when I think about them?"

Li Feng glanced around the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

"I understand!" Luo Tianzheng and others responded loudly.

"Good." Li Feng nodded and then waved: "I'm tired. Please step back."

Luo Tianzheng and others gave Li Feng a gift, then turned around and left.

As soon as they left, Li Feng showed a weak look and said, "Auntie, come and help me. I can't stand."

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