Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 786

"Li Feng!"

Ren Xiaolei sent out a exclamation and rushed to Li Feng recklessly.

Li Feng mouth a hook, this time did not stop Ren Xiaolei to come to his side.

"How do you feel? Is it hard?"

After coming to Li Feng's side, Ren Xiaolei asked with concern.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Li Feng smiles and shakes his head.

Ren Xiaolei:

It's not You don't look very good right now, OK?

However, Li Feng's calm expression infected Ren Xiaolei, which made her tense body and mind get a little relaxed.

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng three people jumped out of the deep pit, confirmed that Li Feng was seriously injured, and then he had to go through the process of spraying.

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng suddenly raised his hand and said with a sarcastic smile, "do you want to say that although my performance is beyond your expectation, I will still be defeated by you in the end?"

Luo Tianzheng:

I wipe? This is what he just wanted to say. How could Li Feng know?!

"And you Do you think that I can't continue to fight, and let me take out all the things in the storage space, so that I can die happily? "

Li Feng looked at Wan Zi Dao again and said sarcastically.

Wan Zi said: "it's just

By the way, this boy is good at reading mind. He says exactly what he wants to say!

"You..." Li Feng looks at Liang Yuxin again.

Liang Yuxin was nervous. Did Li Feng even know what she wanted to say? Not likely!

"Come on, you're just talking nonsense." Li Feng sighed and ignored Liang Yuxin directly.

Liang Yuxin:

It's not How to me, this is bullshit, look down on people, right?

Oh, by the way, what did I just want to say? I forget when I'm nervous.

At this time, Feng Dehai sneered and jumped out and said, "hum, you boy with sharp teeth and sharp mouth..."

"It was the three of them who rocked me. You, the defeated general, are not qualified to speak to me." Li Feng interrupted directly.

As soon as Feng Dehai's face changed, he would open his mouth to refute.

But who knows Luo Tianzheng three people unexpectedly deep thought Ran's nod: "this sentence I agree with."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with the boy."

"Fourth, you'd better watch."

Feng Dehai:

It's not At least we are martial brothers. We are on the same front. Are you decent to help the enemy?

"Li Feng, take out the Jiuyou order."

At this time, Ren Xiaolei said in a hurry.

At the moment of her voice landing, Li Feng took Jiuyou Ling in his hand.

"Give it to me." Ren Xiaolei stretched out his hand to take it, but Li Feng dodged away: "it's OK. It's better for me to make it."

Ren Xiaolei:

It's not What's better for you? If it works better in your hand, you should have taken it out just now.

Luo Tiancheng and Feng Dehai are not idiots. As long as you use your mind, you can think of this. It is better to give her Jiuyou order, and she can have a chance to frighten Luo Tiancheng.

"This This is really the nine you order

Luo Tiancheng's eyes suddenly became hot.

The nine you order that they have been searching for is actually in Li Feng's hands? There's a feeling that there's no need to find a place to get it.

But now is not the time to be happy, everyone is looking at it covetously, who wants to grab Jiuyou Ling has to go through a hard struggle.

"Yes, it's really jiuyouling. Are you afraid?"

Li Feng plays with jiuyouling and smiles.

Luo Tianzheng and others were stunned first, then looked up at the sky and laughed: "afraid? Do you think you can command the disciples of Shenzong if you get the Jiuyou order? "

"Jiuyouling is just jiuyouling. You can't understand the secret. It's a piece of scrap iron. Do you understand?"

"Why, you don't want to say that you have broken the secret of jiuyouling? Ha ha, do you think we're stupid? If you broke the secret of jiuyouling, would you wait until now

As Ren Xiaolei thought, if she took it out, it might frighten Luo Tianzheng and others, but Li Feng was really out of the question.

Li Feng shrugged: "who You are really right. I have just broken the secret of jiuyouling. If you want to live, you can kneel down and call Ye Li. Maybe I am soft hearted and can let you live. "

Luo Tianzheng and others looked at each other, then looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "Li Feng, do you really treat us as three-year-old children?"

"If the secret of jiuyouling is so good, how can Ren Xiaolei give it to you?"

When they mocked Li Feng, a figure suddenly rushed out of the slant, and the next moment came to Li Feng: "you talk too much nonsense!"Feng Dehai's expression is somewhat ferocious.

He was beaten by Li Feng just now. He made a fool of himself and suffered a lot. How could he be in the mood to listen to Li Feng's blind beep? Now he just wants to blow Li Feng to pieces!

"Li Feng, be careful!" Ren Xiaolei exclaimed.

In the distance, Luo Tianzheng and others closed their mouths and looked at Feng Dehai with three points of surprise, three points of joy and four points of ridicule.

Although the possibility of Li Fengshen breaking the secret of jiuyouling is very low, even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, they are not willing to commit a personal danger.

Let Feng Dehai, who is a cold headed youth, try Li Feng. They just need to sit in the back and reap the profits.

When he was about to rush to Li Feng, Feng Dehai's right hand and finger like a knife went straight to Li Feng's chest.

At the moment, Li Feng's invincible aura and time hourglass have all failed, and his true Qi has been exhausted. Once he is stabbed by Feng Dehai, his fate will be the same as Ren Xiaolei before.

But before he rushed to Li Feng, he saw Li Feng pointing out: "Zhen Jiu you!"


a dazzling golden light gathered on the Jiuyou order, and then disappeared into Feng Dehai's body.

Feng Dehai felt a sharp pain in his body. He felt powerless and fell to the ground!

However, this is only the beginning. Then Feng Dehai's body was covered with golden light, and his body expanded rapidly like an inflatable balloon. The sense of tearing made Feng Dehai Scream: "ah! What a move! What a pain! Ah

In the distance, Luo Tianzheng and others are frightened! The

trough is as like as two peas in the legendary master's punishment for the disobedient disciples. Li Fengzhen's secret of the nine secret orders was broken.

When Luo Tianzheng and others are in doubt, a loud bang comes!

Feng Dehai's body is like a balloon explosion, the explosion is all over the ground!

"I have said that you can break the secret of jiuyouling. You don't believe it. Now the dead can't die any more?"

Looking at the debris all over the ground, Li Feng put Jiuyou Ling to his mouth and blew his breath. His posture was natural and handsome.

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng and others are all in a state of stagnation!

Li Feng beside Ren Xiaolei also fell into a sluggish state!

After a long time, Luo Tianzheng and others rushed to Li Feng's knees and knelt on their knees, shouting: "subordinate Luo Tianzheng (Liang Yuxin) See the Lord

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