Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 785

After Ren Xiaolei's death, Li Feng saw the palm that pierced out of Ren Xiaolei's back. For a moment, his eyes were ready to crack!

He was injured in the earthquake just now. Because his true Qi was exhausted, his reaction power was not as good as before. Feng Dehai rushed over so suddenly that he didn't react until he hurt Ren Xiaolei.

"Feng Dehai, I'm your eight generation ancestors!"

At this moment, Li Feng hates heaven, struggling to help Ren Xiaolei revenge.

"Keep lying there for me!" Feng Dehai sneered, his right hand a look out, there is a furious real gas rushed out, directly will Li Feng pressure lying on the ground.

Although Feng Dehai was also seriously injured, most of them were trauma, and his Qi was still vigorous.

On the contrary, Li Feng suffered from internal injury, and his true Qi was exhausted. The gap between them came out. Li Feng didn't even have the ability to resist.

After pressing Li Feng down, Feng Dehai burst into a wild laugh: "ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha, I said she didn't know the secret of Jiuyou Ling. I'll tell you!"

Just now he was gambling with his life. It turns out that he was right. Ren Xiaolei did not crack the secret of Jiuyou Ling!

In the distance, Luo Tianzheng and others showed the same color of ecstasy, and their bodies flashed to Ren Xiaolei. They all looked at Ren Xiaolei's nine Youling.

At this time, the golden light on the nine you order becomes more and more bright, and the faces of Luo Tianzheng and others are slightly dignified.

"What is the situation?"

"Ren Xiaolei's blood meets jiuyouling, and then it starts to shine. Is the secret of cracking jiuyouling right here?"

"Is this the legend of blood to recognize the Lord?"

Luo Tianzheng and others want to see what will happen next, so no one starts to rob Jiuyou Ling.

Let's look at Ren Xiaolei. She still has a weak breath. This is because Feng Dehai's hand has not been pulled back. Once Feng Dehai takes back her hand, Ren Xiaolei is afraid that she will die directly.

Ren Xiaolei turned hard to look at Li Feng behind her. In a blood haze, she saw Li Feng lying on the ground.

This moment, Ren Xiaolei's face showed a smile: "Li Feng, thank you Thank you for saving me I... "

"Auntie, don't talk. Hold on. I'll get you out of here!" Li Feng almost roared.

"No It's impossible. They're so Strong. " Ren Xiaolei coughed up a mouthful of blood and said with a sad smile: "it is even You're in trouble. I'm It's hard to feel at ease. "

"No, I can, auntie. You must believe me! You must hold on Li Feng's blue veins burst out on his forehead and tried to get up with all his strength.

Maybe the strong willpower played a role, Li Feng really strong support up the body.

But at the moment when Li Feng was about to stand up, Feng Dehai said grimly with a smile: "go back to me again!"

The voice fell to the ground, Feng Dehai's right hand pressed down, and Li Feng fell on the ground.

Just now, he deliberately relaxed his suppression on Li Feng, and Li Feng got up from the ground. It was like a cat catching a mouse. He had to tease the mouse enough before the cat could swallow it as a plate meal.

Does Feng Dehai have too much bad taste? No, it's Li Feng who just let him make a fool of himself and suffer a lot. That's how he teases Li Feng.

Not enough to calm their anger!

"Feng Dehai!" Li Feng's heart is filled with hatred!

In fact, he has a way to solve the problem in front of him, which is to use time to reverse the flow and let time return to the time when he took Ren Xiaolei out of the chamber.

But the time reversal is his last card. After using it, once he can't take Ren Xiaolei away from the demon sect, he will no longer have the ability to reverse the situation.

So he is waiting, waiting for the change of Jiuyou order to end. Maybe soon he can see the secret hidden in Jiuyou Ling. Then it is time for him to fight back!

However, this is only his guess. No one can tell what will happen to jiuyouling. Once he guesses wrong, he can only turn back the time when he takes Ren Xiaolei out of the meeting hall

"What is it called? No matter how fierce you call, you can't change the fact that you are a defeated general of mine

Feng Dehai laughed.

"Li Feng... "

Ren Xiaolei looks at Li Feng, who is struggling on the ground. Tears in her eyes can't stop flowing down.

At this time, the nine you order on the golden light, reflecting the square of heaven and earth are stained with a layer of hazy gold.

Then, a few lines of small characters were projected into the air by Jiuyou Ling.

"This This is?! " When Luo Tianzheng saw these lines of small characters, his face suddenly changed!

These lines of small characters are actually a mental formula. It clearly says that as long as you master this mental formula and cooperate with Jiuyou order, you can control the life and death of all those who have practiced Jiuyou magic skill!

It turns out that this is the secret hidden in the nine you order!

Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao also showed a fanatical look on their faces, and then they had to reach out and grab Jiuyou Ling.

However, Feng Dehai, who recently left Xiaolei, has already launched an action. He grabs Jiuyou Ling in his hand. Then he takes back his arm and retreats.In this moment, Ren Xiaolei's huge wound on his chest flowed with blood!

"Old five, old six, stop them for a minute. I will learn this mental formula first. Then I will be the Lord of God sect. You are the left and right Dharma protectors. Hurry up!"

Feng Dehai roared.

In fact, this mental formula is not difficult to learn. It can be learned in more than one minute. As long as Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang win this minute for him, Shenzong is his talk!

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang looked at each other and stopped Luo Tianzheng in front of them.

They were originally the people of Feng Dehai. Even if they temporarily joined Luo Tianzheng, they were not taken seriously. It is better to help Feng Dehai to the end.

They are certainly not the opponents of Luo Tianzheng and Luo Tianzheng. However, if they delay Luo Tianzheng for one minute, the two of them are still somewhat certain.

"Shit, two things that mud can't hold up to the wall!"

Luo Tianzheng's three men were furious and waved their magic weapons, and they cut them off to Huang Weizhong.

Suddenly, a big war broke out between the five elders of the demon sect.

On the other hand, Feng Dehai was anxious to learn the mental formula. Just as he was about to master the mental formula thoroughly, Li Feng, lying on the ground, laughed: "so it is I see. Auntie, we are saved. "

It's a pity that Ren Xiaolei has lost consciousness and can't hear Li Feng.

"Shit, you must be saved. I'll kill you first. Go to hell to accompany Ren Xiaolei." Feng Dehai was not used to Li Feng's appearance. He stretched out his hand to fight Li Feng and wanted to kill him.

But at this time, an invisible light wave spread around Li Feng.

Everything covered by invisible light waves is like a movie inverted, starting to go back and forth in a strange way.

Zhenqi flies back to Feng Dehai, and then Feng Dehai returns to Ren Xiaolei and "hands back" Jiuyou order to Ren Xiaolei.

Then, Luo Tianzheng and the three men retreated to the distance. Feng Dehai's arm was pulled back from Ren Xiaolei, and the huge wound healed quickly until it completely disappeared.

Finally, when time returned to the moment when Li Feng was shaken off, the time reversal stopped.

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