Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 784

"Li Feng!"

Ren Xiaolei sent out a exclamation and rushed to Li Feng recklessly.

"Don't come here!" Li Feng quickly turned back to dissuade him.

However, his dissuasion didn't play any role. Ren Xiaolei didn't even have the slightest hesitation. A few dodged to his side and reached out to hold him. He asked with concern on his face: "how do you feel? Is it hard?"

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile: "these are not important..."

The important thing is that he has run out of ammunition, but Luo Tianzheng and others have not been seriously injured. If he does not think of a way to turn defeat into victory, he and Ren Xiaolei will hang here.

If he can use group space teleportation, he can also take Ren Xiaolei out of here. The key is that it can't be used. This is a space of different dimensions, just as he and Shen Zixuan can't use space teleportation after entering the heterogeneous space.

"Important, very important!" Ren Xiaolei nodded vigorously, full of affectionate said: "you are just injured for me, I am in great pain."

Ren Xiaolei's life experience is actually quite miserable. She had no father or mother since she was a child. When she grew up, she met people she liked and was abandoned. Since then, she has closed her heart.

Li Feng's appearance twice in a row at the time of her crisis has opened a crack in Ren Xiaolei's closed heart and made her feel cared for again.

So she saw Li Feng injured vomiting blood, will regardless of their own safety gallop over, she is really very distressed!

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng and others jumped out of the pit, and Feng Dehai stopped fleeing.

They first carefully observed Li Feng and determined that Li Feng was seriously injured. Qi Qi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

After laughing wildly, Luo Tianzheng said: "Li Feng, I admit that you are somewhat out of my expectation, but you are not going to be defeated by us in the end?"

Wan Zi Dao also sneered: "look, you can't continue to fight. Take out all the things in the storage space, so we can give you a happy death."

"Well, you can try not to do what we say, but I'm afraid you can't afford the consequences." Liang Yuxin said with cold eyes.

"Yes, we..."

Feng Dehai was about to speak, Luo Tianzheng turned his head and looked at him: "fourth, Li Feng was defeated by the three of us. You'd better watch it."

Feng Dehai only felt a mouthful of old blood blocked his throat.

Well, I'm also the four elders. I can't say a word in front of the defeated enemy?

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang looked at each other without daring to say anything.

To tell you the truth, they both regret that Feng Dehai was so useless that they should not have agreed to help him fight for the throne of the patriarch.

Now, Feng Dehai is down in the battle for the suzerain. They must find a way to change their families.

With a sneer on his face, Li Feng looks at Luo Tianzheng fearlessly, and thinks about the way to turn the table.

At this time, Ren Xiaolei said: "Li Feng, take out the nine you order."

"What?" The faces of Luo Tianzheng and others changed dramatically.

Isn't jiuyouling in Qiu Biao's hands? How can it be in Li Feng's hands?

Damn it, they were played by Ren Xiaolei, to be exact, Feng Dehai was played by Ren Xiaolei!

Without waiting for them to make a response, Li Feng immediately took out the nine you order and handed it to Ren Xiaolei.

See the moment of nine you make, Luo Tianzheng and others in the eyes of greedy color, and then will go forward to rob.

"Stand there for me! Don't move!" Ren Xiaolei pointed to Luo Tianzheng and others with Jiuyou order, and said coldly, "you all know the secret of how to control the disciples of Jiuyou sect, but you don't know what the secret is, right?"

As soon as the words came out, Luo Tianzheng and others stopped at the same place.

Of course, they know about it. According to legend, if they master the Jiuyou order, they can master all the members of Jiuyou sect.

The mastery here is absolute mastery, which can determine the life and death of the other party! Even if the realm is not as good as the other party, you can also master the other party's life and death!

Because of this, they want to find and destroy the Jiuyou order. Otherwise, once someone has cracked the secret of Jiuyou order, their life and death will be in the mind of others.

They are all at the top of martial arts. Who would be willing to be controlled like this?

Now Ren Xiaolei takes out Jiuyou order. If Ren Xiaolei has cracked the secret of Jiuyou order, they will fart and directly kneel down to call the Lord!

See Luo Tianzheng and others do not dare to go forward, Ren Xiaolei's corner of the mouth picked up a sneering smile: "I know."

Luo Tianzheng and others face color change again!

"For the sake of your father's spirit in heaven and your loyalty to Jiuyou sect, I can spare you this time and quit."

With that, Ren Xiaolei waved to Luo Tianzheng and others, and his expression was unspeakable.

On one side, Li Feng is looking at a face muddled!

Lying trough, Ren Xiaolei even knows how to control Luo Tianzheng and others? Then why did she go there so badly?Wait Ren Xiaolei is not deceiving them, is he?

At the thought of this possibility, Li Feng's whole person is not good!

On the other side, Luo Tianzheng and others are somewhat suspicious. If Ren Xiaolei knows the secret of jiuyouling, they will have to fight against Ren Xiaolei!

But since Ren Xiaolei knows the secret of jiuyouling, why should she watch Li Feng defeated by them?

"Hum, Ren Xiaolei, do you think we are stupid? You don't know the secret of Jiuyou order. Otherwise, how could you give it to Li Feng? "

"Well, even if Li Feng is your son-in-law and you take jiuyouling as a dowry, why don't you tell him the secret of jiuyouling when you give him jiuyouling?"

"If you told Li Feng, how could he be surrounded and beaten by us? He would have countered us with the order of nine you!"

Just then, Feng Dehai stood up and said.

As soon as these words were said, Luo Tianzheng and others couldn't help but pick their eyebrows, and their faces showed the color of sudden realization.

Yes, if Ren Xiaolei really knew the secret of jiuyouling, how could he allow Li Feng to be beaten into this pair of birds by them, and had already defeated them, which would have to wait until now?

Nima, Feng Dehai usually can't see how to drop, but he still has a good way to analyze the situation. When he becomes the Lord, he can make Feng Dehai his own dog's head.

"Presumptuous!" Ren Xiaolei raised Jiuyou order and stepped forward.

Luo Tianzheng and others subconsciously took a step back, but then they stopped and said with an ugly face: "it's time to scare us with Jiuyou order. Are we stupid?"

"If you have the ability, you can counter us with Jiuyou order."

"Come on, as disciples of Shenzong, we have already forgotten life and death!"

Although they say so, Luo Tianzheng and others have no intention to fight Ren Xiaolei. In the final analysis, they are still afraid of death.

It's just that some people are not afraid of death.

At the moment of Luo Tianzheng's voice landing, Feng Dehai rushed to Ren Xiaolei, and his right hand and finger like a knife directly penetrated Ren Xiaolei's heart!

A canopy of blood spray out, part of the sprinkle on the nine you order.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light in the nine you order sent out!

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