Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 783

The moment the breath appeared, Li Feng's face became dignified.

Before using the secret skill, Luo Tianzheng is already the peak of demigod. How strong will Luo Tianzheng be after using the secret skill?

When Li Feng was shocked, Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao also released their own breath.

Two demigods later!

Among the nine elders of the demon sect, one is at the top of the demigods, three are in the later period of the demigods, and the remaining five are all in the middle of the demigods.

Such strength is simply terrible!

If the nine elders had not been fighting with each other all the time, they would have been doomed once they entered the secular world!

Luo Tianzheng immediately joined the war after releasing their breath,

"Hey, three dozen and one is shameless enough. Now you still need six dozen and one. I'm really ashamed of you!"

In the distance, Ren Xiaolei couldn't look down, and began to scold.

Luo Tianzheng's three immediately retorted: "hum, Ren Xiaolei, as the holy daughter of Shenzong, you not only don't contribute to Shenzong, but also collude with outsiders to deal with us elders. Your heart is punishable!"

"Ren Xiaolei, if the patriarch is alive, he will certainly regret that he gave you birth!"

"Ren Xiaolei..."

"Shut up for me Li Feng roared and controlled Xu Shen to step on the three of them. Because they were close to Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, this foot also covered them.

Only Feng Dehai, who is being chased by Li Feng, is not in the range of this foot.

Invincible aura and time hourglass have only 4 seconds left. He has to beat Luo Tianzheng three people in four seconds to have a chance of life. So at this time, he is too lazy to fight with Luo Tianzheng.

Before the virtual God has already stepped out of three feet, this is the fourth step of seven steps, that is, the explosion of quadruple damage!

"What is the trick?"

The reaction of Luo Tianzheng is the same as that of Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang before. They don't want to resist, but they can't dodge.

Helpless, the three can only like Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, fight this foot with fists.


with a loud noise, Xu Shen's right foot was blown away.

Although this is the fourth step of the seven steps of stepping into the sky, the explosion is four times the damage, but the other party is five people, the strength of these five people is still above Li Feng, it is reasonable that the five people will blow this foot apart under the joint efforts of the five people.

Because it was five people who resisted the foot together, Luo Tianzheng's five people did not suffer much damage. They just felt that their Qi and blood were floating a little, and the discomfort disappeared as soon as they moved the real Qi.

"Ha ha, it looks so powerful, but it doesn't hit the mark." Liang Yuxin sneered.

Wan Zi Dao also sneered: "rely on, old five, old six, you two are too useless, this kind of trick all beat you to vomit blood?"

"No wonder you're going to follow the old four. It turns out that you are too useless. Forget it. Anyway, the fourth brother has quit the competition of the patriarch. In the future, you two will follow me." Luo Tianzheng made a closing statement.

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang were livid with anger, but they couldn't find any reason to refute them. They had to sulk there.

On the other hand, Feng Dehai is also very relaxed.

Nima, if Luo Tianzheng and Luo Tianzheng are not Li Feng's opponents, then he should consider sayazi's running away. Fortunately, Luo Tianzheng's resistance is coming, and then there is the counter attack

Lie trough, how come out a big foot again?!

When Luo Tianzheng and Wang Yuanliang laugh at Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, and Feng Dehai secretly plans to fight back, the empty God behind Li Feng's right foot condenses out, and then raises his foot to step down!


step five of the seven steps of stepping on the sky can explode five times of damage. With this powerful energy gathering, the void of the heaven and earth becomes trembling, as if to be torn apart.

Luo Tianzheng and others were dignified by this terrible power. Then they took out their weapons and chopped at their big feet without saying a word.


with a loud noise, Xushen's right foot is blown away again!

Although it was twice as much as the last attack, it still didn't do any harm to Luo Tianzheng and others. After all, it was shared by five people, which was double the attack of one person.

Single to single, the realm of Luo Tianzheng and others are above Li Feng. It is easy to resist Li Feng's double attack.

However, although Luo Tianzheng and others were relaxed, the shock wave generated by their hard collision with Xu Shen's right foot razed all the buildings within a kilometer radius, and even one corner of the hall in the distance was destroyed.

In the distance, Ren Xiaolei was blown out by the shock wave. When her strength weakened, she fell to the ground. Then she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it, the strong one at the top of the holy peak is weak in front of these monsters, shit!"

Ren Xiaolei wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said with great depression.

If she has been around the world for many years, where is she not a big figure in Megatron? But in front of Li Feng and Luo Tianzheng, she is so weak that she doesn't even have the qualification to stand in the distance to watch the war!Depressed!

But depressed what is secondary, now she is more worried that Li Feng is not Luo Tianzheng's opponent.

"Son in law, don't let me down if you are so fierce!" Ren Xiaolei prayed for Li Feng secretly.

On the other side, Li Feng couldn't help his pupils shrinking and his heart became cold after the fifth step was blown away.

At the moment, the invincible aura and time hourglass only have two seconds of effective time. Five steps have already been used to step on the seventh step. The true Qi has consumed most of it. The remaining Qi is only enough for him to step out the sixth step.

If the sixth step can not defeat Luo Tianzheng and others, he will be miserable.

"Depend on, life and death have life and death, wealth is in heaven, step six of seven steps!"

Li Feng roared, controlling Xu Shen's right foot to step out again!


at the moment of stepping on it, there are signs that the void is torn between the sky and the earth, and several black cracks flicker past, sending out palpitating "click" sounds.

Such prestige makes the faces of Luo Tianzheng and others somewhat dignified.

According to legend, only the God level strong can break the void. At the moment, although Li Feng did not break the void, there were some signs.

The key point is that Li Feng's real state is only at the early stage of the demigod. If he reaches the middle or even the later stage of the demigod, how terrible will he be?

In a flash, Luo Tianzheng and others knew that Li Feng couldn't stay. They had to kill Li Feng, so that they could have no worries!


"Break it for me!"

Luo Tianzheng and others each wave Jiuyou Shenbing to chop down the big foot.

Several violent and powerful Qi, like meteors breaking through the atmosphere, collided with Xu Shen's right foot with the force of wind and thunder.

The next moment, the deafening explosion sounded, the surrounding debris was more damaged by the impact!

Below, Luo Tianzheng's body trembled, and his face became pale for a moment.

Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao took a step back to stand firm. Their faces were slightly flushed.

As for Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, they spit out a mouthful of blood again under the impact of this foot. Their faces are as white as snow in an instant!

After all, it was the sixth step of seven steps. Even if the five of them carried it together, the violent impact still caused them slight or severe injuries.

Li Feng, on the contrary, after stepping out of the foot, the invincible aura and time hourglass just ended, and the anti shock force of maniac sent him hundreds of meters away!

After landing, Li Feng opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically!

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