Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 782

"Li Feng!"

In the distance, Ren Xiaolei exclaimed!

On the opposite side, Luo Tianzheng and others are confused!

It's not He just yelled that my life was up to me, and then Feng Dehai hit him with a move? Should the contrast be so obvious!

This is a Thunder Dragon roll. Even if they fight hard, they will be seriously injured. Li Feng is only in the middle of the demigod period. If he does not die, he will be seriously injured!

Feng Dehai was also a little stunned, but then he laughed wildly: "ha ha, look at your arrogance before, I thought you were so powerful. I never thought you were a Silver Pewter gun head!"

Just as Feng Dehai was laughing wildly, a figure suddenly burst out of the dust!

It's Li Feng!


"He's ok?"

"Shit, he didn't get hurt? How could that be possible! "

Luo Tianzheng and others couldn't help but cry out. In their sight, Li Feng didn't say that he was seriously injured. He didn't even have any skin injury. His hair style was not disordered!

Is this legendary PK hairstyle not disordered?

Feng Dehai is even more surprised that his two eyeballs are about to protrude. Shit, it's his signature skill of Thunder Dragon roll. It's powerful. Even if there is a small mountain ahead, it can flatten the peak.

Li Feng knot solid in this move unexpectedly nonsense? This is so unscientific!

Where did they know that when the Thunder Dragon roll was about to explode on Li Feng, Li Feng directly opened the invincible aura.

There is a saying that the truth is within the range. For Li Feng, when the invincible is opened, the truth is possessed. In this period of time, he is invincible!

Even if this time is only 10 seconds!

Not only that

"Time hourglass Open it

Li Feng murmured to himself, an invisible light wave spread around him.

In this way, invincible time can be extended to 100 seconds in disguise!

"Don't be wild!"

In the face of Li Feng rushing towards him, Feng Dehai roared and threw his double hammers forward.

However, under the influence of the hourglass, his speed was ten times lower than usual. Before he hit the double hammer, Li Feng had already rushed to him: "bright stars!"


a white light cluster condenses on the sword tip of Shenwu sword and emits dazzling light. The next moment, the sword point stabs Feng Dehai's chest.

At the same time, nine you hammer hard hit Li Feng!

"Well done!"

"It's going to hurt both sides!"

"I'm afraid that the fourth elder is going to cultivate himself for some time. But Li Feng was beaten by the fourth one. I'm afraid he has to hang up directly."

Luo Tianzheng thought of each of them.

"Boom" and "boom"

with two loud noises, Feng Dehai had a ferocious wound on his chest. Through this wound, people could even see the beating heart!

On the contrary, Feng Dehai's two hammers didn't affect Li Feng at all. There was not even a dent on his shining armor!


Feng Dehai vomited out a mouthful of blood, his feet moved in a hurry, and he retreated in a hurry. He drank in his mouth: "Damn, why can you ignore my attack?"


Answer him is a long sword with red flame!

The third move of sky chopping sword - explosive fire!

Feng Dehai swung his hammer to block the block. However, he was affected by the hourglass and was seriously injured at the moment. His swing was more than ten times slower than usual. Before he finished the block, the Shenwu sword was cut on him.


a voice of skin and flesh was heard, and a ferocious wound appeared on Feng Dehai.

This wound from the left chest has been down, almost to the right waist, skin valgus, deep visible bone, blood flow!

"Ah Feng Dehai let out a scream and roared, "old five, old six, what are you looking at? Help

From his shooting to now, the time has passed about two seconds. In this short two seconds, he not only failed to defeat Li Feng, but also was injured twice in a row by Li Feng!

He is afraid of being beaten by Li Feng. If he continues to fight like this, he is likely to die in Li Feng's hands.

At this moment, he didn't care what face to lose. First, he combined with the fifth and sixth to kill Li Feng!

At the same time, Feng Dehai opened the nine secluded changes, and his breath almost touched the threshold of the demigod peak.

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang didn't dare to neglect them. When they moved, they had to go to help Feng Dehai.

Li Feng's feet have not stepped on the battlefield!

The first step in seven steps!

"Damn it! What's the trick? "

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang had to avoid the trampling at the first time. However, no matter how they dodged, their bodies were firmly locked in by the big foot, which covered the sky and the sun. They could not escape at all.Under the panic, the two also use the nine you change, the breath directly promoted to the demigod later!

Next moment!


with a loud noise, Xu Shen's right foot trampled Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang into the ground!

This scene shocked Luo Tianzheng.

In a short period of two seconds, a semi God early strong man seriously injured a semi God late strong one, and still had spare power to deal with two demigod medium-term strong men. Li Feng's combat power is simply terrible and outrageous!

"Elder, shall we help them?" Liang Yuxin couldn't help saying.

If Li Feng defeats Feng Dehai's three men with his own strength, he may defeat them three. If they don't start at this time, it will be too late to start.

While Liang Yuxin was talking, Li Feng controlled Xu Shen to step out again.

Step two, step seven!

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang had just emerged from their heads when they were trampled into the ground by this foot and cried out in dismay.

On the other side, Li Feng continues to pursue Feng Dehai with his magic sword. At the moment, Feng Dehai has no courage to fight Li Feng head-on. He keeps retreating with his double hammers and shouts: "elder elder, do you want to see death without help?"

Luo Tianzheng raised his eyebrows and said, "senior four, as long as you are willing to withdraw from the patriarchal competition, the three of us will help you, how about that?"

According to his original plan, he wanted to wait for Feng Dehai to win and lose with Li Feng, and then he made a move. However, Li Feng's performance completely exceeded his expectation. At this time, he was a little worried.

However, he will not help Feng Dehai unconditionally. He must let Feng Dehai pay a price.

"Elder, you are still in the mood to talk about this at this time. I really misread you." Feng Dehai said with shame and anger.

"Forget it. Good luck." Luo Tianzheng shrugged his shoulders and remained unmoved.

When Feng Dehai was talking, he was also a terrible man.

This almost made Feng Dehai lose his fighting power.

On the other side, Xu Shen's right foot stepped down again. Under the explosion of triple damage, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang were trampled on, and their internal organs were writhing up and down, spitting blood!

As long as Li Feng is given a little more time, Feng Dehai is afraid to be killed by him!

In the distance, what Ren Xiaolei saw was blood boiling.

Oh, my son-in-law beat Feng Dehai with one enemy and three. They have no strength to fight back. They are super fierce!

At this time, Feng Dehai gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I quit!"

Under the crisis of life and death, the position of suzerain is no longer important. The important thing is to save your life first!

Luo Tianzheng said: "good! Second, third, let's kill foreign enemies together

Voice landing, a breath belonging to the top of the demigod in this side of the heaven and earth!

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