Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 781

Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically, and she was about to block Li Feng.

Li Feng can't be exposed in any case. Once exposed, she and Li Feng will die here. Now she can only bet that Feng Dehai dare not hurt herself!

But before she came to Li Feng, she was pulled by Li Feng and retreated.


with a loud noise, Feng Dehai smashed a deep hole where they were standing.

Smoke and dust are scattered!

"Auntie, originally I wanted to save you from here. Now it seems that I overestimated myself."

Li Feng sighed and took off the changeable mask. At the same time, he relieved body shape changing technique and God level onomatopoeia.

Ren Xiaolei's heart was tight, holding Li Feng's hand and saying, "son-in-law..."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "it's OK. Although it's very difficult, I won't give up until the end. No, I will never give up."

"My life is up to me. Even if I'm in the devil's nest, even in the face of six demon sect elders, I will never admit defeat easily!"

What about the six semi gods? He was never afraid of the three ancestors of Xiao, Zheng and Lei. At the moment, the number was only doubled. Who said he would lose?

Ren Xiaolei did not expect that Li Feng would say such a thing. For a time, he was shocked on the spot.

On the other hand, Feng Dehai et al

It's not Wei Bin's voice how to change so strange, return the devil's nest, Ma De, Wei bin as the so-called decent people, right?

When Feng Dehai and others were confused, the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing Li Feng's true face.

In a flash, Feng Dehai and others were forced again!

Sleeping trough! Who is this person? Where has Wei bin gone? What is the situation?

Feng Dehai and others thought they were dazzled. They rubbed their eyes!

I don't know how long before Feng Dehai gritted his teeth and said, "who are you? Where has Wei bin gone

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, who are confronting Wan Zi Dao, also step back and turn around to look at Li Feng.

Wan Zi Dao ignored other people and angrily asked, "are you pretending to be Wei bin? What have you done to Wei bin? "

With Wei bin in, he still has some confidence to break hands with Feng Dehai. Once Wei bin has an accident, he will be in an all-round inferior position in the competition of the suzerain!

Damn it, thanks to him, he thought Wei bin was helping himself to win over Ren Xiaolei. He also helped Wei bin cover everywhere. He never thought that this man was not Wei bin at all!

"Wei bin is dead." Li Feng took out the nine you gun and said with a smile: "I killed him. When he died, there was no pain. You can rest assured."

"Besides My name is Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei is my future mother-in-law. "

So far, he has nothing to hide. If he wants to do it, he will not give himself a way back. Only in this way can he force himself to stimulate all his potential!

See the moment of the nine you gun, Wan Zi Dao and others on the body of a shock, face exposed can not believe the color.

Knife, spear, sword, halberd, axe, hammer, hook, fork, whip, nine old men's hands a nine hell magic weapon. If the magic weapon is there, the person will be there!

Now nine you gun fell into Li Feng's hand, that Wei bin has already hung up!

"What, you are Li Feng?" Luo Tianzheng and others changed their faces.

"Wan Zi Dao, this is the person you want to protect. What else do you have to say now?" Feng Dehai only felt refreshed.

Before that, Wan Zi Dao had to fight with him for Wei bin. As a result, Wei bin was not Wei bin, but a man who killed Wei bin. This is so funny!

Wan Zi Dao glared angrily: "Feng Dehai, what kind of sarcasm do you say? Wei bin is our brother. Shouldn't you feel sad when he dies?"

"Frankly I'm not really sad, on the contrary, I'm a little happy, ha ha ha ha. " Feng Dehai looked up and laughed.

Wei bin hung up. Qiu Biao betrayed Luo Tianzheng. Bai Xuelian had not returned for a long time. Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin and wanzidao had no helpers. Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang helped him. Who would the Shenzong master give him up?!

"Shit! Feng Dehai, you are too arrogant

In the roar, the breath of Wanzi Dao gushed out, and a towering shadow appeared behind him.

Seeing this, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang have released their breath, and they are going to fight against wanzidao.

"Stop it all!"

Luo Tianzheng took a step forward and stopped the three of them. He said in a cold voice, "foreign enemies are here. Are you still fighting against each other here

"Feng Dehai, I don't care what kind of enmity you have with the third, now the most important thing is to kill the enemy first!"

"Third, don't make a fool of yourself, or you will be taken advantage of by others!"

Damn, Wan Zi Dao is not stupid. At this time, Feng Dehai and Li Feng should be fooled into fighting, so that they can share the life and death first, and then they can reap profits.

Wan Zi Dao was stunned at first, and then understood the deep meaning of Luo Tian's Zhenghua. He clasped his fist and said, "thank you for reminding me!"When the voice falls, he dissipates his breath.

On the other side, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang did not disperse their breath for the first time, but turned to look at Feng Dehai.

Feng Dehai's face changed several times, and finally said with a sneer, "you two are guarding here. See how I killed the enemy!"

He is a strong man in the later period of demigod. Li Feng's breath is only in the early stage of demigod. As long as other people don't make trouble for him, killing Li Feng is a very simple thing.

After finishing Li Feng, it's not too late to fight with Wan Zi Dao and others!

After receiving Feng Dehai's instructions, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang also dissipated their true Qi. However, they would still be on guard against wanzidao to make trouble.

"Auntie, you stand back." Li Feng looks dignified.

Up to now, Feng Dehai is the strongest one he has ever met. To fight Feng Dehai, he must give all his cards. Ren Xiaolei standing behind him will only distract him.

"Well, be careful." Ren Xiaolei nodded solemnly and then retreated to the distance.

For Ren Xiaolei's retreat, Luo Tianzheng and others have no reaction. She is a strong person in the saint level. It is impossible to run, and there is no threat to them.

"Boy, are you ready to die?"

Feng Dehai brandishes the double hammer to collide together, sends out "bang" a huge sound.

"You talk too much nonsense." Li Feng sneered and took out his sword and put on his armor.

Fury, rampage, open directly!

"Boom" and "boom"

Li Feng's breath soared one after another, coming directly to the mid demigod period.

"Well?" Feng Dehai raised his eyebrows and said with a contemptuous smile, "what about the mid demigod period? It's still very simple for me to kill you!"

The voice fell to the ground. Feng Dehai hit Li Feng hard with his nine you hammer. Two violent forces appeared in vain and turned into two tornadoes, attacking Li Feng from the left and right sides respectively.

These two tornado like momentum in the lightning and thunder, where the ground turned into a piece of scorched earth, awe inspiring!

"Let's not say anything else. The fourth's thunder tornado is becoming more and more superb." Liang Yuxin flashed a look of fear in his eyes and said in a dignified tone.

"Yes, even if you and I face this move, there is no better way to crack in addition to avoiding." Luo Tianzheng said with the same dignified face.

Wan Zi Dao hums coldly: "Li Feng is a man who can kill Wei bin after all. The fourth elder wants to defeat Li Feng with one move of thunder tornado. I'm afraid it's not so simple!"

When the three men analyzed the war situation, two thunder tornadoes had come to Li Feng with the momentum of rolling thunder, and Li Feng stood in the same place without any reaction as if he were scared to be silly.

In the next moment, two Thunder Dragon rolls collide with Li Feng and explode!

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