Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 780

Horizontal trough, horizontal trough, horizontal trough!

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Chang Wei Ah, no, it's to see Ren Xiaolei wearing clothes. What was she doing when she was with Wei bin before?

Although Ren Xiaolei is just wearing a coat, this picture is too imaginative!

Now looking at Feng Dehai, I always feel that his head is green and green, like a big green field, above which is the gray wolf running after Xi Yangyang saya Zi.

At this time, Ren Xiaolei had put on her coat and sat by the bed without saying a word.

Nima Now that she's playing big games, what should she do and have a showdown with Feng Dehai? Can Li Feng resist the furious Feng Dehai?

The key is not just Feng Dehai. Once Li Feng shows his horse's feet, it is the siege of the six elders. Li Feng is not the opponent of the six elders even though he is afraid of it fiercely.

"Er It's not what you think it is. "

Li Feng wants to cry without tears. Depend on it. When he left, Luo Tianzheng left Feng Dehai behind. How come they came so soon? Keng dad is!

Although he and Ren Xiaolei are clean and innocent, Feng Dehai came in at a bad time. He just saw the picture of Ren Xiaolei wearing clothes. He couldn't wash it when he jumped into the Yellow River!

Feng Dehai will surely run wild later?

"Wei bin! I'm eight times your ancestor

Feng Dehai was furious and had to fight Li Feng.

Wan Zi Dao and others came back to their senses and hurriedly held Feng Dehai. Qi Qiquan said, "seeing is not necessarily true. Let's listen to Lao Qi's explanation."

"Fourth, don't be so impulsive. Maybe there are secrets we don't know?"

What they said was fair, but it was too much for someone to watch.

Luo Tianzheng sneered and said with a smile: "cough, old four, I'll say love at first sight is not reliable? Now it seems that the Lord fell in love with Lao Qi at first sight. "

"But don't be too sad. There are many good women in our Shenzong. You can choose from them, and we will not have different opinions."

"Luo Tianzheng!" Feng Dehai wants to fight with Luo.

Luo Tianzheng frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "I am older than you. Can you call my full name, Feng Dehai."

"Luo Tianzheng, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Feng Dehai looks at Luo Tianzheng fearlessly.

Without Qiu Biao, Luo Tianzheng is a loner. Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang are behind him. As long as Liang Yuxin and wanzidao do not interfere, he is not afraid of Luo Tianzheng.

Will Liang Yuxin and Wanzi Dao fight? Obviously not. Luo Tianzheng is their biggest competitor. These two people want him to fight with Luo Tianzheng and lose both sides!

Luo Tianzheng's face changed several times. Finally, he said with a smile: "fourth, don't be so angry. We are all brothers. What can't we say?"

"Hello, old seven, what did you do with the Lord just now? Why did the Lord Cough, you're not dressed

At this time, he'd better not split his face with Feng Dehai, in case Liang Yuxin and Wan Zidao, the two old Yin, will not make a profit.

Luo Tianzheng this shift of the topic played an effect, Feng Dehai's attention on Li Feng.

"I didn't do anything, but the LORD said she was tired. I just knew a little massage, and then I gave the LORD a massage."

"Hello, why do you look at me with this kind of eyes? I really just did a massage for the patriarch. I don't believe you ask the Lord."

Li Feng said innocently.

"Yes, it's just like massage..." Ren Xiaolei said with no confidence.

Feng Dehai et al

Is it just massage? Believe you, son of a bitch!

Does massage need to be like this? Do you think we are stupid?!

When they go to the secular world, they have experienced some tertiary industries, such as sauna, foot bath, horse killing chicken, spa and hot spring ISO. Can they know the process of massage?

At this time, Luo Tianzheng suddenly snuffled his nose and then said with a smile: "there is no strange smell in this room."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the people became strange.

The sense of smell of the demigods is very keen, even some unspeakable smell can not escape their capture. As Luo Tianzheng said, the air in this room is very fresh, and there is no strange smell at all.

In this way, the probability of what Wei bin and Ren Xiaolei have done is very small

"Well, no matter what, the patriarch and I have been engaged for life. Wei bin, who has inappropriate contact with the patriarch without my consent, is challenging me."

"If I don't repair Wei bin well today, how can Feng Dehai get a foothold in Shenzong in the future?"

When the voice fell, the breath of Feng Dehai broke out completely.


a towering shadow appeared behind Feng Dehai, directly breaking the roof of the East chamber!

The fury of the breath rolled around and lifted the wall straight out.Within a few seconds, Wei Bin's residence became a ruin!

"Fourth, what are you crazy about? Take your breath away!"

Wan Zi Dao spoke out and denounced Tao.

Depend on, Wei bin is his person, Feng Dehai to find Wei bin trouble is not to give him face, this he can bear?

"Wan Zi Dao, you'd better mind my business, lest you burn yourself up!"

With that, Feng Dehai winked at Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang.

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang nodded and met Wanzi one left and one right and said, "three elders, this is a private matter between the four elders and the old seven. We'd better not interfere."

"If the three elders must intervene, don't blame me for being rude to the five elders!"

Wan Zi Dao, looking at Luo Tianzheng and Liang Yuxin, angrily said, "elder, second elder, do you want to stand by?"

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang are not his opponents, but he is not sure that he can win one on two.

"Well..." Luo Tianzheng looked up at the sky and Gu said, "the moon is so round tonight."

"Yes, there are many stars." Liang Yuxin also looked up at the sky and said.

Li Feng:

Wan Zi said: "it's just

Others:.... "

It's not Where is the moon and the stars in the daytime? Even if you want to throw the pot, it's not like this?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." Feng Dehai looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. He knew that Luo Tianzheng and Liang Yuxin would not interfere!

In this way, he can kill Wei bin and Wan Zi Dao, and then defeat Luo Tianzheng and Liang Yuxin respectively. At that time, he will be the real leader of Shenzong!

"Wei bin! Show me your weapons. I will fight you to the death! "

Feng Dehai took out his two hands and held two huge hammers in his hands.

Li Feng has no love on his face. Relying on it, he has bright hair weapons. Wei Bin's Jiuyou gun is in his hand, but once he gives out his breath, he will be seen to be flawed.

At that time, it's not a question of fighting with Feng Dehai alone

At this time, Ren Xiaolei bravely stood out and said, "four elders, do you still have me in your eyes?"

"What's the matter with a woman when a man talks, stand aside for me!"

Feng Dehai sneered and hit Li Feng with his double hammer.

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