Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 777

Luo Tianzheng and others are very confused.

It's not How can Ren Xiaolei fall in love with Feng Dehai at first sight? A flower is on the cow dung. This is it!

Take a look at Ren Xiaolei, who is not one in a million? She's the best beauty. There's nothing wrong with her.

Looking at Feng Dehai, he is short in stature and sharp in mouth. He is not a good man.

From the aspect of appearance, they are far from each other. Ren Xiaolei fell in love with Feng Dehai at first sight? Tetter is magic!

Li Feng's eyes flashed and murmured to himself: "was Feng Dehai really intimidated..."

After reading the mind, Li Feng knew that Ren Xiaolei had been thinking in his mind just now: "shit, if I hadn't been controlled by Feng Dehai with poison, would she say that she fell in love with him at first sight? It's so disgusting that I can't help it

"System, can you check what kind of poison is in Xiao Lei?"

Li Feng asked the system for help.

At present, it seems that he can only take Ren Xiaolei away from the demon sect only after he has removed the poison from Ren Xiaolei. If the system can not remove the poison on Ren Xiaolei, he must find a way to control Feng Dehai, and then force him to take out the antidote.

Just in this way, it will frighten the snake, attract the attention of other elders, and even be directly pursued by other elders.

The old nest of the demon sect is a little bigger. Once there is a war between the semi gods, all members of the demon sect will know it.

"Under analysis End of analysis What the goddess Ren Xiaolei has in mind is a kind of poison called limitless flower. After taking infinity flower, the body will produce a kind of neurotoxin, which is effective for the strong people below the supreme level. "

"This kind of poison is very toxic. Once it attacks, it only takes three seconds to kill a saint level strongman. He needs to take unlimited flower seeds every day to resist the poison."

"If you want to completely remove the toxin, you need to grind the rhizome of the unlimited flower into powder and smear it on the eight channels of the poisoned person."

The system answers methodically.

Li Feng:

What? The virulent seeds of H. infinitum can resist temporarily. To detoxify completely, you need to use the rhizome of H. infinitum?

Damn it, it gives him a androgynous feeling. Poison and antidote grow together. It's strange

"System, system, is there any rhizome of unlimited flowers in the mall?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, it belongs to Tiancai Dibao. It costs 100000 system points. Do you want to buy it now?"

Li Feng did not hesitate: "buy!"


the white light flashed in front of your eyes, and a rhizome of limitless flower appeared in the backpack of the system.

With the rhizome of this immeasurable flower, Li Feng can help Ren Xiaolei remove the toxin. However, when he thought of crushing the root and smearing it on Ren Xiaolei's eight meridians, Li Feng felt like crying without tears.

This is special Is the antidote too special?

At this time, Luo Tianzheng said: "Feng Dehai, what did you do to the patriarch, did you poison her?"

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, secretly murmured: "it seems that Luo Tianzheng is not stupid, even guess, interesting."

Feng Dehai smiles, and the old God is there and says, "elder, you can eat food without saying anything. As the patriarch has just said, I have never coerced her. It was love at first sight that we decided to get married."

"Yes, great elder, don't injustice good people."

"Don't talk about things without evidence. It will damage the feelings between our brothers."

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang talk together.

"Hum!" Luo Tian glanced at them with anger, and then said in a cold voice, "no matter what you say, I will never believe it. Feng Dehai, I will find out what you have done to the patriarch. Wait for me!"

Feng Dehai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not afraid of shadow slanting. You can check it any way you like."

Wulianghua was left by his master. This is the only one in the whole demon sect. Feng Dehai tried to plant it, but failed.

With the master's death in the World War I 50 years ago, there are no people who know whether he has flowers. How can Luo Tianzheng find out?

Luo Tianzheng looks cold, sneers and nods, then quickly walks back to his seat and sits down, no longer looking at Feng Dehai.

Liang Yuxin's eyes flashed and she said in a complicated tone: "since the fourth and the Lord are in love, I'll congratulate you here."

"Thank you, elder two." Feng Dehai arched his hand and was very proud.

Liang Yuxin flashed a look of anger in her eyes, and then looked at Ren Xiaolei: "Lord, I have collected some natural materials for beauty. If the Lord is interested, you can go to my place to select a few."

Ren Xiaolei showed eyebrow a pick, then nodded and said with a smile: "good, two elders have a heart."

Feng Dehai frowned slightly: "two elders, I am going to marry the patriarch. Do not let the LORD go out this time?"

Liang Yuxin turned her head and snorted coldly: "fourth, the patriarch is the Lord of the God clan first, and then your Taoist partner. You are just four elders. What qualifications do you have to interfere with the Lord's actions?""The second one is right. The fourth one, you're a little more square." Luo Tianzheng is also beside cold hum way.

"If you want to interfere with the Lord's daily actions as a Taoist couple, none of us will agree." Wan Zi Dao knocked on the table and said with a gloomy face.

Feng Dehai's face changed slightly. He snorted and did not speak again.

At present, his position is not stable, so it is not suitable for him to have a direct conflict with Luo Tianzheng and others for the time being. After he has won over Liang Yuxin or wanzidao, it is not too late to be tough.

"Yes, four elders, I don't think you should interfere too much with the Lord's actions." Li Feng smile, and then said to Ren Xiaolei: "Lord, I went to the secular world to harvest a beauty and beauty treasures, named Tong Yan Shui."

"It can reduce the age of skin by 20 years after taking it. If the Lord is interested, I will give it to him."

This words a, Ren Xiaolei can't help but face slight change: "where do you get Tong Yan Shui from?"

"Well Hey hey, I met a young Junyan named Li Feng outside. I had a fight with him. Then he gave me a bottle of Tongyan water to protect his life. " Li Feng face is not red, heart does not jump said.

Feng Dehai's face sank: "Lao Qi, you didn't say this before."

"Hey hey, I just don't want you to know that I have Tong Yan Shui." Li Feng's face was red, laughing.

"Everyone has a secret. Fourth, you are too generous." Wan Zi Dao snorted coldly, and then gave Li Feng a look of approval.

For the time being, he has nothing to attract Ren Xiaolei. Since Lao Qi has such treasures, it is equivalent to that he has. Lao Qi's closer relationship with Ren Xiaolei is equivalent to that he has a closer relationship with Ren Xiaolei.


Ren Xiaolei's face changed several times and asked in a deep voice, "who are you?"

"Huizong, I'm the seven elders of Shenzong Wei bin Li fengchong and Ren Xiaolei clasped his fist.

"Wei bin?" Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically!

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