Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 776

The woman Feng Dehai brought back turned out to be Ren Xiaolei, the patriarch's daughter? He also wants Ren Xiaolei to be the Lord?

Take the son of heaven to order princes?!

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Luo Tianzheng and other people's reaction let Feng Dehai very satisfied, this feels surprised? Even more surprising is still ahead!

"Of course I don't believe it. You said that the person brought back is a saint or a saint?" Luo Tianzheng smiles.

Other elders nodded.

"If I dare to say so, there is evidence."

Speaking, Feng Dehai took out a long life lock from his arms and said with a smile, "what is this?"

Luo Tianzheng's eyes flashed: "Changsheng lock, what can it be?"

"Wait This should not be... " Liang Yuxin's face changed slightly. She got up and went to Feng Dehai, picked up the Changsheng lock and observed it. After a while, she took a deep breath of breath: "there is really a patriarchal smell on it. This is really the longevity lock that the patriarch gave to the holy daughter!"

As soon as this word came out, Luo Tianzheng, Wanzi Dao and others all showed their astonishment and went to check them one after another.

After a long time, they all spit out a murky breath and are silent.

It is said that 50 years ago, when the patriarch sent the saint away, he put a longevity lock on her, which left the aura of the patriarch.

Changsheng lock can be forged, but the flavor of the patriarch can't be forged! It seems that the woman brought back by von der hay is really a saint!

"Well, what if she was really a saint? Before the Lord died, he did not say that he would pass on the throne to the virgin. "

Luo Tian is walking back to the original position, this just says coldly.

"That's right. The patriarch sent out the saint daughter at that time. The original intention was to keep the holy daughter away from the disputes in the ancient martial world. Didn't you disobey the patriarch's intention to let the saint take over the throne of the patriarch?"

Liang Yuxin also echoed and opened his mouth, in a tone of mockery.

Feng Dehai's mind is full of water. Do you think that taking the saint back to Shenzong can make them willingly agree to let Xiaolei be the leader?

Stop it!

If the patriarch is still there, Feng Dehai's move still works, but the patriarch has already belched his fart. They still care about what kind of saint or not. Big fists are the hard truth!

"It's better than fighting hard between us. Do you all agree with the elder elder that we should fight against each other to determine the patriarch?"

Feng Dehai said in the old God.

Rely on, obviously the big elder's force value is highest, Liang Yuxin and Wanzi Dao dare to fight with Luo Tianzheng?

As long as they dare not, there is still room for discussion on this matter!

Sure enough, Feng Dehai's voice fell to the ground, and Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao's faces changed a little.

"How about a show of hands while all seven of us are here?"

Feng Dehai glanced at the crowd and said with a smile.

Liang Yuxin's face changed several times. Finally, she said with a smile: "this is a good idea."

Ren Xiaolei doesn't get along with Feng Dehai for a long time. She can draw Ren Xiaolei to her side by means of means after Ren Xiaolei becomes the patriarch.

On the contrary, Luo Tianzheng became the patriarch, which was not easy to handle.

Wan Zi Dao and Liang Yuxin thought of going together, then nodded and said, "I also think this idea is good."

Opposite, Li Feng's mouth slightly puffed.

Just now, he used mind reading technique to Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao, and read out what they thought in their hearts. This gave Li Feng a feeling that they were too simple.

They can think of this, Feng Dehai will not think of it? Will he give them a chance to approach Ren Xiaolei?

If he is Feng Dehai, he will firmly control Ren Xiaolei in his own hands, and even marry Ren Xiaolei directly. At that time, Feng Dehai is the real patriarch!

Li Feng felt that Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao were simple, and they were not wronged.

Because they live in such a big place and have little experience. In addition to the intrigue between the nine of them, who else can they count on?

There is no electricity or Internet connection here. I'm afraid that the mind will degenerate after being isolated from the world for a long time.

Perhaps their own force is very strong, but the conspiracy is much worse.

On the other side, Luo Tianzheng sneered at Liang Yuxin and Wanzi and said, "hum, don't think I don't know what you're going to make. It's better for us to let the saint take charge of the patriarchal clan, so as to save our brothers and sisters from killing each other."

Now even if he doesn't agree, it's no use. It's better to push the boat along the river and try to control Ren Xiaolei in his own hands.

Feng Dehai raised his eyebrows and said, "well, in that case, let's vote on a show of hands."

The voice fell to the ground, including Li Feng and Luo Tian. All of them raised their right hands.

"Since we all agree that the holy daughter should be the patriarch, from now on, the saint is our patriarch. I hope that all elders will obey the Lord's orders in the future, otherwise It will become the public enemy of Shenzong. "

Feng Dehai glanced around the crowd and said slowly."Hum." Luo Tianzheng sneered and did not speak.

If Ren Xiaolei's orders satisfy him, he will naturally listen, but if he is not satisfied What is the patriarch?

Feng Dehai doesn't care about Luo Tianzheng's attitude. What he wants now is just a name. The actual power of the patriarch needs to be mastered slowly. This can't be done in a hurry.

"Well, with this news, I'll announce another good news. On the way back from the patriarch, she has agreed to become a Taoist partner with me. Please come and congratulate me, ha ha ha. "

Feng Dehai said that at last he couldn't help laughing and was very proud.

The faces of Luo Tianzheng and others have changed dramatically!

Li Feng almost jumped out of the chair!

Lying trough, Ren Xiaolei even wants to marry Feng Dehai as a Taoist couple. Is he forced?

"Feng Dehai, did you force the patriarch?" Luo Tianzheng stands up and glares at Feng Dehai.

"No, it's your love and my will." Feng Dehai gave a smile and then said with a smile, "if you don't believe me, I can ask the Lord to come over and let her talk to you face to face."

The voice fell to the ground, Feng Dehai clapped his hands: "please, Lord!"

Speaking to the ground, Ren Xiaolei, wearing a white dress, walked into the hall accompanied by Wang Yue.

"My subordinate Feng Dehai, I have met the Lord!"

Feng Dehai was the first to get up and kneel on one knee to Ren Xiaolei.

Others hesitated a little, learning from Feng Dehai's appearance, they knelt down to Ren Xiaolei on one knee.

Only Luo Tianzheng still stands tall and upright in the field, looking at Ren Xiaolei with a gloomy face like water.

Ren Xiaolei looked at Luo Tianzheng and said in a cold voice, "who are you? Why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

Luo Tian's positive color sinks: "I am the great elder Luo Tianzheng!"

At the same time, the breath of his body was faintly released.

"I am the Lord! Don't you understand why you have to kneel down when you see the patriarch? " Ren Xiaolei stepped forward and said with frost on her pretty face.

"You..." Luo Tian's face color rose red and his anger was majestic.

Don't you admit me, Lord Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and said in a cold voice.

Luo Tianzheng was holding back his anger: "I..."

"What am I? I am the patriarch. This is what you just agreed to. How long has it been before you intend to turn your back on me?"

Ren Xiaolei stepped forward again and said coldly.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and murmured to himself, "I'll go. Do you want Ren Xiaolei to be so fierce? But it doesn't look like she was coerced by Feng Dehai. Is there any secret in this? "

At the same time, Liang Yuxin, Wan Zi Dao and others all turned to Luo Tianzheng and yelled: "elder, don't be rude to the patriarch!"

Luo Tianzheng's face changed several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and knelt on one knee: "subordinate Luo Tianzheng, I've seen the Lord!"

"Well, get up."

Ren Xiaolei raised his right hand and strode to the high platform.

When Ren Xiaolei was about to walk to the high platform, Luo Tianzheng suddenly asked, "there is one thing I don't know about. Please answer me!"

Ren Xiaolei stopped, turned and said, "what's the matter?"

Luo Tianzheng arched his hand and said, "I dare to ask if the patriarch was coerced by Feng Dehai before he agreed to marry him. Please don't be afraid. If Feng Dehai is rude to the patriarch, I and the second elder and the third elder will make things right for the Lord!"


Liang Yuxin and Wan Zidao all looked at Ren Xiaolei.

At the same time, Li Feng used mind reading to Ren Xiaolei.

Under the public's gaze, Ren Xiaolei showed Yan and said with a smile: "of course not. I fell in love with elder Feng at first sight, and I voluntarily became a Taoist partner with him."


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