Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 778

If Ren Xiaolei remembers correctly, Li Feng once said that he had killed Wei bin. Now Wei bin is sitting here with dignity. Is Li Feng lying or something else?

Is that bottle of Tongyan water given to Wei bin by Li Feng in order to protect his life, or Is Wei bin deliberately saying that he has a child's face water in order to attract her attention?

Can Wei bin be Li Feng pretending to be?!

For a moment, Ren Xiaolei had many doubts in her mind, and then she asked in a deep voice, "where is Tong Yan Shui?"

"In my place, if the Lord likes, you can take it with me." Li Feng smile, and then turn to look at Feng Dehai: "let the patriarch go to my place to get things, four elders will not be jealous?"

People can't help but look at each other!

Depend on, what does old seven mean? Take Ren Xiaolei back to the residence alone, ready to wear a donkey hat to the fourth?

This is a good thing. They have to support it!

After a short period of stupidity, Luo Tianzheng and others have plans in mind.

Feng Dehai was stunned at first, and then angrily said, "Lao Qi, what do you mean? Why do you want to take Xiaolei to your place? Don't you have a storage ring? You won't put such valuable things as tongyanshui in the storage ring?"

Li Feng shrugged: "unfortunately, when I came back to take a bath, I took it out to play for a while, and forgot to put it into the storage ring. I said Four elders, are you afraid of what I will do to the Lord? Or Are you afraid that the Lord will fall in love with me at first sight? "

Feng Dehai patted the table and said angrily, "Lao Qi, do you want to die?"

Luo Tianzheng pondered with a smile: "old four, why are you so excited? Old seven, he just wants to give a gift to the Lord, and there is no other meaning."

"Yes, old four, even if the patriarch went to his residence with Lao Qi, you fell in love with him at first sight. Do you have so little confidence in yourself?" Wan Zi Dao also said with a smile.

"Old four, distance can produce beauty, you can't always entangle in the patriarch's side, oh, that will let the patriarch have aesthetic fatigue to you." Liang Yuxin said with a tone of passing people.

"I..." Feng Dehai was deeply resentful, but he couldn't find an excuse to refute.

At this time Ren Xiaolei said, "elder Feng, I haven't said anything. Don't be so excited."

Feng Dehai took a look at Ren Xiaolei and made no noise.

"Four elders, in fact, two people together, one is to pay attention to leave a little space for each other, the other is to play more emotional things." Li Feng has fun.

"Oh?" Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and asked with great interest, "for example?"

Other elders also look at Li Feng. They really don't know what sentiment Wei bin has. What he has is arrogant. What he has played with Liu Yu and Ma Bailu is just gang.

So they were curious about what magic theory Wei bin could invent.

Li Feng had a good laugh, took a sip of his tea cup, cleared his throat and said, "I've seen a couple of lovers in the secular world. They bet on dice points with others, and whoever wins will have a drink with the woman."

"Oh? Is there such an interesting thing? " Ren Xiaolei's face is becoming more and more playful.

If she had only two or three points to judge that Wei bin was Li Feng pretending to be, she had seven points at the moment.

It's very simple. If Wei bin was also present at the beginning, Li Feng should not have found him. If he contacted Li Feng again and said that he killed Wei bin, then it is very likely that Wei bin was disguised by Li Feng.

"Yes, there are such interesting things." Li Feng put down his tea cup and took a deep look at Ren Xiaolei: "I also heard that the two of them went to the hotel afterwards. I don't know whether they will follow the routine or whether one of them will sleep on the sofa."

Ren Xiaolei pupil shrinks, the assurance in the heart has risen to 100%.

Shit, unless Wei bin is in the room, how can he know Li Feng sleeps on the sofa? Nima, this Wei bin is really Li Feng disguised!

What can the little guy do ~

at this moment, Ren Xiaolei has been holding his heart in the air for a moment, and suddenly feels secure!

Feng Dehai et al

Shentema wine? Go to the hotel and sleep on the sofa! How could Wei Bin's words be so incoherent!

"Wei bin, are you flirting with the patriarch?" Feng Dehai asked angrily.

Li Feng quickly waved his hand: "four elders, you must not wrongly me. All the elders are here. What words do I have to tease the Lord? All elders come to judge me. "

"No, I don't know." Wan Zi Dao was the first to say.

"I don't have one, do you?" Luo Tianzheng looks at Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang.

As soon as Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang were about to shake their heads, they found that Feng Dehai was staring at him fiercely. For a time, they could only face tightly and dare not speak.

"Fourth, you don't wronged good people here. Seven is clearly helping you manage love." Liang Yuxin sneered.

Li Feng:Depend on, two elder still know management love, how, she also likes to see chicken soup text?

"I didn't either." Ren Xiaolei shook her head and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that the seven elders should know so many things. The legendary friends of women, hee hee, if there is nothing, we will go to you now? I can't wait to get Tong Yan Shui. "

"It's OK. It's OK. Please do as you please." Luo Tianzheng said in a hurry.

"Old seven, don't you take the patriarch to get tongyanshui Wan Zi Dao gave Li Feng a wink and said with a strange smile.

"OK!" Li Feng grinned and got up and made an invitation gesture to Ren Xiaolei.

Ren Xiaolei smiles happily and gets up and walks down from the high platform.

"I'll go too!"

Just as they were about to walk out of the chamber side by side, Feng Dehai stood up and had to follow.

At this time, Wan Zi Dao and Luo Tianzheng got up and stopped him: "Hey, old four, what are you going to do? I have something important to discuss with you!"

"Yes, now that the patriarch is newly established, we still have many details to discuss."

While they were talking, Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei had taken the opportunity to walk out of the meeting hall.

"If I had to judge you in one sentence, what would you like it to be?" On the way, Ren Xiaolei said endlessly.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, facial color strange said: "you are really fierce!"

"Well, it's really you..." As soon as Ren Xiaolei looks happy, she will raise her hand to pat Li Feng on the shoulder.

Li Feng quickly used his eyes to indicate: "cough, Lord, my residence is in the back."

Ren Xiaolei this just reacts to come over, press down the heart surprise, followed by Li Feng after entering Li Feng's residence.

"Elder seven, you This is it

Ma Bailu, who was staying at home, saw Li Feng's return and was about to greet him when he found Ren Xiaolei, who was following him. He was stunned on the spot for a moment.

"This is the Lord of our God sect. Don't you see him soon?"

Li Feng looks proud and said.

"Ah?" Ma Bailu is a little confused.

It's not Don't the elders make a lot of noise to fight for the position of the patriarch. Why did they suddenly choose the patriarch or a strange woman?

But in any case, since the seven elders said so, she, as a disciple, had to follow suit. At the moment, she knelt down to Ren Xiaolei and said, "disciple of Shenzong, Ma Bailu, met the Lord."

"Well." Ren Xiaolei nodded lightly.

"You wait here. I'll take the Lord to get something. No one is allowed to come in without my permission. Do you understand?"

Let Li Feng into the room.

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