Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 775

My special Li Feng is not Wei Bin's enemy? Why does he praise Li Feng so hard? It's very embarrassing to listen to this, OK?!

However, Luo Tianzheng and others think that the stronger Li Feng is, the stronger Wei bin is. Praising Li Feng is equivalent to praising Wei bin himself!

I'm afraid Wei Bin's arrogant temper will never be changed

"Well, it turns out that there are such evil young people in the world. It's really eye opening for us!"

Three elders Wan Zi Dao shook his head and said with emotion.

Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin and others looked at each other with helpless expression.

"Well, let's not talk about the past. Let's talk about the fourth. You said Lao Ba got Jiuyou Ling? Is this news reliable? "

Big elder Luo Tianzheng knocked on the table and pulled back to the point.

As soon as the words came out, Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao all looked to Feng Dehai.

Under the public's gaze, Feng Dehai said: "of course, it's reliable. I can't joke with you on this matter."

"Where did you get the news?" Luo Tianzheng's eyes narrowed slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"Well Hey hey, brothers, let me sell you a pass. " Feng Dehai grinned, and his words changed: "I want to ask you first, Qiu Biao got the nine you order, but he didn't come back at the first time. What do you think of your brothers?"

"Well, what else do you think? I think he wants to be the Lord." Liang Yuxin said angrily.

"This is a very obvious thing. If Qiu Biao really got the Jiuyou order, he might have hidden it somewhere and studied its usage." Wan Zi Dao also said with a sneer.

At this time, Luo Tianzheng knocked on the table and said in a deep voice: "second, third, the premise for you to come to this conclusion is that Qiu Biao has really got the nine you order, but this is only one side of the old four, isn't it?"

As soon as this word came out, Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao all shut their mouths.

Feng Dehai pondered and laughed: "elder elder, we all know that Qiu Biao is your man. Qiu Biao went out to look for Jiuyou order, but he didn't come back after he got it. What does that mean?"

Luo Tianzheng pupil shrinks, cold voice way: "old four, what do you mean?"

Feng Dehai took up his tea cup and sipped it. Then he said slowly: "it's meaningless. I just want to remind you that Qiu Biao has betrayed you. If you still imagine that he will come back and give you Jiuyou order, then I advise you to die early."


Luo Tian was patting the table and said angrily, "fourth, I'm your elder martial brother. Is that how you talk to your elder martial brother as a younger martial brother

Feng Dehai chuckled and said with a smile, "elder elder, it is because I treat you as a senior brother that I kindly remind you."

Luo Tianzheng's face was even more angry, and the breath on his body would burst out!

Liang Yuxin and Wan Zidao were sitting on the chair, looking at their noses and noses and looking at their hearts. They had no intention of getting involved in the dispute between Luo Tianzheng and Feng Dehai.

"Big elder, the four elders are right. Qiu Biao didn't come back at the first time after he got the order of nine you. Everyone knows Sima Zhao's mind and path."

At this time, the middle-aged man who was the first to sit on the right side said in a voice.

This person is the five elders of the demon sect, Huang Weizhong.

"Yes, elder elder, the fourth elder always has a good intention. You must not misunderstand it."

Huang Weizhong left side of the six elders Wang Yuanliang said with a smile.

On one side, Li Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Li Feng has read out a lot of useful information from the short dialogue just now.

Eight elder Qiu Biao was instructed by the great elder Luo Tianzheng to go to the secular world to look for the Jiuyou order. But Wei bin and the three elder Wan Zi Dao were very close. Was Wei bin instructed by Wan Zi Dao to go to the secular world?

Although on the surface, Wei bin went to the secular world to grab supplies. Was Wei bin also looking for jiuyouling secretly?

Let's look at the five elder Huang Weizhong and the sixth elder Wang Yuanliang talking for Feng Dehai. Does that mean that Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang are on the side of Feng Dehai?

Among the nine elders of the demon sect, there are nine elder Bai Xuelian who have not come back. As the only two women among the nine elders, is there any cooperation between Bai Xuelian and Liang Yuxin?

"As expected, as Liu Yu said, the relationship between the nine elders of the demon sect is really complicated."

Li Feng sighed to himself.

"Hum!" Luo Tianzheng snorted coldly, glanced at Huang Weizhong and said in a cold voice, "don't think I don't know what relationship you two have with Feng Dehai. Even if Qiu Biao doesn't come back after getting the nine you order, I can still be afraid of him!"

"Ha ha, the elder is not afraid." Feng Dehai clapped his hands and laughed happily.

Wan Zidao shook his head and laughed, and said with a slight sarcasm: "elder, there is a secret about how to control the members of Shenzong. Once Qiu Biao finds out, even if you are a strong man in the late period of demigod, you should kneel down and beg for mercy."

As soon as this word came out, Luo Tianzheng's face became a little ugly: "hum, old three, are you special? You're the worst one to deal with when Lao Ba is here. If he knows how to control us, you will be the first one to deal with, believe it or not?"Wan Zi Dao's face was stiff, and then he snorted and no longer spoke.

At this time, Liang Yuxin couldn't look down: "OK, don't quarrel. Now the top priority is to find Qiu Biao, take back the Jiuyou order, and then destroy it according to our previous agreement."

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "the reason why they are looking for Jiuyou Ling is to destroy it? I'm going to This brain hole That's enough! "

"I agree with the two elders' proposal." Feng Dehai raised his hand, and then said with a smile, "it's just that we should each state our position and elect a master of Buddhism?"

Luo Tian's face changed slightly: "fourth, we had a deal. Who found Jiuyou Ling and destroyed it in front of all the brothers? Who is the Lord? Do you want to break your promise?"

"Elder, it's not that I want to break my promise. It's Qiu Biao who runs away with Jiuyou order." Feng Dehai knocked on the table and said sarcastically, "let's not choose the Lord now. How can we find Qiu Biao and destroy jiuyouling? Are you not afraid to be shot by others in the future

"I support the statement of the four elders!"

"I also support the four elders!"

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang raised their hands successively.

Wan Zi Dao and Liang Yuxin looked at each other, nodded and said, "I also support the proposal of the fourth elder. It's time for us to choose the patriarch."

As soon as they spoke, Li Feng also said in a deep voice, "I agree with you."

In this way, six of the seven elders agreed to elect a patriarch. Even the great elder, Luo Tianzheng had no reason to refuse.

Luo Tianzheng's face changed several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "well, since we all agree to choose the Lord now, let's go to the martial arts arena to have a fight. Whoever is the strongest is the leader!"

As soon as this word comes out, Liang Yuxin and Wan Zi Dao are hesitant.

Among the nine elders, Luo Tianzheng's strength is the most unfathomable. Once the patriarch is selected according to this method, the probability of Luo Tianzheng's election will be great!

When there was silence, Feng Dehai said with a smile: "elder elder, didn't you just ask me where I got the news that Qiu Biao got the Jiuyou order? It's very simple, because I found the saint Ren Xiaolei. She told me the news herself

"Not only that, I also brought the saint here. The saint daughter is the real daughter of the patriarch. The patriarch died, and the throne of the patriarch should be inherited by the saint!"

Hearing this, Luo Tianzheng and others changed their faces!

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