Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 774

It's not Qiu Biao was not killed by my master. How could Feng Dehai receive the news that Jiuyou order was taken away by Qiu Biao?

Is that what Ren Xiaolei said?

Damn it, this woman can. It's a disaster. It's a dead man!

A little thought, Li Feng guessed the key. He admired Ren Xiaolei in his heart.

"We were also surprised to hear that."

Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and frowned tightly: "have the other elders received the news?"

"Except for the nine elders who have not come back, all the other elders have received the news." Chen Yuangong said in a voice.

"Well, lead the way." Li Feng nodded and was going to meet the elders of the demon sect.

But then he stopped and turned to Ma Bailu and said, "you, elder martial sister Liu Yu and elder martial brother Ma Chao, have both fallen. After that, you are the person I trust most. Do you understand?"

Ma Bailu's body was shocked and took a deep breath: "I understand!"

On one side, Chen Yuan's body was shocked and his face showed a look of astonishment.

Liu Yu and Ma Chao died? I rely on it. No wonder some disciples said Wei bin came back by himself. It looks miserable. It seems that he has made a strong enemy outside.

Are you from the four top guwu families?

In doubt, Chen Yuan followed Wei bin out of the courtyard.

When he was about to get to the hall, Li Feng suddenly stopped and snorted, "good, Chen Yuan, the four elders invited me. Don't you know how to lead the way?"

Chen Yuan's face is stagnant, in the heart to the eighteen generations of Wei Bin's ancestors to greet a time.

Shit, I respect you so much that I follow you like a valet. If I walk in front of you, will I say I'm rude to you?

You are only the seven elders, but I'm following the four elders. You don't have the kind of attitude you have in front of the four elders. You can't kill you!

But no matter how despised Wei bin in his heart, Chen Yuan or Gong Sheng said: "it is the disciple's negligence, please seven elders to calm down!"

Chen Yuan took the initiative to lead the way.

"Hum!" Wei bin snorted coldly and followed up with his hands.

A few minutes later, they walked through the long steps and came to the gate of the assembly hall. They were two red painted metal gates about five meters high and four and a half meters wide. On the front door was a golden plaque with three characters of jiuyouzong.

A little estimate, Li Feng can't help but frown, nine meters wide, five meters high, implies the meaning of 95? The great ambition of the demon sect!

Entering the gate, Li Feng stepped on a long golden carpet, which was 50 meters long and ended with a high platform with nine steps.

There was a huge golden chair on the high platform. There was no one in the chair.

It also implies the meaning of the ninth five year plan!

Li Feng looked up at the dome and found that the distance between the dome and the ground was three stories high.

"Shit, it's not 9.5 meters high, is it?"

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and guessed secretly.

Looking at the two sides nine meters away from the carpet, there are a row of tall golden columns connecting the ground and the dome. There are five in each row. The golden pillars are carved with dragons and Phoenix, which are very gorgeous.

There is a luxurious seat between each column, four on the left and five on the right, which are exclusive seats for the nine elders of the demon sect.

The nine chairs are all red, with gold cushions and backrests. Beside the chairs, there are red tea tables with various snacks, fruits and tea sets.

At the moment, the four chairs on the left and the two chairs on the top of the right were already seated. Li Feng did not look at them too much. After nodding at them, he went straight to the third chair on the right.

According to Liu Yu, the nine chairs in the assembly hall are not casual. Each elder has an exclusive seat.

According to the order from one to nine, the four elders in the top four sit in the four chairs on the left, and the five elders in the back sit on the five chairs on the right.

Wei bin is the third on the right!

"Seven, I heard you were injured outside. What's the situation?"

When Li Feng sat down, an old man in a brown Tang suit on the left side asked aloud.

This person is the great elder of demon sect, Luo Tianzheng!

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and he quickly denied: "it's impossible. I didn't. You heard me wrong!"

Luo Tianzheng and other elders all laughed. What so many disciples saw, Wei bin even denied that he loved face all his life.

"But you are only in the early stage of demigod, aren't you?"

Luo Tianzheng ponders a smile, holds up the tea cup to smile way.

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and then he said with a strong smile: "this I encountered some problems in my practice... "

Why did he smear artificial plasma on himself before he came here? Just to give people the illusion that he is hurt!In this way, the breath of his early demigod has been explained. We should know that Wei bin is a strong man in the mid demigod period!

"Is it?" Luo Tianzheng took a sip of tea and put down his teacup with a smile.

At this time, the middle-aged woman sitting in the second chair on the left said with a smile: "then how do you explain that Liu Yu and Ma Chao didn't come back with you?"

This middle-aged woman is the second elder of demon sect, Liang Yuxin.

Li Feng's face changed several times, and finally sneered: "hum, yes, I did meet a strong enemy outside, but I finally beat him away. Although Liu Yu and Ma Chao unfortunately fell, the one who can win is me!"

"We don't see what's going on outside. Who knows if you win or run away." Liang Yuxin sneered.

Li Feng's face changed slightly. Just about to refute a few words, the old man sitting in the third chair on his left head preempted him with a cold hum: "we are all brothers of the same sect, two elders. Is it too much for you to ridicule Lao Qi like this?"

This man is the three elders of the demon sect, Wan Zi Dao.

Liang Yuxin's face changed slightly. She snorted and didn't speak again.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and arched at wanzidao.

According to Liu Yu, the relationship between the nine elders of the demon sect is complicated. She only knows that Wei bin and Wan Zi Dao, the three elders, are very close at ordinary times, so Li Feng expects that Wan Zi Dao will help Wei bin.

Wan Zi Dao smiles and then says, "Lao Qi, tell me what happened to you outside."

Li Feng nodded and said solemnly: "half a month ago, I led Liu Yu and Ma Chao to the warehouse of Mingzhu future shopping mall to grab supplies. I met a young man..."

Now he told the story of Wei bin meeting Li Feng. Of course, the result of the battle was that he forced Li Feng back.

"After that, I trained for more than ten days, robbed a small warehouse, and then came back."

After the voice landed, Li Feng took out the supplies that had been put in the system backpack.

These supplies are Li Feng afraid of encountering a protracted war, bought in advance in the mall, just this time to use.

"Li Feng? There is no one named Li among the four. Who is he? " Liang Yuxin and others were puzzled.

"I don't know." Li Feng shook his head, his face was not red and his heart did not jump. "Although I do not want to admit it, but this young man is the most evil talent in martial arts among the people I met. Moreover, his appearance is also rich and handsome. In fact, he is a dragon and Phoenix among people. I have a lot of luck to beat him back."

Liang Yuxin et al

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