Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 773

Li Feng:

This woman is what Liu Yu called ma Bailu, right?

Wei bin had two favorite female disciples: Liu Yu and Ma Bailu.

This time, Wei Bin took Liu Yu with him while Ma Bailu was in charge of the house. About the same thing that

can be loved by Wei Bin, the appearance of Ma Bai Lu is not so natural. It is quite powerful, and looks very awesome, and Liu Yu is in the same place.

Besides, Ma Bailu is also a group of cattle

"I'm not in the mood to do anything else. Get me a bath water. Go."

When Ma Bailu took enough advantage of her, Li Feng pushed Ma Bailu aside and said with a face of displeasure.

Ma Bailu's face changed slightly, and then she asked, "ah, elder seven, are you hurt? Take off your clothes and I'll help you with the medicine. "

While talking, she would go to help Li Feng undress.

Li Feng quickly pushed her and said impatiently, "hum, it's just a little skin injury. It's already healed. Go get ready for the bath water and get me a change of clothes. Come on

Ma Bailu's face changed again. Before Wei bin came back from a long journey, he was impatient to see her. This time, Wei bin pushed her away twice in a row?

Shit, is Wei bin floating or my aunt can't hold a knife?

But then Ma Bailu found that Liu Yu and Ma Chao didn't come back with Wei bin. After contacting Wei Bin's miserable appearance, Ma Bailu guessed that Wei bin had met a strong enemy outside, and that Liu Yu and Ma Chao had already fallen.

In this case, Wei bin is not in the mood to do something else.

"Don't be angry, elder seven. I'm going to prepare bath water for you."

Ma Bailu threw a coquettish, turned around and walked along the corridor. Her steps were very happy.

Damn, Liu Yu, who has been competing with her, is dead? Will I not be able to get the favor of Wei bin alone in the future?

Li Feng snorted coldly and looked around the door.

As soon as you enter the gate, there is a wide courtyard. A wooden corridor is built around the courtyard. Along the corridor, there is an arched gate at the end. Entering this gate, it should be the living place of Wei bin.

The ground in the middle of the courtyard is paved with green bricks. There are some flowers and fruits that Li Feng has never seen before. The fragrance is very charming.

"The people of the demon sect know how to enjoy it."

Li Feng shook his head and sneered, and then walked in.

A few minutes later, Li Feng walked through the arched gate, and there was another courtyard, which was half as small as the courtyard in front of him. Some unknown flowers and fruits were also planted around it.

At the end of the courtyard is a row of houses with red brick and green tiles. The doors and windows are all wooden, which is very similar to the set of an ancient costume drama.

When Li Feng looked at this row of courtyards, Ma Bailu's voice came from the East Chamber: "seven elders, the bath water is ready, you come in."

"Well, at once."

Li Feng snorted coldly and went inside.

As soon as he entered the East chamber, Li Feng smelled a faint fragrance. There was a big round barrel on the floor of the room and a stack of brand-new clothes on the stool beside the room.

Hot water has been poured into the barrel, and some rose petals are floating on the water?!

"I wipe? Rose petals? What the hell is this? "

Li Feng is a bit confused.

What rose petals does a big man want for a bath? It's too Niang, isn't it?

Just as Li Feng was confused, Ma Bailu suddenly walked up to Li Feng and raised his hand to help him with his clothes.

Li Feng body a stiff, hastily said: "I come by myself."

Ma Bailu was stunned. Before this kind of thing was done by her and Liu Yu. What's wrong with seven elder today? It's not normal!

Li Feng also knows that his behavior seems abnormal in Ma Bailu, but he just can't stand a woman who doesn't know how to help him with his clothes.

"Yes, seven elders."

After a short period of stupidity, Ma Bailu stepped back, and then she had to give her own clothes.

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng, I'll take you out

Nima, it's obvious that Wei bin was accompanied by someone before taking a bath, either Liu Yu or Ma Bailu, or both of them.

Why? Because the big round barrel is too big, even if three people sit in together, it doesn't look crowded!

Damn it, Wei bin is so shameless!

"Seven elder, you..."

Ma Bailu was even more surprised. What happened to the seven elders? How hot was the contrast?

"Nothing. I want to be quiet." Li Feng waved his hand, worried mulberry said.

"Who is quiet?" Ma Bailu was stunned at first, then said bitterly, "elder seven, you have found a new lover outside, right?"

Li Feng:

What's new? That's a piece of wool! What Laozi said is to want to be quiet, quiet and quiet!"Almost, anyway I want to be alone now. Can you go out? "

Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, seven elders."

Ma Bailu gently blessing, and then turned to cover her mouth to leave, walk far away can still hear her sobbing voice.

"Damn it, do evil!"

Li Feng shakes his head, jumps into the big barrel after clothing, beautiful bubble rose bath.

Li Feng knew that he was wasting his time, but according to Liu Yu, Wei bin was a man who wanted to save face. He had to clean up everything, whether in the devil's nest or in the secular world.

In full view of the public, he so miserable back here, do not first clean up a bit can't say.

Half an hour later, Li Feng finished washing, put on Ma Bailu's new clothes and went out to find Ma Bailu: "are the four elders back?"

"Back, he was seen bringing a strange woman back." Ma Bailu kneaded Li Feng's shoulder and said softly.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "well Who is that woman, and his best friend? "

"It's not very clear." Ma Bailu shakes her head. She belongs to Wei bin. She can't run to inquire about Feng Dehai's news. A bad one will make Feng Dehai angry.

When Wei bin was not in Shenzong, Feng Dehai killed her in a rage, and she wanted to cry without tears.

"Well." Li Feng nodded, thinking about what reason to go to find Feng Dehai.

At this time, someone called out outside the gate: "Chen Yuan, disciple of the four elders, please see the seven elders!"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "come in!"

Soon, Chen Yuan came to Li Feng. He bowed his hands and said, "seven elders, four elders, please go to the conference hall for discussion."

Li Feng two hands back behind, chin slightly pick up, cold voice said: "so why?"

Chen Yuan was disdainful in his heart, but he said respectfully on the surface: "report back to the seven elders. The four elders have received reliable information, and the nine you order has been obtained by the eight elders. This time, we invite all the elders to discuss how to deal with this matter."

Li Feng's face changed dramatically: "what? How could it have happened? "

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