Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 772

"Ten miles south of Gufeng mountain, Gufeng town Here we are, right here. "

Li Feng fell down from the sky and saw the stone tablet engraved with the word "ancient peak".

Ten minutes ago, the red dot on the map disappeared at this location.

Contact Qiu Biao before saying that the space passage to the devil's nest is here!

Feng Dehai really took Ren Xiaolei back to the devil's nest!

"You have to dress up."

After thinking about it, Li Feng took out a set of silver gray Zhongshan suit from the system backpack and replaced it. Then he took out Wei Bin's big gold chain, big gold watch and the storage ring to wear on his body.

After doing this, Li Feng takes out the mask and changes it into Wei Bin's appearance.

It's just not enough. Wei Bin's stature is shorter and his voice has its own characteristics. Li Feng has to change his body shape and make his voice the same as Wei bin.

"It's time to learn two new skills."

Li Feng thought about it and said directly, "the system can screen out the skills that can change body size and sound."

In less than two seconds, the system wizard said, "the corresponding skills have been selected for the host."


Li Feng flashed in front of his eyes, and six skill books appeared in the system mall interface.

After a brief inspection, Li Feng chose two books -- body shape change and divine onomatopoeia.

"Body shape changing technique": this skill is developed by the system developer according to the "bone shrinking skill". It can change the body shape freely. After learning this skill, the host can change his body shape according to his mind. "

"Note 1: after using this skill, the maximum range of increase can not exceed 100% of the actual body size, and the maximum range of reduction cannot exceed 50% of the actual body size."

"Note 2: this skill is sold for 5000 system points."

"Divine onomatopoeia: a super skill developed by the system developer based on various oral skills that have been handed down to the world. After learning this skill, the host can perfectly simulate the sound that has been heard."

"Note: this skill is sold for 5000 system points."

Li Feng directly consumed 10000 system points to buy it and click to learn.

When two white lights flashed by, Li Feng learned these two skills, and then he used "body shape change" to make his body shape the same as Wei bin.

After that, Li Feng tried to imitate Wei Bin's voice: "cough, I am I am Wei bin, the seventh elder of the demon sect

is as like as two peas Wei Bin!

System production, must be a boutique!

In this way, as long as Li Feng does not reveal his breath, those people in the demon sect should not see that he is a fake Wei bin.

"Qiu Biao said that if you want the space channel to appear, you need to crush a crystal stone..."

Thinking like this, Li Feng took out a crystal stone from the system knapsack, and then pinched it hard.

The crystal broke, and a raging energy spread out.

Stimulated by this energy, a whirling vortex portal appears above the stone tablet.

"This should be the passage to the devil's nest..."

Li Feng stares at this whirlpool door to have a look, is about to get up and walk in.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly stopped. Then he took out his sword and made a few cuts in his clothes. He bought a bag of artificial plasma from the system mall and applied it on his face and clothes.

In this way, Li Feng looked as if he had just experienced a big war and was seriously injured.

After finishing this, Li Feng lifted his feet and flew into the vortex gate.

At the next moment, Li Feng's body flew out of the vortex gate, and what he saw in his eyes was another world.

It's still late at night on earth, but it's sunny here.

This is the third Heterodimensional space Li Feng has entered. There are also suns in the first two different dimensional spaces. After dark night comes, a full moon will be hung in the sky. Even the stars in the sky are similar to those seen on earth.

So Li Feng has always been very curious, can the space of different dimensions be on the parallel earth?

At the foot of Li Feng is a narrow path. On both sides of the path are two steep peaks. The path has been winding forward. Li Feng walked along the path, and after turning several bends, his sight suddenly opened up. A valley appeared in front of him.

The area of this valley is very large, which is about the size of dozens of football fields. In the valley, there is a building complex of red brick and blue tiles, with a main hall in the middle.

According to Liu Yu, this hall is where the nine elders discuss and preach.

In front of the hall, there are nine stone columns about 100 meters high, which need several people to hold together. The pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes. It looks very spectacular.

Further ahead, there is a square with flat ground. There are some futons, cold weapon racks, and some young men and women in various kinds of clothes are practicing and fighting in the square.

On both sides of the main hall, there are a row of low bungalows, among which smoke rises from several bungalows, which must be the place for cooking.There is a small stream around the valley. There are some flowers and trees planted beside the stream. Insects, birds, fish and animals travel in their own places.

From a distance, it looks like a paradise with beautiful environment.

Li Feng can't see what's behind the hall. However, according to Liu Yu, there are nine elders' residences behind the hall, where ordinary disciples can't enter without being summoned.

Li Feng observed the environment here, while his face was gloomy, and his feet went to the hall in a hurry.

In the future, when we went to the square in front of the hall, some disciples discovered his arrival. At the moment, these disciples stopped their movements and bowed down to Li Feng and called, "welcome back the seven elders!"

"Well." Li Feng gave a faint hum. He didn't look at the disciples and went on walking.

According to Liu Yu's description, Wei bin is very cold in front of ordinary students. When he greets ordinary students, Wei bin usually uses a nasal "um".

As soon as Li Feng left, the disciples whispered, "how did the seven elders get hurt? Did you meet a strong enemy in the secular world?"

"Liu Yu and Ma Chao went out together with the seven elders. Why didn't they come back?"

"The seven elders are all injured like this, which shows that the enemy is very strong. Liu Yu and Ma Chao are afraid that they have encountered an accident."

Just as they were talking, Li Feng suddenly stopped to take a look at them.

It was this one glance that made these disciples shiver and shut their mouths.

When Li Feng went far away, these disciples secretly wiped the cold sweat, but they did not say more and continued to practice.

Through the main hall, Li Feng can see the nine quadrangles in the rear, each of which is nearly 100 meters apart.

This is the residence of the nine elders of the demon sect, and the seventh from the left is the residence of Wei bin, the seven elder!

Li Feng just a little observation, then quickly walked to Wei Bin's residence. Just after entering the gate of the quadrangle, a woman with fashionable and gorgeous appearance welcomed him: "seven elders, you are back at last."

Li Feng only felt that the fragrance was blowing on his face. Before he could speak, the woman rushed to him.

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