Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 769

"The people of the demon sect are simply treasures of walking. If I really complete the task of unifying the demon sect, then I will be the richest man in the world?"

Seeing Bai Xuelian and others out of sight, Li Feng touched his chin and said to himself.

In the storage rings of Wei bin, Qiu Biao and Bai Xuelian, gold alone is nearly 60 tons, worth about 20 billion Chinese dollars.

And the value of those spirit stones is probably more valuable than gold, not to mention those natural materials and earth treasures that are difficult to measure with money.

In addition to the weapons of the three, Jiuyou spear, Jiuyou sword and Jiuyou whip, any one of them can be sold at a high price. Of course, the premise is that all the people who participate in the auction are martial arts experts.

"I don't need these weapons. Why don't you sell them to four people or dragon spirits?"

Li Feng touched his chin and considered the possibility of being a second peddler.

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of salvation Xiao Lingya (1) the task has been completed, and the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 2 million experience points, 10 million system points and 20 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: demigod level

experience value: 13.8220 million

System score: 82 million

conquest points: 947

skills: divine power, empty spirit, seven steps on the sky, chopping sky sword, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: the wish of Goddess Ren Xiaolei

After looking at his personal attributes, Li Feng is a little helpless.

How long has he been in the demigod state? He didn't even get promoted. It's really a failure.

If other people know Li Feng's idea, he must have killed his heart. Sister, you are only 23 years old, and you are already a semi God level strong man. Can other people live?

"Forget it, upgrading is not a matter of a day and night. If you can't hurry, go back to the Pearl first."

Li Feng shook his head, also lazy to go to the airport, direct use of group space transmission technology back to the Pearl.

In the evening, in a Chinese restaurant in Shancheng.

Ren Xiaolei, dressed in a new suit, sat at the table, playing with a red fruit in her hand. She recalled all kinds of pictures with Li Feng in her mind, and was in a trance.

At this time, a middle-aged man led a man and a woman into the restaurant.

If Li Feng is here, you will find that the middle-aged man's dress is almost the same as Qiu Biao and Wei bin.

Because Ren Xiaolei was sitting by the window, she had a high appearance, so she quickly attracted the attention of the three of them.

The middle-aged man first looked at Ren Xiaolei greedily. Then he looked down and saw the red fruit in Ren Xiaolei's hand, and his pupils shrank: "that's Honglingguo

"Four elders, is honglingguo a specialty of our God sect? How could she have it?"

Behind the middle-aged man, the young man was puzzled.

"It's said that the eight elders came to the mountain city a few days ago. She should not have been caught by the eight elders, and then she was sent a red fruit by the eight elders?"

Said the young woman, after thinking for a while.

"Well, although Qiu Biao is a little bit stupid, he is not so stupid as to send out the red fruit at will!"

Four elders Feng Dehai said with a cold hum.

The annual output of honglingguo is very small. Even if he is a four elder, he will only get three red lingguo every year. If his disciples do not have great meritorious deeds, he would not easily reward them.

No matter how beautiful Ren Xiaolei is, Qiu Biao can't send out red lingguo, unless he is stupid!

"How did she get the red fruit? Did she kill the eight elders and take away the eight elders' storage ring? "

Female disciple Wang Yue covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"Eight elder is a little stupid, but he can't be killed by a strong man of holy level?"

Chen Yuan, a male disciple, said sarcastically.

"Oh, elder martial brother Chen Yuan, it's not easy to make a joke. If you just expose people like this, you are good or bad ~"

Wang Yue said with a shy face.

Chen Yuan silent smile, no voice.

At this time, Feng Dehai said darkly: "she may not be able to kill Qiu Biao, but what if she is a member of the four? There are also demigods among the four

As soon as this word comes out, Chen Yuan and Wang Yue's faces change slightly.

"Don't beat the snake. When she's finished eating, we'll follow up and explore the situation."

Feng Dehai pretended to have nothing to do and sat down in front of a vacant seat and began to order.

An hour later, Ren Xiaolei finished eating and left the restaurant.

Feng Dehai winked at the two disciples and got up to follow them out.Now it's night, it's rush hour after work. Ren Xiaolei walks in the crowded street, looking left and right, just like a girl in the street shopping.

"Shit, isn't she tired after all this shopping? I always feel that she is wandering aimlessly! "

Chen Yuan can't help but make complaints about Tucao road.

"It's a woman's nature to love shopping. You should be patient. You just don't know where her destination is. It's not convenient to start with too many people."

Wang Yue said with a slight frown.

"Well, she always needs rest. As soon as she's alone, we'll do it."

Chen yuanleng hummed.

Even if the four elders don't make a move, they can control Ren Xiaolei before they react with him.

More than ten minutes later, Ren Xiaolei ended the loitering mode and came to the door of a five-star hotel.

Feng Dehai's eyes flashed: "do it!"

Chen Yuan and Wang Yue looked at each other and walked quickly to Ren Xiaolei.

Ren Xiaolei noticed that someone was approaching, so she looked back and saw Chen Yuan, who was laughing grimly.

Immediately Ren Xiaolei realized that it was wrong and wanted to withdraw.

But at this time, a breath suddenly surrounded her from all directions, so that she could not move at all!

At the same time, Chen Yuan and Wang Yue held Ren Xiaolei's arm from left to right. At the same time, Wang Yue said angrily: "Oh, I told you to drink less, but you don't listen. Are you drunk now?"

"Who are you? I don't know you." Ren Xiaolei tried to break free, but could not get rid of the shackles of the two supremacies. For a time, Ren Xiaolei fell into an ice cave.

"You're really drunk." Wang Yue grinned bitterly and laid a real Qi barrier around her body.

Then, two people carry Ren Xiaolei to the distance.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of passers-by, but Wang Yue's words dispelled their doubts, so that no one came forward to inquire about the situation.

"Wang Yue is really deep in my heart."

Feng Dehai sighed, and then quickly caught up.

At the same time, Li Feng, who has returned to Mingzhu Xinghui community, received a new system prompt: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it now?"

Li Feng's heart a tight, hastily murmured: "check!"

"Mission: save the goddess Ren Xiaolei (2)"

"mission objective: to rescue the goddess Ren Xiaolei from Feng Dehai, the fourth elder of demon sect, to ensure Ren Xiaolei's safety. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 2 million exp, 10 million system points, 30 conquest points."

Li Feng:

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