Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 770

It's not I just came back from the mountain city, Ren Xiaolei was found by the people of the demon sect again?

Damn it. I'm tired, OK!

Critical teleportation and group teleportation are both in a cool state. I can't rush to rescue in the first time. It's a big deal!

"System, confirm Ren Xiaolei's position." Li Feng said with some impatience.

"This behavior will consume 1000 system points. Do you agree?" The genie replied.

"Yes, hurry up!"

Soon, the system gives Ren Xiaolei's position.

"Tenglong hotel?" Li Feng's eyebrows are sharp. Isn't this the hotel they stayed in last night?

"Rely on, can only fly over by oneself, hope Feng Dehai is not so quick to start to Ren Xiaolei."

Li Feng murmured a few words to himself, and then explained to Wei Bingqing. Then he got up and got out of the villa. After rising to the high air, he adjusted his direction and flew to the mountain city.

Looking at Li Feng's departure, Wei Bingqing, song Wanjun and others are somewhat frustrated. They still want to continue to improve their strength

At the same time, Wang Yue and Chen Yuan have been carrying Ren Xiaolei to an Audi Q7 and cramming Ren Xiaolei into the back row.

Taking advantage of the moment when they let go of themselves, Ren Xiaolei wants to blow open the roof of the car to escape, but before she has any action, the breath that restrained her appears again!

"Beauty, you are just a saint, or do not struggle?"

Feng Dehai sat in the back row with a smile.

Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically: "who are you?"

At the moment, she had some guess about Feng Dehai's identity. The familiar Zhongshan suit, the big back head, the familiar big gold chain and big gold watch

Are you also an elder of Jiuyou sect?

If it is, Li Feng is not in, where is she the opponent of the other party, this next miserable.

"I also want to know who you are." Feng Dehai gave a gloomy smile and then asked, "let me guess, you should not be Ren Xiaolei?"

Like Feng Biao, he also got Ren Xiaolei's intelligence in the mountain city before leading Chen Yuan and Wang Yue to arrive here.

At noon, they had gone to Ren Xiaolei's residence, and found that it had been razed to the ground. At that time, Feng Dehai knew that he was a little late.

In the evening, he saw Ren Xiaolei have a special red lingguo in his hand. With various factors, Feng Dehai guessed that the woman might be Ren Xiaolei.

Three of them are based on known conditions, and the remaining seven are intuitive, because there are many things that Feng Dehai still can't understand.

For example, if this woman is Ren Xiaolei, how did she escape from Qiu Biao's hand and how did she get the red fruit.

Ren Xiaolei is a Leng at first, and then doubts: "who is Ren Xiaolei? Do you look like me?"

Feng Dehai looked at her for a long time, and finally laughed: "it's so hard to find a place to find. Feng Dehai, the four elders of Shenzong, has seen the saint!"

While speaking, Feng Dehai Chong and Ren Xiaolei saluted.

Ren Xiaolei heart cluttered a, repeatedly denied: "I am not Ren Xiaolei, you must recognize the wrong person."

Nima, I don't usually show up in public. How can jiuyouzong find her?

"Although you were calm just now, people's eyes can't tell lies."

Feng Dehai shakes his head and smiles and shouts to Chen Yuan in the driver's seat: "drive, leave here first."

The next moment, the car starts and quickly joins the rolling traffic.

At this time, Feng Dehai said, "Qiu Biao has already looked for you, hasn't he?"

Ren Xiaolei's face changed slightly and she didn't make a sound.

"The red fruit was given to you by Qiu Biao on his own initiative?" Feng Dehai asked himself.

"Honglingguo?" Ren Xiaolei showed a slight frown.

"It's the fruit you took out to play with in the restaurant." Feng Dehai ponders a smile, must put his hand into Ren Xiaolei's arms.

Ren Xiaolei quickly back a body, at the same time stretched out his hand to take out the red lingguo: "you say this?"

Feng Dehai greedily looked at Ren Xiaolei, put down his hand and said, "yes, this is the red lingguo, the specialty of our Shenzong. As far as I know, there is no place in the world that has red lingguo except Shenzong."

Ren Xiaolei took a puff from the corner of her mouth, and wished to pinch and explode the red fruit.

Shit, I said how Feng Dehai recognized my mother. It's because of it. It's hateful!

But then a light flashed in Ren Xiaolei's mind, and a bold plan formed in her mind.

"Since you found out, I have nothing to hide. Yes, this red fruit was indeed given to me by Qiu Biao. "

Ren Xiaolei plays with the red fruit and sighs.

"For you?" Feng Dehai's face changed slightly: "why did he give it to you? Don't tell me because you're a saint. "The saint is a honorific title. If the patriarch is dead, Ren Xiaolei's name will not have any deterrent effect.

Give Ren Xiaolei face to call her a saint. What is she if you don't give her face?

"You can't guess?" Ren Xiaolei looked at Feng Dehai strangely.

Feng Dehai was stunned at first, and then his heart cluttered for a moment: "you Did you give the order of nine you to Qiu Biao? "

Why did he come here to find Ren Xiaolei? It's for the sake of jiuyouling. If Qiu Biao has already got the jiuyouling The consequences are unimaginable!

No, it won't. nine you Ling is the most precious. Ren Xiaolei can't hand it over for a red fruit!

"Yes, Qiu Biao threatened me to hand over the Jiuyou order as soon as he came to the door. If he didn't, he would kill me."

"At first, I still wanted to resist, but he directly released the breath of demigod and flattened my villa, so I didn't want to resist."

"After that, Qiu Biao said that he would exchange the nine Youling with me with Tiancai Dibao Well, in fact, I don't have much affection for Jiuyou sect. It's useless for you to stay with me. "

"I weighed the nine you order and gave it to Qiu Biao. But Qiu Biao was honest and gave me a lot of good things."

Speaking, Ren Xiaolei took out from her arms a few kinds of Tiancai Dibao left by Li Feng.

Seeing these things, Feng Dehai believed Ren Xiaolei Qifen. His face changed several times, and finally he yelled: "Chen Yuan, return to Shenzong!"

Ren Xiaolei's face changed slightly: "you go back and put me down first, OK? As soon as I'm a saint, I can't go back with you... "

Rely on, she is a delicate beauty, into the nest of jiuyouzong, you don't have to think about it.

Feng Dehai said with a smile: "saint, you are the daughter of the patriarch and the orthodox descendant of our God sect. How can it be useless?"

Since Qiu Biao has already got the order of nine you, Feng Dehai must return to Shenzong immediately, and take Ren Xiaolei back to Shenzong together!

Even if Qiu Biao gets the Jiuyou order, he may not be able to figure out how to use it. He can use this time to unite other elders around him with Ren Xiaolei's identity!

Then he found Qiu Biao to kill him and recapture Jiuyou order to unify Shenzong!

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