Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 768

"Why do you know we are looking for jiuyouling, who are you?"

Bai Xuelian's expression looks a little creepy.

There are not many people who know jiuyouling, and even fewer people know that they are looking for jiuyouling and that Shenzong has not yet elected a patriarch. Only members of Shenzong know these things.

How did Li Feng know that other Shenzong members met Li Feng?

Li Feng's eyes were cold and sneered: "you are not qualified to ask me back. Tell me why. I can put you back in the demon sect and kill you without saying anything. I'll give you 10 seconds to think about it. "

After that, he did not wait for the white snow lotus to make a response and began the countdown.

White snow lotus complexion changes several times, finally gnash teeth to say: "you swear not to kill me, otherwise I can't believe you!"

White snow lotus really doesn't have many choices.

Li Feng sneered: "you are not qualified to talk to me about conditions. There are still 5 seconds, 4, 3..."

When Li Feng counted to one, Bai Xuelian screamed, "stop, I say!"

Li Feng smiles and stops counting down.

"The nine you order is the symbol of the patriarch. Without it, the name is not right and the words are not smooth. This is the greatest significance of the nine you order."

Bai Xuelian sighed and said in a reluctant manner.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "you lie!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Li Feng punched out.


with a loud noise, Bai Xuelian was blown out by Li Feng, and she rolled on the ground for several times before she could stop.

On one side, Bai Luofeng and Qin'an look pale in an instant.

In their hearts, Bai Xuelian is like a puppet to be manipulated by Li Feng. This result makes them feel despair.

"How do you know I'm lying, I'm telling the truth!"

White snow lotus spits out a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up and roar.

"The truth? The fact is that the order of nine you is related to the secret of controlling the members of the demon sect! "

Li Feng walked slowly to Bai Xuelian and said in a cold voice.

"What, how do you...!" Bai Xuelian quickly covered her mouth, then she looked ugly and said, "you cheat me?"

Li Feng shrugged: "whether I am cheating you or not, your reaction has explained everything."

Just now, when Bai Xuelian was fabricating a lie, she had already flashed the real role of Jiuyou Ling in her mind. Under the mind reading skill, Li Feng naturally knew it for the first time.

However, how to use the Jiuyou order to control the members of the demon sect Bai Xuelian didn't think of this just now, and this is what Li Feng wants to know urgently.

Now Li Feng said this question.

"I don't know." Bai Xuelian shakes her head.

"You are not afraid to die." Li Feng smiles, and now she wants to give Bai Xuelian some color to see.

"I really don't know. Even if you kill me, I don't know." Bai Xuelian was a little exhausted and hissed: "this secret is only known to the patriarch. We have never got the Jiuyou order. How can we know how to use it to control other people?"

Li Feng frowns slightly, with the help of mind reading, let him know that Bai Xuelian is not lying.

Then Li Feng looked at Bai Luofeng and Qin'an again. They immediately shook their heads into rattles: "Li Shao, we don't know. We are just ordinary disciples. We are even more impossible to know what even the commander does not know."

Li Feng nodded his head with a sarcastic look on his face. Indeed, Bai Luofeng and Qin'an naturally couldn't know what Bai Xuelian didn't know.

It seems that there is a big secret hidden on the nine you order!

"Will Ren Xiaolei know?"

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and Ren Xiaolei's pretty face appeared in his mind.

"She should not know, or she should tell me directly, and then let me take the nine you order to unify the demon sect."

Li Feng pondered a little bit, decided to settle the matter here, then called Ren Xiaolei to ask.

"It's a pity that you could have left here alive, but you didn't cherish the opportunity."

Li Feng sneered and made a gesture to kill Bai Xuelian on the spot.

"Wait a minute!" Bai Xuelian quickly raised her hand and begged for mercy: "Mr. Li, I was wrong. I shouldn't hide the truth from you. I'm willing to redeem my life with money."

"Do you think I'm short of money?" Li Feng laughed. Then he turned his head to Bai Luofeng and said with a smile: "she didn't say I forgot. You still have a bet not to give me."

Bai Luofeng's body trembled, and quickly took out two Jasper fruits and a red lingguo from his arms: "Li Shao, it was my lard that blinded my heart just now. This is my bet. Please let Li Shao spare me a dog's life."

Instead of reaching for it, Li Feng said, "these things are not enough. Take out your storage equipment. I can spare you one death. There are also two of you who will also hand over the storage equipment. If I am satisfied, I can consider letting you go."

Bai Luofeng's face was painful, but he took out his storage ring for the first time.Although the natural material and the earth treasure are good, we should have a life to enjoy it.

After a while, Bai Xuelian gritted her teeth and took off her storage ring. She handed it to Li Feng and said, "this is mine. The formula is The things that are valuable to me are here. "

After Li Feng took over the two people's storage ring, he did not check it for the first time, but looked at Qin'an: "what about yours?"

Qin'an wants to cry without tears: "Li Shao, I have no storage ring..."

Bai Luofeng, as an ordinary disciple, has the storage equipment that only an elder can have. He is deeply loved by Bai Xuelian. He looks rough and crazy, and can't match his handsome. Unless Bai Xuelian wants to change his taste, he won't come to him at all.

Among the three of them, Qin'an is a runner. He has a strong sense of being. Naturally, he won't have a storage ring.

"You are pitiful." Li Feng sneered and then looked at the next two people's storage rings.

Bai Xuelian's storage ring is also 10 cubic meters in size, and the things inside are similar to those of Wei bin and Qiu Biao.

Bai Luofeng's ring is only 1 cubic meter in size. In addition to a few pieces of crystal stones, it is a few pieces of natural materials and earth treasures. Its value is much worse than that of Bai Xuelian.

Li Feng put the storage ring into the system backpack, and then he said with a smile: "since you are so smart, you should leave here quickly. Don't do evil again. Do you hear me?"

White snow lotus three people mouth slightly open, looks very surprised?

Li Feng really wants to let them go? Didn't mean to play them, did you?

It's not that the white snow lotus three people think too much, but instead they face this situation, they ask what they should ask and take what they should take. It's better to kill the enemy directly, why let the tiger return to the mountain?

"Why, you don't want to go?" Li Feng smiles.

White snow lotus three people quickly shake their heads, after the promise of fear down, step three back to the distance.

Until they left Li Feng's line of sight, white snow lotus three talent how much relieved.

Bai Luofeng couldn't help saying, "nine elders..."

"Shut up! Let's go back to Shenzong Bai Xuelian glared at him fiercely, then dragged the injured body to the distance.

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