Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 767

"Good How strong

"Nine elder was defeated so easily? My God I must be dreaming

Bai Luofeng and Qin'an couldn't believe their eyes.

They have followed Bai Xuelian for many years, and her image in their hearts has always been invincible. However, after the fight with Li Feng, Bai Xuelian was knocked unconscious without even holding out for 10 seconds

Lying trough, is Bai Xuelian too weak or Li Feng too strong?

Xiao Lingya and others in the escape also saw this scene. They all stopped for a moment and stood in the same place in a daze.

That's it, NIMA? It's so sudden!

Xiao Lingya knew Li Feng was very strong, but he didn't expect Li summit to be so strong!

"Your neighbor's sister's fighting capacity is very ordinary."

Li Feng scattered the empty spirit and said playfully.

The reason why he was able to solve Bai Xuelian so quickly is that there is a little gap between Bai Xuelian's combat effectiveness and Qiu Biao's and Wei bin's. secondly, he has a little understanding of the fighting methods of the members of the demon sect.

In addition, he used the time hourglass and invincible aura at the beginning, so it is reasonable to win in a short time.

Bai Luofeng and Qin'an looked ugly and bowed their heads and made no noise.

"Mr. Li, you're great, really good ~"

at this time, Xiao Lingya walked to Li Feng's side and said with adoration.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smilingly said: "I'm great things you didn't know for a long time?"

Xiao Lingya nodded: "yes, the powerful image of Mr. Li that night has been deeply engraved in my heart."

At this time, Xia Hongzhi and others also came back. Hearing this, they were stunned at the scene.

That night? Powerful image?

It's not What happened between them?

"Since my image of power has been engraved in your heart, why do you still love with other men?" Li Feng sneered.

Xiao Lingya blinked her big eyes and said innocently, "Mr. Li, what are you talking about? I just met Mr. Bai for the first time, even ordinary friends are not counted."

Bai Luofeng:

It's not That's not what you said before, did you? Although you didn't say that you had any idea about Laozi, it was totally interesting rhythm to Laozi!

Now that I'm a prisoner, do you deny it? MMP!

"What about him?" Li Feng points to Xia Hongzhi.

Xia Hongzhi is stunned at first, then looks at Xiao Lingya with expectation.

Xiao Lingya looked at Xia Hongzhi and then said with a smile, "he is my classmate, that's all."

Xia Hongzhi's body was shocked, as if he heard his heartbreaking voice.

"Well, whatever you say." Li Feng shook his head and didn't bother to expose Xiao Lingya. He warned directly: "you just need to remember that you are the woman I chose. If you dare to be half hearted, you will consider the consequences yourself."

Xiao Lingya's body was shocked, and she said bitterly, "Mr. Li, do you believe me so much? Do you have to be with you so that you don't doubt me? If this is true, then I will... "

"What?" Li Feng has a sharp eyebrow and looks funny.

"Just..." Xiao Lingya's face was red. She bit her lips with her head down. Her voice was like a small mosquito. She said, "I can't say it."

"Just follow me to the hotel?" Li Feng smiles.

This woman is direct enough. Do you want to use this method to control him?

Xia Hongzhi was in a great hurry when he heard the speech: "don't use Lingya!"

At this moment, Xia Hongzhi only hated that he didn't have a strong force and could not save the United States.

"Xia Hongzhi, I really don't need you to manage my affairs." Xiao Lingya said without expression, and then looked at Li Feng and said, "if Mr. Li has to confirm my intention in this way, I am willing to do it."

Li Feng gazed at Xiao Lingya for a while, then said with a smile: "forget it, I'm not interested in hypocritical women. You'd better get things done here first."

Xiao Lingya's heart is dark hate, but don't understand on the surface asked: "what?"

"I'm afraid it has attracted the attention of many people just now. Your Xiao family has a deep connection in Shangjing. Should we try to control it?"

Li Feng said helplessly.

Xiao Lingya's skill is so profound in colluding with men. How can she be so smart about other things?

"Well, I'll contact my family now."

Xiao Lingya suddenly realized that she took out her mobile phone to inform the news.

"All right, I'll take these three people. I'll see you later."

Li Feng waves to Xiao Lingya, puts the nine you whip into the system backpack, grabs the white snow lotus, and then rises into the air and disappears in the distant sky.

Xia Hongzhi and others have their mouths open to form o!

Lying trough, what do they see, flying in the sky? At this moment, the world outlook of Xia Hongzhi and others collapsed completely!Ten minutes later, Li Feng and the three white snow lotus arrived at the foot of a mountain near the FEIA resort.

It's deserted, and there are few tourists here.

After Bai Xuelian is put on the ground, Li Feng pinches the cloud detecting hand.

"Poof" "poof"

Bai Luofeng and Qin'an just felt that their internal organs were going to be crushed and burst, and they vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Although Li Feng just pinched it lightly, his strength was just right. He did not let Bai Luofeng and Qin'an lose their lives, but also made Bai Luofeng and Qin'an seriously injured.

After that, Li Feng scattered his cloud finder. Then he went to Bai Xuelian and patted her on the cheek.

Bai Xuelian confusedly opens her eyes and screams immediately after seeing Li Feng in front of her. She raises her hand to fight back.

However, she was seriously injured by Xu Shen's seven steps and four steps in succession, which affected her internal injuries. Under one blow, she could not cause any danger to Li Feng. Instead, she was pinched by Li Feng.

"I advise you not to act rashly. The reason why I have saved your life is that you are still useful. If you irritate me, don't blame me for being a tough nut to crack!"

Li Feng sneered.

Bai Xuelian's face changed several times, and finally said in a cold voice, "what do you want to do to me?"

"Auntie, I don't want to do anything to you." Li Feng curled his lips and then asked, "why do you want to inquire about the strength of the Xiao family? Do you want to know the details of the Xiao family and do something about it?"

At the same time, he used the mind reading technique to Bai Xuelian.

"Hum! That's right Bai Xuelian was too lazy to hide: "50 years ago, Xiao, Zheng, Lei and Wang sun united with other families in the ancient Wu Kingdom to wipe out our Shenzong. Now that we have recovered our vitality, we naturally have to seek revenge from them."

If it wasn't for mind reading skills, Li Feng didn't believe that Bai Xuelian would tell the truth so happily.

"That is to say Is there anyone else going to get close to the children of the other three? " Li Feng raised his eyebrows and continued to ask.

"I don't know that." White snow lotus cold hum way.

Mind reading tells Li Feng that Bai Xuelian didn't lie. It seems that Bai Xuelian really doesn't know.

Li Feng pondered for a moment and then asked, "there is another question. Is the Jiuyou order just a symbolic meaning, or is there any special usage? Why do you have to get the Jiuyou order to become the leader of the demon sect?"

Bai Xuelian's face changed dramatically!

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