Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 766

Bai Luofeng is confused, Qin'an is confused, and even Bai Xuelian is muddled.

From Li Feng's hand to Bai Luofeng and Qin'an being arrested, the time has not even reached 0.1 seconds. It is as fast as lightning!

Bai Xuelian is a strong man in the mid demigod period. Her realm is higher than that of Li Feng. Bai Luofeng and Qin'an are also protected by Bai Xuelian. As a result, Bai Xuelian doesn't have any reaction. They are caught by Li Feng. This is amazing!

Xia Hongzhi, who is walking towards the distance with Shi Shi ran, can't help but look back at the movement behind him.

It's this look that shows Xia Hongzhi that all the dead are taking part!

Lying trough, what's the situation of that white dragon's claw? It can be made by people? This is so unscientific!

Then Xia Hongzhi ran away. What kind of aloofness, what man is not afraid of danger, are all floating clouds. It's too dangerous here. I want to go home, I want to find my mother!

"Damn it, aren't you a strong man in the early days of demigod? How could you be so strong?"

Bai Xuelian screamed.

"The realm cannot represent one's full strength." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "when I'm in a good mood, you can take out all the valuable things in your body. I can let you go back to jiuyouzong, otherwise I'm going to get angry

As I said before, since the mission requires him to accept jiuyouzong, he doesn't want to kill members of the demon sect.

But it's impossible to let them go like this. At least they have to leave money to buy their lives.

"Well, you are too arrogant and stupid! If you show such strength directly when you fight with me, I may lose a little carelessly, but now that you have shown it, I can't belittle the enemy any more. "

"I will suppress you with the most powerful gesture! Nine you move

Bai Xuelian roared, and her breath soared to the end of the demigod period.

Then, the white snow lotus right hand one move, a whole body sends out the blue color dark awn whip by her to hold in the hand.

This whip is about three meters long. Its material is unknown. A long part of it is hovering on the ground, like a slender green snake. With the swing of the right hand of Saussurea involucrata, the tail of the whip moves back and forth on the ground, making a "hissing" sound when rubbing with the ground.

"Have a taste of this lady's nine whips!"

Bai Xuelian sneered and waved her whip to Li Feng.

Whip tail flashing blue light, breaking through the sound barrier issued a bang, with the momentum of lightning to Li Feng's face.

Xia Hongzhi and others almost lie on the ground!


Li Feng snorted coldly, opened the invincible aura directly, and then held out his hand.

White snow lotus is a Leng first, and then ecstatic: "idiot, my nine you whip is so easy to receive?"

Like Wei Bin's Jiuyou gun and Qiu Biao's Jiuyou sword, this Jiuyou whip is the treasure of Jiuyou sect.

Jiuyou whip is made of a special kind of silk soaked in Jiuyou spring for countless days and nights. When it is soft, it can be bent and wound at will, and when it is just, it can open mountains and crack rocks.

What's more, Jiuyou whip also contains poison that paralyzes human nerves. Although it can't endanger the lives of semi gods, it can paralyze the nerves of semi gods and make them slow down.

White snow lotus this whip down, nine you whip has become incomparably rigid, even in front of a piece of steel, it will also be pulled into pieces, not to mention it is toxic?

Li Feng went to pick it up empty handed. What is it?

In the white snow lotus ecstasy, whip tail directly in Li Feng's hand, issued a "bang" sound.

At this moment, Bai Xuelian knew that she had won: "boy, you are dead. Please hurry to beg for mercy. For your handsome sake, my previous conditions will not change, how about?"

Li Feng's mouth raised a sarcastic smile: "Auntie, while you have not been blasted by me, my previous conditions will not change."

"Well?" Until then, Bai Xuelian realized that something was wrong. Li Feng's hand holding the whip did not bleed or even tremble?

At the moment, the white snow lotus is about to draw back the whip, but at this time, a huge force comes from the nine you whip, pulling the white snow lotus forward to stagger a bit.

At the same time, Li Feng controlled Xu Shen to step down.

"My God, what is that?"

What big feet

"God, it's not the end of the world, is it?"

"Why do I feel like I'm in a marvel movie?"

When Xiao Lingya's classmates saw the big foot that covered the sky and the sun, they were scared to shout out loud one after another.

Xia Hongzhi, who had lost his composure for a long time, was even more frightened by the urine flow in his buttocks.

Now they know that Li Feng just said there is no exaggeration. If they still stay there, they will be trampled into meat pie after stepping down!


a loud noise, white snow lotus was directly trampled into the ground!

When her right foot was raised, she revealed the tattered clothes and scattered hair in the pit."Ah! How dare you hurt me! I will tear you to pieces

Bai Xuelian is nearly crazy by eating on Li Feng's hands continuously.

she is the nine elder of Shenzong and a strong person in the middle of the semi God period. Although she is not the strongest among the nine elders, she is definitely the one who does not want to be provoked.

Because she is beautiful and charming, and her status is equal to that of the other eight elders. Qiu Biao and Wei bin all want to be close to her, so they won't provoke him.

So usually, white snow lotus can be said to be rampant in the devil's sect, how ever had such a big loss?

Under the fury, the white snow lotus hand a shudder, a terrible true gas along the nine you whip will rush to Li Feng.

At the moment, Li Feng didn't use fury and rampage, and his realm was still in the early stage of demigod, while Bai Xuelian had come to the later stage of demigod after using jiuyoudong.

Pure competition, then she is definitely stronger!

So Li Feng either choose to release the nine you whip, or the fury of the true Qi will rush into his body, disturb his eight meridians, at least will seriously hurt him!

It's just that Li Feng's reaction is beyond Bai Xuelian's expectation again.

Li Feng laughs and does not want to release the nine you whip. At the same time, he directly opens the rage and rampage, and controls the virtual God to step down again.

Step two, step seven!


Li Feng's breath directly came to the state of demigod!

The next moment, big foot Bang Bang Bang down! Step snow lotus into the pit again!

But white snow lotus hits that fury genuine gas to rush to Li Feng's hand, sends out a roar huge sound, then did not have then.

Under the invincible aura, the true Qi attack in the later period of the demigod can not hurt Li Feng at all!

"Ah! I will kill you

Bai Xuelian is extremely violent. She will release the whip and fight with Li Feng.

But at this time, Xu Shen's right foot stepped down again!

Step three, step seven!


under three times of damage, the ground trembled, and Xia Hongzhi and others who ran to the distance were even shaken up.

The white snow lotus that is attacked by all is to be trodden on directly vomit blood!

Then, step on the day seven steps, step four Bang down!


with four times of damage, Bai Xuelian only felt that her internal organs were squeezed together, and she fainted in front of her eyes.

When Xu Shen's right foot is lifted up to reveal the unconscious white snow lotus in the pit, Bai Luofeng and Qin'an's pupils, which are held in the hands of the Dragon claws, shrink and sink to the bottom of the valley.

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