Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 765

Xiao Lingya doesn't look down on Bai Xuelian. In fact, Bai Xuelian is really strong. Her breath is obviously stronger than Li Feng, probably in the middle of the demigod period.

Such a strong man is comparable to Xiao Zhen, the third ancestor of the Xiao family.

It's just Strength and weakness need to be compared. At the beginning, three semi divine ancestors were almost destroyed by Li Feng. Bai Xuelian was just one person. What advantage could she get from Li Feng?

"Are you a demigod at such a young age, and are you from a well-known family?"

Bai Xuelian's eyes are burning at Li Feng, just like looking at a prey. She can't help but sweet the corners of her mouth.

Li Feng hit a chill, a face vigilant said: "you don't look at me with this kind of eyes, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, younger brother. I'm very gentle to handsome men." Bai Xuelian smiles gently and says, "as long as you hand over oswelli and swear to be loyal to me, I can spare you from death."

"Not only that, I can also let you become my Taoist companion and give you the opportunity to practice together with me. Isn't it happy for us to pursue the road of Chengshen together?"

Li Feng's appearance is stronger than that of bailuofeng, his body looks stronger, and his realm is higher than that of bailuofeng. He is simply the best companion.

It's not just men who like the new and hate the old, but women are the same.

Li Feng is a Leng at first, then the face shows disgust color to say: "I say aunt, do you have any misunderstanding to oneself?"

"What do you call me?" Bai Xuelian couldn't believe her ears.

"Li Feng, you are so rude. Our nine elders are not like aunts. She is a sister next door Bailuofeng, like a dog stepped on its tail, jumped out to blame.

"Shit, you're blind. We nine elders, a gorgeous beauty, said that she was believed by people when she was 18 years old. How could you call her aunt? Can't bear it Qin An rolled up his sleeves and said indignantly.

Although they looked very angry, they only dared to stand still and blame Li Feng.

Li Feng:

Shentemo's sister next door? The most beautiful dog egg! You go out and turn right to the eye hospital to check your eyes!

Then Bai Luofeng arched his hand and said, "elder nine, Li Feng is very dangerous. I'm afraid it's not so easy to accept."

"Are you questioning my ability?" White snow lotus complexion a cold, cold said.

Bai Luofeng shivered and quickly lowered his head and said, "I dare not."

Bai Xuelian then satisfied with a smile and said: "don't worry, Luo Feng is little darling, even if I take Li Feng, I will not be less of your love."

Bai Luofeng's face was happy, squeezed out a smile and said, "I understand."

Opposite, Xiao Lingya:

Xia Hongzhi et al

It's not What do you mean, what is the relationship between bailuofeng and Bai Xuelian? Listen, why are you so evil?

"So Are you the face hand of nine elders Li Feng's face became strange.

Well, Wei bin, the seventh elder, and Qiu Biao, the eighth elder, both brought two disciples, one male and one female. The nine elder was more fierce and directly took two male disciples.

Bai Luofeng is her face hand, the man in black is afraid to be also unable to escape the end of her control?

"Hum, I really love each other with nine elders." Bai Luofeng said with a proud face.

Bai Xuelian touched Bai Luofeng's cheek with a spoiled face, which also confirmed the authenticity of Bai Luofeng.

Xiao Lingya:

Xia Hongzhi et al

Shit So Bai Luofeng is really Bai Xuelian's noodle hand? This is too disgusting!

"Barophon, have you been teasing me Xiao Lingya, who was deeply amused, asked angrily.

Bai Luofeng sneered: "Xiao Lingya, do you think I really fell in love with you at first sight? Don't be silly. I just want to inquire about the strength of the Xiao family from you! "

"What?" Xiao Lingya body a shock: "who are you after all, why to inquire about the strength of our Xiao family?"

Bai Luofeng turned her head and took a look at Bai Xuelian. Bai Xuelian sneered and said, "since the plan fails, don't play any stratagem. Ask directly from her."

Bai Luofeng nodded and said with a sneer, "I'm not a son of Malay Bai family at all. I'm a talented disciple of Jiuyou sect!"

"Jiuyouzong?" Xiao Lingya's body shakes and her face changes dramatically!

The evil clan has resurrected. We still need to find out the strength of the Xiao family. What's the purpose of the demon sect? Is it to avenge the four of them?

"No, I'll send the news home as soon as possible." Xiao Lingya made up her mind secretly.

"Now you know how stupid you were?"

At this time, Li Feng scoffed at her.

Xiao Lingya's face changed slightly, and then she said sadly, "Mr. Li, I I didn't expect him to be a devil... ""All right, get out of here so that you won't be affected later." Li Feng waved his hand and was too lazy to listen to Xiao Lingya's explanation here.

The destructive power produced by the battle between two demigods is extremely terrible. It is possible to completely destroy the racecourse if one does not control it well.

Xiao Lingya these people continue to stand by his side, is looking for death.

"Is that exaggeration?" Xia Hongzhi skimmed his lips, some of whom did not want to believe.

It's not a battle between thermal weapons, or a few people fighting here. How much threat can it pose to them?

"Shut up if you don't understand!" Xiao Lingya gave a cold drink, and then ran to the distance first.

She had to send the news home, so she didn't have time to talk to Xia Hongzhi.

Xia Hongzhi's face was stagnant, and then murmured: "I'm a man. Ah, what kind of man is it to run away when I'm in danger?"

As he murmured, his classmates had already run away.

At this time, Xia Hongzhi turned around and Shi Shi ran walked to the distance, leaving Li Feng an extremely lonely and proud background.

Looking at this lonely and proud figure, Li Feng shook his head and murmured in his heart: "silly 13!"

"Let them go so simply, don't you pay attention to us?" Bai Xuelian laughed: "Luofeng, Qin'an, go and leave them for me. Don't let them go!"

The birth of the demon sect is a secret in the secret. Since these people know it, they should stay here!

"Yes, elder nine!"

Bai Luofeng and Qin'an smile grimly, and they are going to leave Xiao Lingya and others.

Li Feng couldn't help sneering: "you said to leave them behind, didn't you put me in the eye?"

Voice landing, Li Feng directly opened the time hourglass.

An invisible light wave diffuses out, and the speed of actions of white snow lotus, white Luo wind, Qin'an and others suddenly drops ten times!

Then, Li Feng left hand a probe, a huge dragon claw appeared, with the speed of lightning will be bailuofeng, Qin'an two people in the hands!

In this process, Bai Luofeng, Qin'an or Bai Xuelian in the middle of the demigod period did not have time to respond!

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