Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 762

"What's the name of this fruit? It's so beautiful."

"It smells like a faint fragrance. Ah, it must be delicious!"

"I've never seen this kind of fruit. Is it called Xianguo?"

Xiao Lingya's classmates all gathered around and looked at the fruit and praised it.

"It's called Jasper fruit. If you eat it, you can strengthen your health and prolong your life for 30 years. If you eat it, you can directly enter the realm of a master. If you eat it, you can also improve your level. It can be said that it is valuable."

Bai Luofeng holds Jasper fruit in his hand and introduces it with pride.

"My God, thirty years of life extension, really or not?"

"If this is put into the auction, what kind of high price will it have to be sold?"

"Those billionaires who are afraid to spend 10 billion dollars should also take pictures of it. No matter how much money they have, they have to spend their lives."

"I think one hundred billion Chinese dollars have also been paid..."

After listening to Bai Luofeng's introduction, Xiao Lingfei's classmates are moved.

That is, they have no money. If they have money, they must ask how much money bailuofeng can sell.

"Jasper fruit?" Xiao Ling Fei's eyes brightened and she was obviously moved.

It seems that she is going to try to get bailuofeng to give her this fruit

"You said you had a good head. Tell me what you want to compare with me." Li Feng smiles.

Although Jasper fruit is useless to him, he can give it to his mother. Since he can see it, he will decide on this Jasper fruit!

"It's easier and more direct than fighting." Bailuofeng put away the Jasper fruit and shook his wrist.

As soon as Li Feng's eyes brightened, he nodded and agreed.

Shit, I like fighting. I will beat bailuofeng later. I don't know him!

But at this time, Xiao Lingya suddenly said: "don't fight Acquaintance means predestination. Even if you can't be a friend, you don't need to fight? "

I'm going to fight with Li Feng, a semi God level strong man. Is Bai Luofeng's brain full of water?

Well, Bai Luofeng doesn't know that Li Feng is a semi God level strong man

But she knows that she still wants to get help from Bai's family. She can't let Li Feng beat Bai Luofeng to death, so she has to make the two compare something else. It's better to have a technical content

"What sister Lingya said is reasonable. What do you think we are better than?" Bai Luofeng nodded. He was afraid that he would kill Li Feng by mistake. How could he get the Tong Yan Shui formula or even osville's ownership from Li Feng?

"How about racing horses? Equestrian is OK, just like the equestrian events in the Olympic Games

Xiao Lingya looked at the racetrack, and her eyes lit up.

Horses and competition venues are all ready-made, and personal force has little additional effect on equestrian skills. It will not be dangerous than this, and it is also ornamental. It is the best.

I just don't know if Li Feng can race a horse.

"Sister Lingya's idea is wonderful, just race horses!" Bai Luofeng clapped his hands, looked at Li Feng and said, "how do you dare to compare? Or You can't ride a horse at all? "

At this point, a look of scorn flashed in his eyes.

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "what can I dare not compare? But a jasper fruit is a little less. Do you think Xiao Lingya's ownership is only worth a jasper fruit? "

He really can't ride a horse, but he has a system. All kinds of skills are sold in the system mall, and riding skills are not lacking.

As soon as this was said, Bai Luofeng did not know how to answer it.

In his opinion, although Xiao Lingya is beautiful, she is only a pair of skin bags, far less valuable than Jasper fruit.

But he can't say this. How can he pursue Xiao Lingya and achieve the goal after that?

After hesitation, Bai Luofeng nodded and said, "although you are not very good, you still have some truth in saying this sentence. In this way, I will add another Jasper fruit, how about it?"

"Just two Jasper nuts?" Li Feng shook his head with a smile and said directly, "in this way, I use Tongyan water formula to make a bet. If you win, the formula is yours, and Xiao Lingya is also yours, but you have to take out the corresponding chips."

In fact, Li Feng can kill Bai Luofeng and rob money, but it is too unskilled to do so. Besides, he has a task to subdue jiuyouzong.

Since Jiuyou sect will be used by him one day, the members of Jiuyou sect are his private property. If it is unnecessary, it is better to leave Luofeng alive.

"Is that true?" Baron was very active.

"Of course, Li Feng never lies. If you don't believe me, we can write down a letter, but you have to show sincerity." Li Feng said with a smile.

"I must show sincerity." Bai Luofeng had a good laugh and took out a sandalwood box from his arms. After opening it, there was a strange fragrance in the air.

After a close look, they found that there was a bright red fruit in the box. It was not big enough, which was the size of a cherry fruit. However, its color was more bright than that of the virgin fruit, and its shape was more mellow."This is a red fruit. Ordinary people can prolong their life by 50 years after eating it, and directly step into the extraordinary realm. Its value is more than ten times that of Jasper fruit."

"Two Jasper and one red fruit. Is this a good bet

Said Baron triumphantly.

Anyway, he will win later. What he takes out now will be put back into his pocket again. It doesn't matter.

Xia Hongzhi and others were shocked and speechless. They felt that they were listening to the book of heaven.

Li Feng thought for a while, clapped his hands and said, "deal."

They didn't set up any documents. For them, it was useless. Anyway, when the other party didn't recognize the account, they would just use their fists to solve it.

After making a bet, they went into the racetrack and began to pick horses.

In horse racing and horse racing, the rider is only auxiliary, and the ability of the horse is the key. Of course, no matter how good a horse is, it can't be done without a rider who can control it.

When it comes to horse racing, we have to mention the famous thoroughbred horse.

Thoroughbred horse dominates the world with medium and short distance speed. It has set and maintained the world records of various distance speeds within 5000 meters. No other breed of horse has surpassed it in speed in the past thousand years.

There are three thoroughbred horses in the FIA resort, all of which were purchased at a high price. The most expensive thoroughbred horse at that time was worth 2 million pounds.

Introduced by the racetrack staff, Bai Luofeng and Li Feng selected a pure blooded horse of their own.

In this process, Li Feng also spent 1000 system points to buy a Book of extreme riding. After learning, he mastered the most top riding skills in the world.

After choosing the horse, they rode into the starting point of the gate.

Two people are compared to the 1000 meter race, the rules are very simple, who runs through the finish line first wins.

"Are you ready to be abused by me?"

Baron was confident in his riding.

Li Feng rolled his eyes: "you just have to wait until you lose. Don't cry."

Bai Luofeng flashed a fierce color in his eyes and said in a cold voice: "hum, when you lose, remember to take out the formula of Tongyan water and leave Lingya, otherwise Hum

With the firing of the starting gun, the two horses rushed out of the gate together, rushing forward like thunder!

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