Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 763

"Wow, how fast

"The first time I watched the horse race, I found that the speed of horse racing was so fast!"

Seeing two horses rushing out of the gate like thunder, Xiao Lingya's classmates couldn't help exclaiming.

"A thoroughbred horse can accelerate no slower than a car in a short distance."

On one side, Xia Hongzhi said with a complicated complexion.

Just now he also wanted to play, but he couldn't get the corresponding chips. A formula of Tongyan water is enough to buy his father's company. What else can he take out to bet with Li Feng and Bai Luofeng?

Since I can't make a bet, I can only be a spectator here.

"Wow, the man who can control this kind of horse is so handsome!"

"Mr. Bai and Mr. Li are really handsome. I'm going to be crazy about flowers."

"Or Lingya is powerful, can let two such excellent men fight for her."

"I don't want to do this kind of thinking in my life. I'll be content to have one..."

Women's attention is so strange. It's obviously watching horse racing, but it's about whether the rider is handsome or not

Xia Hongzhi is very upset about this. Ma De, when you say that other men are handsome, have you considered Laozi's feelings? Isn't Lao Tzu so handsome? Do I have no money?

Don't think I don't know what you've been secretly in love with me before!

Xiao Lingya, with a faint smile on her face, did not give any response.

Do two good men fight for her She has been used to it for a long time

On the racecourse, the two horses have already run about 200 meters. At this time, the two horses that originally went hand in hand had opened some gaps.

Li Feng is naturally the leader!

In terms of equestrian skills, Li Feng is better than Bai Luofeng. The horses they ride are all pure blood horses, and the speed of horses is not much different. Li Feng's lead is reasonable.

This made Xia Hongzhi and others a little surprised. After all, bailuofeng looked more professional. When he came here, he saw bailuofeng riding a horse and galloping down from the horse. He was a handsome group.

Li Feng, on the other hand, is wearing a white sportswear, but his lazy fan can't be hidden. He can ride a horse. Some people believe that he is more powerful than bailuofeng Not many people believed that in the beginning.

This is a true response to the old saying "one cannot judge by his appearance".

"Damn it, he's ahead?"

Bai Luofeng is not happy to find himself in a backward position. He tries his best to drive the horses to chase him.

However, after 500 meters, bailuofeng's distance behind has reached 10 meters, which is a big gap. If there is no accident, he is afraid to lose the game.

"Shit, look down on him! But it doesn't matter. I can play Yin. "

Bai Luofeng sneered, and as he steered the steed, he bent his fingers forward.


an indistinguishable genuine Qi burst out from his fingertips and went straight to the right hind leg of the horse in front of him.

As long as hit, Li Feng's Ma Ken will fall to the ground, and bailuofeng can take the opportunity to take the lead.

But just when the real Qi was about to hit the horse's leg, Li Feng suddenly drove the horse into the air!


the true Qi flew under the horse and disappeared in the distance.

Bailuofeng was stunned.

I'm going, and I'm just hiding? It's a coincidence!

"Wow, that horse jumped up. Ah, it's so powerful!"

"Because I'm in the lead, so I'm going to start the flower show?"

"Arrogant enough, I like it!"

Xiao Lingya's classmates talked about it in succession. Only Xiao Lingya knew that it was not Li Feng who deliberately played with flowers, but to avoid Bai Luofeng's sudden cold arrow.

"It seems that Li Feng won the game..."

Xiao Lingya shakes her head, in the heart to this competition result already had the judgment.

Riding is not as good as Li Feng, hard power is not as good as Li Feng. What else can Bai Luofeng win back this race?

But Bai Luofeng didn't think so. He thought it was just a coincidence. Since he couldn't hit the target, he would do it again a few times, and he would knock down the damned horse!


Hum, the wind is cold.


several real Qi bursts out and runs straight to the hind horse's legs.

In order to prevent the accident from happening again, Bai Luofeng's real Qi is fast and slow this time. Even if Li Feng drives his horse to the sky again, it is impossible for him to escape all his true Qi!

When the first true Qi comes, Li Feng drives the horse to soar again!

"Well, the sixth sense?" A look of irony flashed in bailuofeng's eyes.

Bai Luofeng knows that some people are born with a sixth sense and can anticipate danger. Li Feng may be such a person.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, the time for the horse to fly is limited. It will soon land, and the follow-up Qi will be able to..."

Bailuofeng, who was murmuring to himself, suddenly opened his mouth and forced him to look confused.In his sight, the horse was still in the air, even pedaling two legs in mid air, there was no sign of landing at all!

I wipe? Is this special? It's stagnant, isn't it? It's not scientific!

Not only Bai Luofeng is a little confused, but also Xia Hongzhi and others are so muddled that they can't do it.

They have seen the flying man in the air, but not the horse racing. Is this horse a descendant of Tianma?

At the moment when people are confused, all the true Qi of bailuofeng passes through under the horse and disappears in the distance.

At this time, the horse finally landed.

In the distance, Xia Hongzhi and others can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If the horse stays in the air for another second or two, they will doubt whether they are insane.

Bai Luofeng quickly came back to his senses and was ready to fight again. This time, he would attack from three directions: high, medium and low. Even if the horse could fly, he would surely hit him.

But before he made any action, Li Feng had already crossed the finish line on his horse.

Bai Luofeng:

Sleeping trough! Just thinking about how to hit the leg of the horse, ignoring the distance between the horse and the finishing line!

"Xu ~"

Li Feng reined in the galloping horse, and then turned around and ran to Xiao Lingya's place.

Waiting for him is Xiao Lingya female students worship eyes, even Xiao Lingya are also eyebrows with Qiao looking at Li Feng.

"Mr. Li, you've done really well. Congratulations."

Xiao Lingya stepped forward and came to Li Feng. He said after a light blessing.

Li Feng mouth a hook: "nothing to congratulate, just routine operation."

Xia Hongzhi and other people were very eager to say "pretend to be 13", but in the end they did not say so.

Winners take all and say anything. This is the law.

At this time, bailuofeng also rode after him, and finally stopped in front of the crowd with a gloomy face.

"If you lose, bring it." Li Feng reached out and said.

"Things, what things?" Bai Luofeng looked cold and said with a sneer, "you cheated just now. This game doesn't count."

It's a shame to lose to Li Feng in public, but it's impossible to make him admit defeat in this way. He is a powerful person in the later period, so it's time to talk with his fist!

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