Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 761

"So coincidentally, you are here."

Xiao Ya came to Li Lingfeng and said with a smile.

"Lingya has met Mr. Li." Xiao Lingya gave Li Feng a little blessing and then doubted, "did Mr. Li come by himself?"

"Well, I've heard that the FIA resort is good. I've been free for two days, so I'll come and have a look."

Li Feng laughed, then swept the faces of Bai Luofeng and Xia Hongzhi one by one, and frowned slightly: "who are they?"

Judging from the breath, the young man in white equestrian suit should be Bai Luofeng, member of the demon sect in the mission introduction, but the identity of other people Li Feng is really beyond judgment.

"This is Mr. Bai Luofeng Bai, the son of Malay Bai family, and this is Xia Hongzhi..."

After introducing Bai Luofeng and others to Li Feng, Xiao Lingya introduced Li Feng again: "this is Mr. Li Feng. The famous oswelli is his enterprise."

She deliberately conceals that Li Feng is a semi God level strong man. Otherwise, Bai Luofeng will not dare to fight with Li Feng?

Bai Luofeng's eyes flashed, and his eyes showed surprise. After that, his face showed a bit of greed.

If you can take oswelli as your own, you will be able to provide a steady stream of financial support for the demon sect, and he is a great achievement!

Looks like he's going to be serious!

Xia Hongzhi and others were shocked and looked shocked.

Now who doesn't know oswelli who produces Tongyan water? No wonder Xiao Lingya's family wants to marry her to Li Feng. It's like marrying a chicken that can lay golden eggs!

"Li Feng, right? I heard sister Lingya say that her family will betroth her to you. Is that true?"

Bai Luofeng put his hands into the bag and asked without expression.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile way: "calculate is."

Although he chose Xiao Lingya himself, it was really Xiao Zhen who said it.

"Well, from today on, this agreement is void." Bai Luofeng shrugged his shoulders and said softly.

"Why?" Li Feng's face does not change, maintain the expression that does not smile.

"Because my sister Ling Ya and I have been engaged for a lifetime, are you satisfied with this answer?" Bai Luofeng laughs, and then he wants to take Xiao Lingya's hand, in order to declare the Lord.

Xia Hongzhi clenched his fists again, and his eyes were filled with anger.

However, Xiao Lingya went to the side without any trace. She said shyly, "Mr. Bai, what are you talking about? Mr. Li, Mr. Bai likes to joke. I only knew him for the first day, but Mr. Bai saved me just now. I really appreciate Mr. Bai."

With that, she gave a wry smile full of apology to bailuofeng. Her expression looked very complicated, both helpless and afraid.

In short, Xiao Lingya gives Bai Luofeng an illusion that she has no choice but to

But the feeling she gave Li Feng was that she had just been rescued by Bai Luofeng, so she was embarrassed to refute Bai Luofeng.

As for Xia Hongzhi It was a great relief.

But then Xia Hongzhi felt strange. Xiao Lingya didn't seem to deny her relationship with Bai Luofeng?

Although she did not deny it, she did not admit that there was any relationship between the two.

So what does Xiao Lingya want to express?

How confused!

"Well, I'm a little anxious." Bai Luofeng gave a smile and then said, "Li Feng, my fair lady and gentleman are fond of each other. Let's have a try. Who is better will marry sister Lingya. How about that?"

Li Feng laughed: "I don't think it's necessary. Xiao Lingya is the woman I chose. I can't want it, but others can't rob it. Do you think so, Xiao Lingya?"

Xiao Lingya's answer just now is obviously playing the side ball. Maybe Xia Hongzhi and Bai Luofeng can't hear it. But how can Li Feng, who knows Xiao Lingya is a white lotus flower, not recognize it?

Xiao Lingya wants to step on two boats, but also depends on whether Li Feng answers or not!

"This Mr. Li is right. The marriage between the little girl and Mr. Li is a matter that is agreed within the family. "

At the same time, Xiao Lingya lowered her head, making her expression invisible.

This gives people a lot of imagination space!

Xia Hongzhi was the first one who couldn't look down. He jumped out and said, "well, what kind of ability is it to threaten a woman here? If we have the ability, let's compare them to see who is better! "

After that, Xia Hongzhi himself was stunned. I'll go. Where does he have the courage to compare with oswelli's boss? If he really wants to compare, he is afraid to be abused into slag!

But in any case, he just can't stand Li Feng eating Ding Xiao Lingya!

Xiao Lingya is also a lady in a big family. She doesn't even have the right to pursue her own happiness? For Xiao Lingya's freedom of love, he is willing to fight with all his strength!

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, the face appears surprised color: "you also like Xiao Lingya?"

"Yes, I've been a classmate with Lingya for four years. I've loved her for a long time." Xia Hongzhi said slightly triumphantly.Other he can not compare with Li Feng, but in the time with Xiao Lingya, he has a great advantage.

"Oh." Li Feng pitifully looked at Xia Hongzhi and sighed in silence: "forget it, you'd better not have this idea, or I will abuse you and doubt life."

"You Although Xia Hongzhi was ashamed and indignant, he could not find any reason to refute it for a moment. He could only stand there alone and sulk.

"Ha ha, you can compare with me." Bai Luofeng laughs and says with confidence.

"No, no interest, no need to compare." Li Feng rolled his eyes and said without good breath.

Damn, Dutchman, who, when you see him, you have to compare with him. What obligation does he have to compare with these people?

Bai Luofeng frowned slightly, and then said with a sneer, "I don't think you are not interested in it. You dare not compare it!"

"Whatever you think." Li Feng shook his head and then looked at Xiao Lingya: "are you familiar with this resort? Take me around. "

Li Feng's reaction exceeded Xiao Lingya's expectation, which left her at a loss how to answer.

Li Feng is jealous of Bai Luofeng for her sake? Why did he not react at all? This is so unscientific!

At this time, Bai Luofeng stopped Xiao Lingya and said with a sneer: "what man is it to escape all the time? Sister Lingya, your family is a little lacking in vision. They even chose such a man to be your future husband. "

Li Feng's eyes were cold and sneered, "do you believe I'll beat you to death again?"

"Oh?" Bai Luofeng eyebrow tip a pick, disdain way: "depend on you? Do you think it's better for you to give me more than one blow to save yourself from embarrassment? "

"Well, I really fell in love with Ling Ya's sister at first sight. For her happiness, I'd like to take out an immortal fruit that can prolong her life as a bet. If you win this fairy fruit, it's yours. If you lose, you'll leave xiaolingya, OK?"

While talking, bailuofeng took out a whole body Jasper fruit from his arms.

See this fruit moment, Li Feng was stunned, this is not he and Shen Zixuan had eaten Jasper fruit?!

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