Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 760

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Xiao Lingya (1)"

"mission objective: to rescue the goddess Xiao Lingya from Bai Luofeng, a member of the demon sect, to ensure the safety of the goddess Xiao Lingya. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 2 million exp, 10 million system points, 20 conquest points."

Li Feng:

It's not This task is actually related to Xiao Lingya? And it is the members of the evil sect who threaten Xiao Lingya?

To be honest, Li Feng doesn't want to save Xiao Lingya. This woman is not like Xiao Lingfei and Jiang Mengyao. Xiao Lingya is pure on the surface, but a white lotus flower in fact.

Unless it can be completely normal clothes, or it may be sold by her.

Li Feng is too lazy to waste energy on such women.

It's just that since the system has released the task, if he doesn't, he will lose 20 million system points in vain

"Forget it, just to earn experience and points."

Li Feng shook his head, and then through the system to determine the location of Xiao Lingya, got up and walked to the bathroom of the waiting hall, and used space transmission technology.

FEIA resort, racetrack gate.

"When you have a chance, he is not in Shangjing now."

Pondering a little, Xiao Lingya said with a smile.

Bai Luofeng is a super potential stock, Li Feng is a super high-quality stock, both of which she wants to hang, the best can be used for her.

In that case, you can't let two people meet!

Bai Luofeng's eyes flashed and said with a smile: "is it? That would be a pity. "

In fact, he doesn't feel a pity at all. His purpose is not to marry Xiao Lingya

"Well." Xiao Lingya smiles sweetly and then says, "where is Mr. Bai from?"

"I'm of Chinese origin, but I'm not Chinese. My ancestors went to Malaysia 100 years ago, and this time I'm here for a holiday." Said Baron with a smile.

"Oh?" Xiao Ling Fei showed her eyebrows and said curiously, "is Mr. Bai's family of ancient martial arts? To be honest with Mr. Bai, the Xiao family is also an ancient Wu family... "

Now she finally understood why she had never heard of the Bai family. Then the question came. Was the Bai family a member of the ancient Wu family? Or did Bai Luofeng learn his martial arts from other places?

"Really?" Bai Luofeng's eyes brightened and said with a smile, "our Bai family is also a martial arts family. My grandfather is still a semi God medium-term strong man."

Hearing this, Xiao Lingya's eyes are bright and her smile is strong.

There are some strong people in the family who are in the middle of the demigod period. Just because of this, the Bai family can be comparable to the Xiao family. Besides, the Xiao family is just in a great deal of vitality. If we can get the help of the Bai family

Think of here, Xiao Lingya more and more firmly hang the idea of bailuofeng.

On the other hand, Xia Hongzhi and others said:

What kind of thing? Wool semi God mid strong? Why they don't understand at all!

"That Lingya, what are you talking about A female classmate finally couldn't help asking curiously.

"Nothing. You'd better not know these things." Xiao Lingya smiles at her without too much explanation.

It's not that Xiao Lingya despises them, but it's useless to say more.

They are not people of the same world. They can only talk about the past together. They can't talk about more in-depth things. Talking about them will cause trouble to them.

Looking at Xiao Lingya and Bai Luofeng chatting happily, Xia Hongzhi clenched his fists, and his expression on his face was not willing, and he was a bit at a loss.

Although Xiao Lingya refused him before, she gave him a little hope, but after Bai Luofeng appeared, Xiao Lingya didn't laugh at him again and almost ignored him.

What makes Xia Hongzhi despair is his own psychological changes.

Previously, in Xia Hongzhi's opinion, Xiao Lingya is a woman he can catch up with through hard work. After knowing that FEIA resort is the Xiaos' asset, Xia Hongzhi felt a lot of pressure.

Now, after the words such as the strong man of martial arts and the ancient Wu family he had never heard of came out of Xiao Lingya's mouth, Xia Hongzhi felt that Xiao Lingya was out of reach.

"Don't you know, Mr. White? This resort is the property of my family. I asked the manager of the resort to give Mr. Bai a VIP card. In the future, Mr. Bai will not only be free of charge, but also get the most noble service. "

Xiao Lingya turns her head and continues to chat with Bai Luo fengre.

"Really? Thank you very much, sister Lingya. "

Bai Luofeng also does not refuse, smile to accept Xiao Lingya's good intentions.

Hearing this, Xia Hongzhi became more jealous.

Shit, he has been here for such a long time. Xiao Lingya didn't mention giving him a card. Should we treat him differently? Should we be so obvious?!

The other students looked at each other with the same loss in their hearts

Xiao Lingya didn't care about their feelings. At the moment, she continued to tell Bai Luofeng, "I just saw Mr. Bai's riding skills are very good. Why don't we have a race?"Bai Luofeng's eyes brightened: "yes."

While talking, they walked to the racetrack side by side.

Just as they were about to walk into the racetrack, a young man in white sportswear came from the distance. It was Li Feng who was directly transmitted from space!

"Wow, look over there. That boy is so handsome!"

A female classmate saw Li Feng and couldn't help lowering her voice and exclaiming.

Other female students turned to look around, and were immediately attracted by Li Feng's beauty: "it's really handsome. Ah, it's also very expensive. Which big star is he?"

"It should not be a star. How can a star travel alone?" Said a female classmate from the perennial rice circle.

Their discussion attracted Xiao Lingya's attention, and then she stopped to look around.

See the moment of Li Feng, Xiao Lingya on the spot!

Bai Luofeng noticed something was wrong and turned to see Li Feng. At the moment he saw Li Feng, he frowned slightly.

Li Si felt the threat from his mind.

He was a powerful man in his later period. In addition to the demons in the clan, other people of his age were not worth his fear. What's more, he didn't feel the breath fluctuation from each other.

But Xiao Lingya looks at each other strangely

"Sister Lingya, do you know this man?" Asked baron.

Xiao Lingya's face changed several times, and finally she said in a complicated tone: "he is the object arranged by my family."

She really didn't expect the Li summit to appear here. Whether it was coincidence or other reasons, her original intention was defeated.

As soon as this was said, the faces of Xia Hongzhi and others changed.

I'll go. So this is the blind date arranged by Xiao Ling Fei's family? It seems to be a good match for Xiao Lingya

"Ah, bah, it's a good match for wool. I'm the best match for Lingya!"

Xia Hongzhi snorted coldly, and his fighting spirit revived in his eyes.

Bai Luofeng raised his eyebrows and then said with a smile, "is that right? Then I'll just be able to compete with him

Xiao Lingya smiles shyly, nods and doesn't speak any more.

Fight for her? She likes it, at least!

At this time, Li Feng also saw Xiao Lingya. He first picked his eyebrows and then walked quickly to this side.

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