Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 757

The next morning.

After dressing up, Ren Xiaolei went to the sofa and kicked Li Feng, who was sleeping on the sofa, barefoot: "wake up, the sun has reached the split."

Li Feng opened his drowsy eyes and said, "ah? Is it so late? "

"Yes, it's 10 o'clock in the morning. You can really sleep." Ren Xiaolei yawned and said sarcastically.

Li Feng had no choice but to smile. He got up and said, "it was a little late last night."

"Cut..." Ren Xiaolei curled her mouth and said with a face of displeasure: "that is, no outsider is here, or I don't know how to think of others."

Li Feng touched his nose without making a sound.

After Ren Xiaolei knocked on the door last night, Li Feng thought about it for a while and then opened the door. After all, it was Xiao Lingfei's mother-in-law. It was just a small matter that she wanted to come here to take a shower. If Li Feng didn't open the door, it would be too wary of her.

It's just that the development direction of the next thing exceeded Li Feng's expectation Ren Xiaolei stayed here after taking a bath!

He said that he was too tired after taking a bath and occupied his bed directly

Li Feng said that she was speechless, and then wanted to go to sleep next door through Ren Xiaolei's gate card. However, Ren Xiaolei said that she was afraid of herself and insisted on letting Li Feng stay.

At that time, Li Feng used to do some research Yes.

I'll go, please. You're the best one to enter the holy peak. Even if you come in at midnight, you don't have to be afraid of it. If you lie so much, you don't have any technical content!

Finally, Li Feng couldn't resist Ren Xiaolei, so he ran to the sofa and fell asleep. Of course, the door between the bedroom and the living room was always open

When he was lying on the sofa, it was more than three o'clock in the morning, so Li Feng said that there was no problem in tossing around late.

"Isn't my mother attractive to you at all?"

At this time, Ren Xiaolei asked with a displeased face.

"Ah?" Li Feng mouth slightly open, a face blankly said: "no, why does aunt have this idea?"

"Shit, I didn't close the bedroom door all night, but you were sleeping on the sofa like a dead pig. It's not that attractive to you. What is it?"

Ren Xiaolei stepped on the sofa with her right foot on her hips and leaned forward slightly with a cold face.

Li Feng leaned back and said with a smile, "Auntie, you must be joking with me? You are Ling Fei's mother... "

Ren Xiaolei raised her eyebrows and stared at Li Feng for a long time. Finally, she patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said with a satisfied smile: "it's my son-in-law. You have successfully completed my test for you."

Li Feng:

What? Love you drove so fast before to test me? no

"Why, don't you believe it?" Ren Xiaolei's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her face was unhappy.

"No, no, absolutely not." Li Feng repeatedly waved his hands, and then used the mind reading skill to Ren Xiaolei: "Auntie, is all this really just a test?"

Ren Xiaolei flashed a flurry color in her eyes, then picked her chin and asked, "otherwise?"

What she didn't know was that the real idea in her heart had been known by Li Feng at that moment.

"It's not a test, it's true. I'll go Isn't it? "

Li Feng was shocked in his heart and was at a loss for a moment.

At this time, Ren Xiaolei has straightened up, turned and walked back to the bedroom.

I don't know why, Li Feng is a little disappointed

Tangled, Li Feng is really tangled, Ren Xiaolei no charm? No, Ren Xiaolei's charm is no less than Wei Bingqing and Xiao Lingfei.

But Ren Xiaolei's identity is too special, which makes Li Feng dare not have any ideas about her. Even if it has, she should kill her before it affects her!

It's just that sometimes the more people don't want to think about something, the more they will think about it. Even if Li Feng is a semi divine strong man, he can't escape from the common customs.

In Li Feng's wild thoughts, Ren Xiaolei returned to the living room. At this time, her expression had returned to calm: "hurry up, and then go to have brunch."

Li Feng nodded in silence and soon finished washing.

Tangle it up. Anyway, he is going back to the Pearl today. I don't think he will have a chance to get along with Ren Xiaolei alone in the future. Let these emotions be strangled in the cradle

"Auntie, take a look at these things and take whatever you like."

In addition to gold and crystal stones, Li Feng took out those items in Wei Bin's and Qiu Biao's storage ring and put them on the ground: "I have some gold and crystal stones here. If my aunt likes it, I will send them to you when you settle down."

The gold is very heavy. The two piles add up to nearly 40 tons. It is possible to take out all the gold and directly crush the floor.

As for the crystal stone Li Feng weighed it over, and the weight of the same volume of diamonds is about the same. The two piles together weigh 7 or 8 tons.

In order to avoid trouble, Li Feng didn't take it out.

Ren Xiaolei's eyes flashed and whispered: "you are really willing to let me choose."Originally she thought Li Feng was saying a scene sentence casually, but now she found out that Li Feng was serious.

"It's yours. It's mine." Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

Ren Xiaolei blurted out: "are you mine?"

Li Feng's mouth opened slightly: "I..."

However, Ren Xiaolei didn't wait for him to talk, so he changed the topic and said, "these jewelry are good. I'll take them. These Tiancai Dibao I don't know the efficacy. Why don't you give it to you first, and then introduce it to me after you know its function, and then let me choose it? "

Li Feng sighed and agreed with a smile.

After Ren Xiaolei collected the selected jewelry, she said, "Li Feng, if I have a chance, I would like to ask you to do something for me."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "what is it?"

"Help me unify Jiuyou sect and lead them to the right path." Ren Xiaolei pondered a little and said.

Li Feng:

It's not How can you feel confident that I have the ability to unify Jiuyou sect. There are nine semi divine elders in Jiuyou sect. Although he has killed two of them, there are still seven left!

Besides, even if he had the ability to defeat all the remaining seven elders, he could not lead them to the right path.

There is a saying that it is easy to change the nature of the people, and the temporary shock is not enough to change the nature of those people!

When Li Feng thought about how to skillfully refuse Ren Xiaolei's request, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Do you want to check it now?"

Li Feng frowned slightly: "check it out!"

"Mission: the wish of the goddess Ren Xiaolei."

"Mission objective: to help the goddess Ren Xiaolei unify the Jiuyou sect, and lead the Jiuyou sect to the right path and become a just teacher for maintaining world peace. If the mission fails, 100 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 10 million exp, 50 million system points, 100 conquest points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng fell into a state of muddle.

I go, even the system has been released tasks, and the punishment for failure is so serious It seems that he has to promise it.

Li Feng sighed and quit the system and said, "OK, I promise you."

Ren Xiaolei jumped from the spot excitedly: "Yeah, I knew that my son-in-law would not let me down

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