Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 756

Ren Deyuan can feel Xiao Ran's fear of Li Feng through the phone!

Lie trough, Li Feng on earth to Xiao ran did what crazy things, Xiao ran will be scared into such ah!

However, Xiao Ran's attitude proved that even the Xiao family did not dare to provoke Li Feng.

At this moment, Ren Deyuan wants to cry without tears!

"Grandfather, what does the Xiao family master say?"

Ren Chongxuan asked with expectation.

Now he is eager to hear that the Xiao family agrees to help them deal with Li Feng. It's better for Xiao family to send someone to come here and force Li Feng to kneel down to beg for mercy!

"What do you say?"

Ren Deyuan took a look at Ren Chongxuan, and then roared: "how do you say it? I'll kill you a black sheep!"

The voice falls to the ground, Ren Deyuan picks up the palm to Ren Chongxuan's face.

"Pa", "pa", "pa"

Ren Deyuan is a real fire, every slap is firmly on Ren Chongxuan's face. If it wasn't for his reason and true spirit, Ren Chongxuan's head would have to be rotten!

Nevertheless, Ren Chongxuan was still beaten into a pig's head, even if he came, he could not recognize him.

Ren Deyuan was furious. Even Ren Hai and Ren Dezhu did not dare to dissuade him. He could only watch Ren Chongxuan get slapped in the face.

Finally, when Ren Deyuan finished fighting, Ren Chongxuan asked with a sad face: "grandfather, why did you hit me?"

"Why, because you have offended Li Shao!"

Ren Deyuan scolded, then kowtow to Li Feng and begged for mercy: "Li Shao, this is our Ren family's wrong, we are willing to compensate Li Shao's loss."

"Oh? How much do you intend to pay? " Li Feng asked.

"According to the 20 billion you just said, but we don't have so much cash, we can only take out 10 billion at present. However, Li Shao can rest assured that I will change the seller's property in the shortest time and give the remaining 10 billion to Li Shao, and ask him to give us some time."

Ren Deyuan said with heartache and liver trembling.

Hearing this, Ren Dezhu and others know that Li Feng is not bragging. He is really not afraid of the Xiao family.

Although Ren's family is rich, he almost drained his family's wealth by paying 20 billion. If the Xiao family can hold Li Feng down, how can Ren Deyuan be willing to pay Li Feng 20 billion?

At this moment, Ren Chongxuan regrets that if he did not provoke Li Feng, there would be no such things?

It's all due to Han Chen. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have offended Li Feng. Then I would have done Han Chen!

When Ren Chongxuan and others repented, Li Feng said with a smile: "you made the most correct decision tonight. This is my card number. Remember to give me the money. If you play me The consequences will be serious. "

After that, Li Feng wrote the card number on a piece of paper and put it on the table. Then he stood up and said, "Auntie, let's go?"

Ren Xiaolei stretched out her hand gracefully: "pull me up."

Li Feng was very satisfied with her performance just now. Being soft hearted can't make a big deal. Only by being hot in time can we frighten the enemy.

Li Feng smiles, takes Ren Xiaolei's hand, pulls her from the sofa, and then walks out in the frightened eyes of Ren's family.

When she passed by Ren Chongxuan, Ren Xiaolei suddenly kicked Ren Chongxuan's abdomen and kicked him out.

Then Ren Xiaolei revealed the breath of entering the holy peak and said in a cold voice: "if you dare to see a woman who is not interested in you again, I will dig your eyes out!"

Put down this cruel words, Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm and walked out, leaving behind the petrified crowd.

Lying trough, originally thought a Li Feng is very terrible, did not expect this woman is also stronger than them superior, today Ren Jia really kicks to the super big iron plate!

Out of the bar, Ren Xiaolei stretched out a big stretch, which said: "today is very happy, for a long time have not been so happy, really very happy."

Three consecutive sentences of "very happy" are enough to show how happy Ren Xiaolei is.

Li Feng said with a smile: "the most important thing for people to live is to be happy, happy is also a day, unhappy is also a day, of course, to be happy is good."

Ren Xiaolei gave him a blank look and said in a complicated tone: "it's easy to say, but when you grow up, it's hard to be happy again..."

Li Feng was silent.

There is a saying that good, easy to live, easy to live, not easy to live.

Sometimes, happiness has nothing to do with status or money. What is related to happiness is who you are with and what you do.

"No, it's still early. Where are we going to play next?" Ren Xiaolei smiles again and says.

Li Feng:

What is it? It's still early. It's more than one o'clock in the morning, OK!

Seeing Li Feng not talking, Ren Xiaolei's face showed a shy color: "you should not want to..."

Li Feng drew from the corner of his mouth Auntie, don't do this. I'm afraidRen Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and sneered, "what are you afraid of? Can I eat you?"

Li Feng nodded, and then shook his head: "no, I'm afraid that your bad rest will affect your complexion. You can go to bed early and get up early to be beautiful."

"I can talk." Ren Xiaolei laughed and then sighed: "it's really late. Let's go to which hotel."

Li Feng didn't think Ren Xiaolei was driving this time. He thought seriously: "find one near here."

It's very prosperous here. There should be many star hotels.

Ren Xiaolei nodded and took Li Feng's arm to the distance.

Soon, they found a five-star hotel and went to the front desk to open a room.

"Welcome How many rooms would you like to open The front desk girl was stunned by the beauty of Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei for a moment. It was inevitable that she would be stuck.

"Well, shouldn't your lines have only one room?" Ren Xiaolei winked at the front desk girl.

Front desk girl:

Li Feng:

It's not What kind of lines are just one room, what do you mean!

"Cough up, liven up the atmosphere. Why do you look at me like this?" Ren Xiaolei said with a dry smile.

"Ma'am, you are really Humor. " Front desk girl mouth a draw, squeeze out a smile to say.

"Two suites. It doesn't matter if it's not next door." At this time, Li Feng said.

He is really afraid of Ren Xiaolei, and then suddenly speed up to 120, he is afraid of making mistakes!

Now he just wants to open the room early and go back to the Pearl in the morning.

"Not next door?" Ren Xiaolei turned her head and laughed at Li Feng, then stretched out her hand to pinch the meat on his waist and twisted it fiercely.

"Hiss!" Li Feng couldn't help but take a breath. He said to the front desk girl, "it's better to be next door."

The face of the front desk girl was stunned and forced to open two adjacent rooms for two people.

As they left, the front desk girl said to herself, "these two people What a strange relationship... "

When he came to the room and closed the door, Li Feng leaned against the door to breathe.

Ah, it's a hard time to get along with Ren Xiaolei!

Next, Li Feng cleaned up and was ready to have a rest. But at this time, a knock on the door suddenly rang out: "Li Feng, the shower head in my room is broken, please borrow the one in your room."

Li Feng:

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