Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 758

"Lingya, is this resort really owned by your family? How wonderful

"If it hadn't been for Xia Hongzhi's meeting with our classmates, I don't know how long you would have kept it from us if you were Bai Fumei."

"Yes, yes, I thought you had a special temperament for a long time. I didn't expect that your family was so rich."

A dozen young men and women walk along a forest path in the FEIA resort in the suburb of Shangjing.

Xiao Lingya, dressed in a white sportswear, took the lead, surrounded by several beautiful women dressed in fashion on both sides.

Behind them, a young man in a white suit looks a little gloomy, and there are also several fashionable young men around him.

He is Xia Hongzhi, a young man in the city of Dijin next door. He and Xiao Lingya are classmates of Shangjing University. He has been pursuing Xiao Lingya since the University.

After graduation, Xia Hongzhi has been actively contacting Xiao Lingya. Although Xiao Lingya didn't show that she liked him, she did not break the contact with him.

Even sometimes Xiao Lingya seems to show some concern for him, which makes Xia Hongzhi fall deeper and deeper.

Finally, taking advantage of everyone's free time on labor day, Xia Hongzhi organized a gathering of classmates, and the place of the gathering was selected in Feiya resort.

The resort has racecourse, golf course, swimming pool, roller coaster and other entertainment facilities. If you are tired, you can go to the five-star hotel in the resort for rest.

After enough rest, you can also steam a sauna inside, sing K with friends, and when you are hungry, you can taste delicious food from all over the world.

FEIA resort is such a place for people to experience all kinds of recreational activities in a one-stop manner. Of course, the cost of a visit here is very high, with thousands or even tens of thousands per capita.

It attracts tourists from all over the country, and its ability to attract money is amazing. However, the boss behind it is very mysterious and has never been picked out.

But in any case, to build a resort of such scale in Shangjing, its energy is absolutely beyond imagination, at least not comparable to Xia Hongzhi's family.

Xia Hongzhi's father is a local real estate developer in Dijin City, with an asset of nearly 10 billion yuan.

Xia Hongzhi wanted to take this opportunity to show his strength and capture Xiao Lingya's heart. However, he didn't want to take Xiao Lingya and other people into the resort. The manager of the resort welcomed her and called Xiao Lingya a big miss!

At that time, Xia Hongzhi and others were shocked!

However, what makes them even more shocked is still behind. Xiao Lingya smiles and says that their consumption here today is free of charge and has no upper limit!

During school, Xiao Ling Fei did not show such strength. People only thought that her family was pretty good, but they didn't expect it to be so good!

"Well, this resort was specially built by my father for me, and it was put under my name after I graduated from university."

Xiao Lingya said with a faint smile.

"My God..."

"How wonderful!"

The female students covered their mouths and exclaimed.

Xia Hongzhi and others were equally shocked.

Then, Xia Hongzhi winked at a female classmate, and the girl said, "you are super Bai Fumei, Xia Hongzhi is super Gao Fu Shuai. You two really match each other. When will you invite us to have candy?"

Xia Hongzhi laughs at the side, but he is very nervous.

What answer will Xiao Lingya give? Is it to avoid talking about it, or is she coquettish?

"Liu Jing, you mustn't say that. Xia Hongzhi and I are classmates. There is no possibility of being together."

Xiao Ling Fei faintly smiles and says slowly.

Xia Hongzhi was shocked, and his face was pale: "Lingya, is it that I am not good enough? You say, I change, I change all! "

The other students looked at each other, and they knew how attached Xia Hongzhi was to Xiao Lingya. At this moment, they all felt sorry for Xia Hongzhi.

"It's not that you are bad, but my family has arranged a blind date for me, which is hard to disobey."

Xiao Lingya said with a light smile.

Xia Hongzhi was stunned at first, and then returned to hope on his face: "Ling ya, give me a chance to meet my uncle. I believe I can make my uncle change his mind!"

Xiao Lingya's face was moved and then sighed: "forget it, my father is not so easy to be convinced..."

"I can, please believe me!" Xia Hongzhi doesn't want to give up.

He can see from Xiao Lingya's words that she has a little interest in himself, but because of family reasons, she can't further develop with him.

Can he give up because of this small setback? Cliff can't! He must work hard and try again, for the future happiness!

"This..." And then she said, "she hesitated to bite her face."

He didn't refuse clearly, and he didn't say that he could, but this sentence restored Xia Hongzhi's confidence to continue pursuing!What white lotus and green tea watch, in front of Xiao Lingya are weak burst, her way of playing with people's heart is really superb.

It points out that there is no possibility between her and Xia Hongzhi, and does not let Xia Hongzhi lose hope completely and hang Xia Hongzhi to death!

After a brief silence, the atmosphere was restored, and people began to talk and laugh again. Xia Hongzhi tried his best to make everyone happy. Of course Mainly to express themselves.

According to the plan, they first go to the racetrack to ride a horse, then go to play golf, and then choose what to play according to their mood.

Just when they came to the racetrack, a young man who was riding saw Xiao Lingya, and suddenly his eyes flashed a line of confusion.

The man was dressed in a black equestrian suit, with a big build and a rough look.

I saw that he laughed and jumped directly from the galloping steed, and a few arched steps rushed to Xiao Lingya.

"Beauty, I'm in love with you. Be my woman."

While speaking, the man will reach out to catch Xiao Lingya.

Xiaoling elegant eyebrows wrinkled slightly, back a trace.

However, the other side had already expected that she would step back in general and took her into his arms like lightning.

This sudden scene made Xia Hongzhi and others on the spot!

Then Xia Hongzhi rushed forward to rescue Xiao Lingya from the other party's hands: "who are you? Don't touch Lingya!"

The man looked at Xia Hongzhi and held out a finger contemptuously.


with a dull sound, Xia Hongzhi directly flies out and falls in the distance, just like being hit by a speeding car!

Others could not help but turn pale and frightened.

A man of a hundred or ten pounds is flying with one finger? This is a movie!

What's more frightening is Xiao Lingya. She has stepped into the extraordinary state, but she is so easily controlled by the other party and can't get rid of it. What is the other party's state?

At a time when people were scared, a young man flew out of the racetrack.

The man was dressed in a white equestrian suit, with a handsome face and upright posture. He called out from a distance, "asshole, let go of that girl!"

The moment the voice landed, the man rushed to the public!

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