Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 755

Ren Chongxuan's mouth is wide open and his face is muddled!

It's not He just said it casually. Why did it go out? My grandfather must be teasing him on purpose?

In this way, Ren Chongxuan turned his head and looked at Ren Deyuan.

"Dad, don't make fun of Chongxuan at this time?" Ren Hai also thought Ren Deyuan was joking with Ren Chongxuan, so he couldn't help laughing.

Ren Deyuan:

Shentemo is joking. Do you think my expression looks like Temo joking?

Just now he felt a strong force suddenly surrounded him from all directions and forced his breath back into his body!

This is the first time he has encountered this situation, so he is a little confused about the situation.

Does it have something to do with Li Feng's just a distant grip, or It was just an accident?

"Or Try again? "

Ren took a deep breath and released it again.

The moment he felt the breath, Ren Chongxuan and others were relieved. But before they relaxed for long, Li Feng held out his hand again.


goes out again

Let's all take a breath!

Lying in the trough, a grip between the air and a strong man's breath in the later period of entering the holy land is pressed back? Why am I so distrustful!

Coincidence, it must be coincidence!

"Damn it, I don't believe you have that ability!"

Ren dewu, the second in the list, roared and released his breath.

The old three Ren Dezhu also roared, releasing the breath of entering the holy period.

The eldest Ren Deyuan raised his eyebrows and summoned up his courage to release his breath again.

All of a sudden, the three violent atmosphere in the private room!

Ren Hai, Ren Chongxuan and others are excited again. Do you see that a family has three saints? This is the inside story of Ren family!

In the mountain city, Ren family is a well deserved luxury!

Ren Jianiu

"Poof" "poof" "poof"

for three consecutive times, the violent breath in the box disappeared instantly.

…… Approve?

At this moment, all the people of Ren's family, who were full of pride before, became rigid sculptures and were silly on the spot.

"Over and over again, isn't it? What's the best way to be a saint? You two or three feel invincible, don't you? Kneel down for me

Li Feng snorted coldly, raised his hand to press down!


an invisible force appeared and directly pressed on Ren's family.

Ren Deyuan and others did not have time to respond, so they felt that a huge force of ten thousand jin was pressing on their bodies, and they were lying on the ground!


A series of muffled noises came, and the floor was paved with precious wood floors, which were cracked by the knees of Ren Deyuan and others. Where they knelt, the floor was smashed to pieces!

At this moment, Ren Chongxuan's friends and friends are like seeing the weird in the daytime. They are stunned and dare not breathe!

Ren Chongxuan and others are like thunderbolt, terrified!

At this moment, they knew that Li Feng's breath was real, not an accident, not an illusion!

Li Feng's realm has been beyond their imagination, at least the supreme realm!

"Before Senior, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Please don't get angry. We have something to say. "

Ren Deyuan pale, voice trembling said.

Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile: "misunderstanding? No, you just wanted me to pay 10 billion. "

"Master, I don't know Taishan well. I don't know how powerful I am. Please forgive us this time because there are a lot of them."

Ren Deyuan's intestines are almost regretful. The problem that could have been solved by 1 billion yuan now needs 10 billion yuan. Moreover, whether they can live depends on Li Feng's mood.

Young life!

"I think I can spare you, but if you want to increase the interest, one hundred million yuan per person, a total of 11 billion yuan. If you give money, you can leave. If you don't give or give less, you can consider the consequences yourself."

Li Feng cocked his legs and said with a smile.

Ren Deyuan's face changed several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "master, our Ren family is an affiliated family of the Xiao family. Please don't ask for a little more in the face of the Xiao family."

It's not that they can't take out 11 billion yuan, but it's bloodletting for Ren's family. If they take out these money, Ren's vitality will be greatly damaged.

In the final analysis, Ren Deyuan is still reluctant to give up his present glory and wealth. After a long time of money, who would like to live in poverty again.

Of course, poverty here is relative

Ren Chongxuan can't wait to say: "yes, master, our Ren family has always been highly valued by the Xiao family. If the elder insists on making trouble for us, the Xiao family will not be happy to learn about this."

Ren Chongxuan is a good counsel on the surface, but it is a hidden threat."Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, smile not smile: "which Xiao family?"

Ren Deyuan's face is proud and proud. He arched his hand at Shangjing and said, "naturally, it's Xiao's family in Shangjing."

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "so you are talking about the Xiao family..."

Ren Deyuan's eyes flashed with scorn: "it seems that the elder has heard of the name of the Xiao family in Shangjing. In this case, shall we discuss this matter again?"

In the eyes of Ren's family, the Xiao family is the top family. Everyone in the ancient Chinese martial arts world should give the Xiao family some face.

Although Li Feng is strong, he does not dare to brush the tiger whiskers of the Xiao family!

Li Feng pondered with a smile: "good to say, since you are familiar with the Xiao family, the compensation amount will rise to 20 billion."

Ren Deyuan:

Ren Chongxuan:


It's not They heard it correctly. They moved the Xiao family out. How can the compensation amount rise instead of falling?

"Master, do you think there is any misunderstanding in this? The Xiao family is a top-level ancient martial arts family..." Ren Deyuan took a deep breath and said with an ugly face.

"So I'm afraid of them? Even if Xiao Zhen, the ancestor of the Xiao family, is here, I would say so. If you want to crush me with the Xiao family, how dare you

Li Feng beat the table, an invisible momentum rushed to Ren Deyuan and others.

Puff, puff, puff

Ren Deyuan and others only felt that the five Zang Fu organs were shaking, Qi Qi spit out a mouthful of blood!

Then, Li Feng sneered: "call the Xiao family and tell them that you have provoked Li Feng and see how they say it!"

Ren Deyuan's heart was shocked, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call Xiao ran.

Some time ago, the Xiao family released news that Xiao Yu was closed and the position of the master of the house was passed on to Xiao ran.

The phone rang for a long time and finally got through. Ren Deyuan lowered his voice and said respectfully: "master Xiao, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late Well, I'm in trouble here, and I've got an elder named Li Feng. "

"Li Feng?! Are you sure you want to call Li Feng? " Xiao Ran's frightened voice came over the phone.

Hearing this, Ren Deyuan's heart sank: "yes It's Li Feng. He looks like he's in his early twenties... "

"Shit, you've got to make trouble with this little ancestor. To tell you the truth, no matter what he asks, you must promise him. If you can't do it, you can wait for the end of the game!"

"And In the future, our Xiao family has nothing to do with your Ren family. Don't call me again! "

After that, Xiao ran hung up the phone.

Ren Deyuan:

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