Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 754

At the moment when Ren Deyuan twisted the documents into pieces, the private room fell into a short silence.

Then, Ren Chongxuan looked up to the sky and laughed: "ha ha, boy, now there is no written evidence. What else do you have to say?"

Ren Chongxuan's friends also gave a thumbs up to Ren Deyuan: "let the old man be domineering!"

"What a piece of shit, just a piece of waste paper!"

"Without written evidence, what evidence do you have to prove that Ren Shao gambled with you?"

"One billion less for blackmail? You're crazy about money

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile way: "so you also plan not to admit account?"

Ren Deyuan turned his hands behind him and said with a sneer: "what account do you recognize? What kind of recognition? I'm so ashamed of you to learn how to blackmail at a young age

"Boy, our mountain city Ren family is not a cat and a dog can bully. If you are sensible, you should make an apology to my son, or I will blow you up with one blow!" Ren Chongxuan's father Ren Hai said with a grim smile.

Li Feng took a look at Ren Hai, shook his head and said with a smile: "no wonder Ren Chongxuan is so brainless. It turns out that it's heredity and insight."

On one side, Ren Xiaolei covered her mouth and said with a smile: "grandson has no brain, father has no brain, all because grandfather has no brain. This is the legendary upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked?"

"Er Is that why the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked? " Li Feng is a bit confused.

"Otherwise?" Ren Xiaolei snorted coldly and said, "don't say it's wrong!"

Li Feng touched his nose and nodded in silence.

Although Ren Xiaolei is not young, her psychological age is still a little girl

Ren Deyuan:

Ren Hai:

Ren Chongxuan:

It's not Do you want to be so impersonal flirting ah, so ignore us really good?

"Arrogant, too arrogant!"

"Big brother, this boy is not a good bird when he looks at this woman. Let's not talk so much nonsense with them and kill them directly!"

"I'm tired of living against our family in the mountain city!"

Ren's family members are eager to try.

Ren Deyuan waved his hand: "Hey, don't be so irascible. It's a new era. We can't do things like before. We should learn to reason."

"Big brother, how can we reason with him?"

"He also talks about wool. He blackmailed us for more than one billion yuan. I have never seen such a arrogant boy in my life!"

Ren's family, you talk to me, it seems like you want to kill Li Feng quickly.

"Don't be so anxious. I don't think this little friend is unreasonable. As long as we speak well, we can definitely explain the truth to him."

Ren Deyuan smiles slightly, Cheng Zhu says in the grip.

Although people in Ren's family are puzzled, Ren Deyuan is the owner of the family. Since he said so, other people can't express different opinions.

"Little friend, your blackmail of Chongxuan's billion yuan is actually very easy to solve. Do you want to listen to it?"

Ren De said in the old God.

Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and said with a smile: "this old man is so interesting. Why don't we listen to him?"

Li Feng sighed: "then listen to it."

Ren Xiaolei is obviously not addicted to drama. If Ren Deyuan and others are solved in this way, Ren Xiaolei will be disappointed.

Moreover, he was also very unhappy with Ren Deyuan's behavior just now, although he also felt that this document was useless

"Very simple, you compensate Chongxuan 10 billion, I think this matter did not happen."

"Of course, 10 billion yuan is not a small amount after all. You two can sign a deep sale contract and work for our Ren family from now on. In 20 years' time, I will give you two freedom. How about that?"

Ren Deyuan said with a smile.

"Big brother, you are so kind. If I were to kill them directly."

"If you work for us for 20 years, you can earn 10 billion yuan. Where can you find such a good business?"

"Although some of them are cheap, our Ren family has always been convinced by virtue. It is also in line with our Ren family's tradition to do so."

"Don't you two kowtow and thank you?"

Ren's family all have a voice, a pair of cheap Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei's appearance.

Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows, rolled up her sleeves and said, "Hey, I'm so angry!"

Although she had known for a long time that Ren Deyuan could not spit Ivory out of his mouth, she did not expect him to make such a shameless offer.

"Auntie, please don't be impatient." Li Feng quickly pressed her down, then looked at Ren Deyuan: "old friend, I also have a solution, do you want to listen to it?"

"Oh?" Ren Deyuan's eyes flashed: "you say."

"There are 10 people in total. Each person's life money is 1 billion yuan. If you hand over 10 billion yuan, I will spare you from death.""Of course, 10 billion is not a small amount. If you don't have money I won't let you work for me, because you don't even have the qualification to be my staff, so It's Fair for you to choose who you want to die, isn't it? "

With that, Li Feng picked up his glass and tasted the red wine.

On the other hand, Ren Deyuan and others fell into a sluggish state.

Horizontal trough Did they hear that right? This guy is blackmailing them for 10 billion? Eat bear heart leopard gall him!

After a while, Ren Chongxuan pointed to Li Feng's nose and scolded: "boy, my grandfather is merciful and wants to spare your life. You just don't know how to be grateful. He blackmailed us even more. What a bully we are?"

Ren Hai also angrily said: "shit, boy, how dare you blackmail us 10 billion without shame. Did you eat the courage of bear heart leopard?"

"Big brother, don't talk nonsense to him. Just kill him and take that woman home."

"Yes, big brother, this boy is stubborn. He doesn't understand your good intentions. He will talk to him and kill him directly."

Ren family said indignantly, as if Li Feng let them suffer much injustice.

Ren Deyuan took a deep breath and sneered: "boy, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. In this case, you go to hell to repent!"

The voice fell, and a violent breath of the late sainthood burst out on him.

As soon as this breath appeared, Ren Chongxuan's friends and friends screamed and excited.

Ren Chongxuan clenched his fists and said excitedly, "do you see, my grandfather is a strong man in the later period of entering the holy land. What else do you say about the candle fire in the night? Please extinguish it for me."

Just now, Li Feng pressed his breath back into his body, which made Ren Chongxuan deeply hurt. This time, we should make a good mockery of Li Feng.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a strange complexion: "although your request is wonderful, it is because of your strong will I'll satisfy you. "

The voice fell to the ground, and Li Feng held it in a distance.


just like a candle in the night blown out by the wind, Ren Deyuan's breath disappeared.

Ren Deyuan:

Ren Chongxuan:


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